Dream silence

With great #Hope for #Self actualization I read the first verse of the Isa upanishad:

īśā vāsyam idaṃ sarvaṃ ¦ yat kiñca jagatyāṃ jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā ¦ mā gṛdhaḥ kasya sviddhanam ||

literal translation (Ralph T.H. Griffith, 1899):

“Enveloped by the Lord must be This All — each thing that moves on earth.
With that renounced enjoy thyself. Covet no wealth of any man.”

It is only in the darkest of nights that you can see a pinpoint of light appear like a bright star. Similarly it is in the quite of meditation that you can hear the roar of the ever expanding universe. It is when you still the heart; that you hear its pounding and the pulsation of our body, as it screams out its existence. As I walked past midnight the sounds of far highways and the activities at the nearby harbor; seemed to suddenly emerge and when you seek silence, is when you hear the most.
So waste the time and do nothing, and suddenly you will find yourself in the midst of all the action. When you still your thoughts; then more will rush in from the far corners, of consciousness. No wonder people will not meditate; as we find it too distracting, and we lose the motivation to seek realization. Consciousness is not in doing something for reward but in being present with the whole universe surrounding us. It is then that we become one with everything and compassion and love flow as everything is one with us.

Singularity in a state of consciousness is a hard state to live in, as we love duality. Us and them, mine and yours, it goes on and on and we stay confused, hurt, hateful and unfulfilled. Watch your breath and stay calm and then the powers of universal knowledge appear and we are swept away with the joy of the creator. He is not separate from us and we are him and he is us, and every single moment becomes eternal.
When you live a moment in time then you have gained eternity itself, as everything is connected. Now is the moment that awareness rises and duality falls away. I seek so I find. Having found then one only has to live with it; as what we gain is not the treasures of possession, but the joy of renunciation. As the Isa Upanishad said and Mahatam Gandhi pointed out “Renounce and enjoy” should be our only mantra for life.
So I will seek the solace of my bed again in this passing night as the body is weary and the mind is restless. I pen these thoughts with an effort for life is fleeting and there is much to say. I am; so the universe exists, and when I sleep the dreams will come again. The past lives on in us and we are attached to the karma of our past; just like the child who smiles in its sleep, remembering the times when it was happy. On awaking it cries; for life demands survival, and all that comes with it.
Thus we cry on as life is suffering; and all we seek, we will never find. I give you eternal life and what will you do with it. Will you continue to look for what you do not have, or will you learn to enjoy all that you already have. It is a conundrum and who is happy and who is unhappy, is only known to the wise. I take a breath and allow consciousness to slip away and yet the mind clings to this maya of appearances, and I cannot sleep. Then I drift into a dream and all is real again.

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About Rajiv Kapoor

Rajiv Kapoor was born in New Delhi. He was educated by the Jesuits at St Xavier’s, and graduated with Honors, from The University of Delhi. Rajiv Kapoor did his MBA in International Business from Penn State and is now settled in the US. He has traveled across most states of India, when he was working on modernization of Rice Mills, and understands their diverse culture and history. This book is a historical fiction, dedicated to his city of birth. His extensive research dives deep into a critical moment, in India’s long history, for his latest Historical Thriller “The Peacock Throne Wars”..

4 thoughts on “Dream silence

  1. Raise your self by your self, says the bhagwad gita…..
    to get to the point of awareness of “who am i?” unfolds the mysteries.
    Understanding with intellectual awareness and devotional gratitude must permeate all facets of our life. Every thought, idea, breath, feeling, word and deed must pronounce the divinity of the supreme self.

  2. You picked the Mantra I like the most .
    The message is very instructional , and practical.
    Tap into universal energies to energize your inner power/shakti .
    “Tyuctane Bhunjhtha ” . Enjoy everything with detachment .Be a Lotus flower and do not drown in worldly joys .
    To attain this status , avoid being a vulture , do not be jealous of what others have .
    ( No keeping up with others, no peer pressure, no comparisons, no grabbing what others have).
    ” Sarvey Bhuvantu Sukhinah”
    Shanti,Shanti Shanti…

  3. Shobha and Bina, Thanks for your comments as both of you have touched on what is dear to me; as Isa is everywhere and we must first realize him in ourself, and then only can we take the first step, to tapping the universal energy. The realization of the divinity of the supreme self; leads to shanti not only for oneself, but for the universe and all that has existed and will exist. The creator enjoys everything with renunciation; and we are mere mortals and attach ourselves to his maya of this creation, forgetting that only he is the truth and reality itself.

  4. It is in reality a great and useful piece of info.
    I am glad that you just shared this helpful information with us.
    Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.

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