While the rest of the country is still suffering through the winter cold, here in Los Angeles it was sunny once the sun burned away the morning fog that had rolled in from the bay. Walking along the river I saw a family of dolphins come swimming up from the Pacific Ocean. While the adults were more discreet in the rise and fall of their appearances, the youngster was more excitable and would rise complete out of the water, as they swam up river. The usual sea birds were there and the fisherman were motoring off to their morning outing in their motor boats. The Catalina express had some tourists gawking from the top deck, at the city of Long Beach; as their catamaran pulled out passing under the tall bridge, as I walked under it. It is just another beautiful Sunday and I walked over to the trailers housing the National Health Survey and wondered what the Center for Disease Control is researching now.
Meanwhile in nearby Las Vegas the 2014 Consumer Electronic Show just ended and it highlighted the latest gadgets on display. We now are headed into the new internet of everything; where we will start seeing inventions from wearable tech and smart cars to Internet-connected cookware, lights, baby cams, and more. Things we do not think of normally as connected will now become available on a network like smart street lighting, traffic flows and smart power grids. Technology is moving to drones, personal space flight, driverless cars, social media on steroids and entertainment delivered anywhere and anytime on connected TVs and devices. At the same time privacy and security concerns are everywhere as major retailer’s data bases were hacked and millions of people had their personal information stolen and it is probably being auctioned off to the highest bidder and criminal out there.
Everything is relative as Einstein showed and we need to keep the faith that we are good people and will move into the future with our eyes open. Happiness is not defined by the objects we accumulate during our life time or how much information we accumulate. Joy may come from that music or video we listen to; or any other form of virtual entertainment, which engrosses us and burns away the hours of our lives. We are after all human beings and our life is about experiencing things through our senses. All the descriptions of gourmet food will not feed hunger and watching vaults of gold or shows on the super-rich, do not make us rich. We are social creatures and need to be interactive with others of our species and need to learn knowledge through our own experience.
We need to study Vedanta to really look at the deepest research ever done in human history, into the individual and his relationship with the universe. On Swami Vivekananda’s 151st birth anniversary we should all remember that life is about seeking the true knowledge from our existence. The more we allow ourselves to get entangled in the maya of illusions that engulf us, the harder it is to find the reality behind the veils. I do not know about you but I feel bad, as the dolphins ignored my good vibes and just continued swimming upstream faster than I was walking. Fellow creatures of this universe know more about living, than we as the largest predator on this earth. My advice would be for each of us to look inward; and first learn to live in harmony with ourselves, before we consider becoming the masters of this universe. Life is lived in small everyday moments and nothing and nobody can free us, except our own hopes and experiences.
Category Archives: Technology
Tick-Tock, Tick – who will fix the clock?
“More than one million engineers, for example, about 30 percent of the U.S. industry’s total engineering work force, will be eligible to leave in the next five years, according to a study by Deloitte”
Boeings decision to build the new wide body jets 777X planes with the latest technologies in Seattle is being forced by the reality; that skilled workers like engineers and machinists, are just not available in the other states that were ready to give billions in tax breaks, to welcome them to move there. Similarly Airbus’ plans to build a new plant in Alabama, is sucking in engineers from neighboring southern states. Aircraft manufacturing is getting more sophisticated needing advanced electronics and fiber composites and new engineering and manufacturing skills. Same can be said of the automobile industry and of many other manufacturing industries that are needed for our modern world. At a time when the US manufacturing is regaining its legs and a continued expansion of the economy appears on the horizon; the retirement of the baby boomers will cause a major shortfall, of engineers and qualified personnel.
A decade ago with the Y2K systems upgrades we had a similar situation; with a shortage of engineers and skilled coders for mainframes and major banking, financial, insurance and other large systems, that run most of the US computing. At that time the ramp up by what are now the IT majors in India to provide these services, helped bridge the looming gap. That problem was different as system maintenance and development does not need physical presence in the US; and can be done remotely from anywhere in the world, with the right information pipes and communication channels. You cannot build a car or an airplane remotely; and design and development has to be carried out near the actual assembly lines or plants, to ensure that they are practical and usable. While the Indian and Chinese universities are churning out millions of so called engineers they just do not have the right skill sets and need years of incubation and practical training to be able to do the jobs. In fact most Chinese engineers are not innovative enough and a majority of the so called Indian engineers are unemployable, without huge external help and training. Hopefully the setting up of research and engineering centers by giants like GE and IBM in these locations will help fill some of this gap.
