Lady Liberty’s enlightenment

The Ferry takes the commuters from New Jersey to New York

They pass the Lady Liberty’s enlightenment as she stands tall,

Her flame held high welcoming newcomers into the Golden Door

The commuters are busy with their phones and nobody looks

The flame appears weak to my failing sight and imagination

Looking around I see the towers of Manhattan welcoming workers

Further up the East river the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge appear

We are a diverse crowd and united only in chasing dollars

Lady Liberty attracts me again as if seeking help today

She seems confused by the rising tone of our leaders

Her flame flickers as the message on her tablet fades

Give me your huddled masses yearning to breathe free it reads

Instead give me your White, Christian conservatives new leaders say

She beseeches me as she still steps forth bringing enlightenment

I am a stranger in my adopted home now

What can I offer to bring enlightenment to our land?

Turning my gaze away I understand why people look at phones

There is no community here that cares or helps the needy

We are all strangers in a strange land where bigotry reigns

The Ferry docks and a new day begins for workers again

The dollar is stronger but our souls weaker on Wall Street

The New Colossus” is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote and a part is shown below

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

This entry was posted in Economics, Happiness, Hope, Life is valuable by Rajiv Kapoor. Bookmark the permalink.

About Rajiv Kapoor

Rajiv Kapoor was born in New Delhi. He was educated by the Jesuits at St Xavier’s, and graduated with Honors, from The University of Delhi. Rajiv Kapoor did his MBA in International Business from Penn State and is now settled in the US. He has traveled across most states of India, when he was working on modernization of Rice Mills, and understands their diverse culture and history. This book is a historical fiction, dedicated to his city of birth. His extensive research dives deep into a critical moment, in India’s long history, for his latest Historical Thriller “The Peacock Throne Wars”..

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