There are two lights, that light my way,
The first from the heavens, on many holds sway,
The second from within, our life force arises,
This is the one, that will turn me to ashes,
Long have we wondered, at where we are going,
The learned have lovingly advised us, to start slowing,
The path before us, is not always clear,
Our loved ones, are not always near,
Where oh where in this uncertainty, do I row my boat,
There is only now where I exist, and my lonesome moat,
The whole universe is given to me, to explore,
It is up to me to light my lamp of inquiry, to restore,
That which was promised to me, when existence arose,
My covenant of wisdom with destiny, is mine alone,
So ask me not in innocence, on where I row my boat,
It is you who have confined me and reduced me, to this moat.
When all else is lost, and I cannot find the shore,
I remember again that hope, I kept, and row to love some more.
Rajiv Kapoor June 2020
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. -Anne Frank, Holocaust diarist (12 Jun 1929-1945)