Robotics and automation is now extensively used to replace skilled workers; and that has led to the demise of the working middle class, as union jobs disappear, as machines take over many repetitive and mundane tasks. So while a high school graduate could previously make a good living working on the assembly lines; now advanced mathematical and science skills are needed to use the machines and systems used in modern manufacturing. The collapse of the cities and the infrastructure decay is a result of the loss of these high paying jobs, for what was at one time one of the best educated workforces in the world. Now we need more advanced degrees and sophistication and it is at a time when the engineering colleges are not producing enough graduates for our future. The brightest engineers who are graduating are being pulled into the high-tech startups and internet age companies like Apple, Google and Amazon. Manufacturers are starved of talent and left scraping the bottom of the barrel for the dredges from the great universities.
The story is similar when we look across the economy at Pharmaceuticals scientists, bio-medical engineers, chemical companies, energy sector, petrochemical industries and the list goes on and on. While the US still graduates the largest number of PHDs in the world; they will not be enough to replace the baby boomers as they head off into their well-deserved retirements, sipping from tall glasses with strange little umbrellas after a round of golf or sunning themselves on a beach after a set of tennis or a jog or a swim. Instead of paying into the social safety net, they will start withdrawing social security and Medicare and Medicaid costs will continue to rise, putting a greater burden on future generations.
An engineering degree at a good private university now costs close to a staggering quarter million dollars and at the same time the high schools are not graduating enough qualified graduates, who want to enter science or engineering fields. Where will the next generation of engineers come from and the case in Europe is similar to the US or may be worse as their population is aging too and not enough replacements are available. Will the great western civilization reach its peak in our lifetime and die the death of a thousand cuts as the dearth of skilled personnel bring their mighty industries to their knees. Will the ‘Atlas Shrugged’ world depicted by Ayn Rand finally come alive; as the most capable retreat into their exclusive preserves leaving the masses to their fates, with less being produced and new innovation dying? The have and the have-nots are already living in different worlds, and the trend is multiplying all across the globe. Where will the resources and leadership come to raise the standards of the masses as poverty and hunger elimination can only come from raising productive citizens, who can better contribute to society and become self-sufficient? The race is on and the clock is ticking, as we fall further behind each day while billions more are adding to our earth’s burden.
Mammoths of the seas
Awakening groggily I reached out and pulled the dark drapes apart in the penthouse room of the hotel and was instantly blinded by the rising sun, reflected off the Pacific Ocean. I turned my eyes away and saw the metallic arms of the loading and unloading cranes for the container ships, over the port of Long Beach. The port was piled with rows upon rows of stacked empty containers and there were not as many ships; as the rush of the incoming goods had abated, before the greatest shopping season of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Instead as I watched I saw a mammoth ship slipping out of port fully loaded with containers; many stories high, and slowly heading out to sea. The economy must be picking up and now it seemed that exports from the US are actually on an upswing; as a fully loaded ship was rare to see, as mostly only empty containers were returned to China and the trading nations to the east earlier.
I turn my eyes back and see the triple funnels of the giant Queen Mary ship; that has found its final resting place, as a hotel on this water front. Yesterday it had been dwarfed by a far large modern cruise ship; that must have brought tourists from far away, to enjoy the sights of the city of Los Angeles. It was many stories tall and a sight to behold, and ferried people in the latest luxuries with food and entertainment, for its travelers. The scale of these cruise ships appears to be growing larger and more opulent, with each successive generation. They are floating castles that ferry people about to resorts and exotic locations; as people escape from the bitter cold and ice and snow, of the heartland. People sun bathe on the decks and enjoy the passing sceneries; as palm trees and pristine beaches await their arrival, from sunny port to sunny port.
Late last night I had been watching the waves from the breeze seem to come in from the sea; but the water from the Los Angeles river was actually flowing outward, and it was just a mirage. I had seen a black long shape swim down the river and could not make out if it was a sea lion, or a dolphin or a very large fish, that was making its way back out to the sea. These used to be the giants of the sea like the whales and the sharks, which ruled the open oceans. Now man has launched his nuclear submarines, naval air carriers, and the giants that feed the world’s commerce. Far away in the distance I had seen a giant oil tanker pull away from the large Chevron refinery; and today I saw another giant waiting patiently for its turn, to feed the inexhaustible thirst of the naphtha crackers and petroleum refinery. America is turning into the biggest exporter of refined products like aircraft fuel, diesel and other petroleum products; and these giant vessels will only increase and grow bigger, to meets the needs of the teeming billions.
I take a walk along the river and as the wind shifts I can smell the familiar smells, and am transported back to exit 13 of the New Jersey turnpike decades ago; where I had first smelt the fumes of the giant refineries. Now I am a continent away on the west coast; but the smell remains the same, and reminds me that this is the bedrock of our modern economy. Fuel is what we need and energy from petroleum is overtaking the energy from coal; as carbon dioxide continues to build unabated into our atmosphere, at a scale where Al Gore had to use a mechanical lift to show, the extreme rising graph of the current century. Now scientists are saying that there are giant rock formations; where we could easily sequester the carbon dioxide and store it away safely, and help to reverse global warming. The oceans make up the vast surface of our dear Earth, and have turned our planet blue and they are the next frontier.
Will we be able to convert the oceans into the next habitation and source of food; just like we have done as sources of energy with deep sea drilling, and massive wind farms, which will supply our future needs for a hungry population? Will tidal power be harnessed for energy and will we have giant conversion plants that turn sea water, into fresh potable water to meet future human needs. There are mammoth projects that can be built for living and aqua culture, on a scale we cannot imagine today. We are confined to land for now; but the oceans await our quest for sustainable living, and all we need are the new technologies for harvesting the giant spaces, as Dubai has done with its sprawling palms housing developments. We are only limited by our imagination and our resources, to make great strides into developing these resources.
Already the giant tankers, container vessels and the development of ports and facilities for them; have unleashed a cheap and easy transportation system, that link the greatest economies of the world together. The more ecofriendly and economical we make these modern giants; will in the end show how well we can better utilize resources and labor effectively, for the betterment of man. The ability to move vast quantities of raw materials from mining and agricultural producers; to the modern processing plants, and then the finished goods to the hinterland for consumption, are required on ever larger scales if we want to meet the projected population of 7 – 8 billion, in the near future. Great strides continue to be made in technology and construction with new materials that are revolutionizing our capabilities.
The Queen Mary is a stately ship and as I walk by in its shadow in my after dinner walk; I am reminded of a gentler age where all the gentlemen and ladies that sailed its luxurious furnishings and trapping, lived in a different world. It was a world of formal dinner ware and music and dancing under the moonlit skies, to live bands and entertainers. The privileged few enjoyed the trans-Atlantic voyages between the great cities of London and New York, bringing the old and the new world together. A week at sea; was not hurried by instant communication, and 24\7 information overloads. The mammoths of today’s seas are of a different breed and a different technology. GPS systems navigate them and people spend more times on their personal devices, than staring at the palms floating gently by. I feel suddenly very small against the hull of the ship towering over me; and turn back to another restless night, of wondering where these mammoths will take us next.
New age communications
Looking at the WWW usage, one is relatively satisfied that the euphoria of peer to peer file sharing; has now become a much lower percentage of the total use, of the world’s network. Japan and Korea still lead overall usage, with about 1 GB of downloads as compared to .44 for the US, and only .08 for fast growing Africa. We have gone from the lawless days of piracy, and reckless exchange; to more structured delivery, of content as seem “In North America, Netflix and YouTube are the main traffic culprits, according to its twice yearly Global Internet Phenomena Report. Combined, they account for 50.31 percent of the downstream traffic during the peak part of the day. By comparison, Amazon Instant Video and Hulu garnered just 1.61 percent and 1.29 percent, respectively.
From the rising information age, the war for the eyes and minds of its consumers has just begun; and this is not even the first Inning, of a long game. We are embarking on a whole new world of the communication era; from the creation and delivery revolution, that will be able to handle ever larger sets of data, and compute and deliver exact results from a library of terra bytes, that we cannot even imagine today. As the storage, retrieval and delivery of these to the human brain become ever more sophisticated; we will become connected to anything we want in the public realm, whenever we want to. Our preferences and viewing habits; will follow into all media, and our shopping and consumption will be all recorded, and we will be provided with location aware information, wherever we go.
We have come a long way from the days of old; when a walk in the garden, and a quite conversation between two or more companions, constituted the height of information exchange. The grace of gardens and statues and public places to walk around; and just talk to one another, is a fading art. The mountain path, or the meander through a valley and its low hills; is now forgotten, as the countryside is sometime visited, but we never stay engaged. What engages us now; is the spectacle of sports events, where humans compete in evolved forms of the basketball\soccer\football\cricket\baseball\wrestling\racing\gambling\porn watching; into one towards, more created content. This titillates the mind, and has us spellbound in complex relationships; portrayed by professional actors and musicians and cinematographers. The world of fantasy and reality will merge; as we watch the world unfold before our eyes, from the farthest reaches of space, to the tiniest molecules vastly magnified, of our space time continuum.
Evolution will take us into new realms, and consciousness will expand; to fit the new reality. The future generations will enjoy a world of connectivity; that we cannot hope to achieve, in our lifetimes. We have just started the trends, and taken the first steps in this nascent technology. A century or more is not even a blimp in evolutionary time and we can only hope that the future remains kind to the development of us humanoids. We have embarked on a new journey and we will see wonders, which were unknown to us before. As we explore the universe around us, we will find that development has to be shared; and compassion is the way to ensure, we leave no one behind. The world and our organization of it will have to be more democratic so that the peoples wishes and aspirations are fulfilled. We are all in this together and must learn to co-exist and flourish together. From each according to his ability, for each according to his need, may have been the failed Marxist dogma; but there is a relevance in maximizing the maximum benefit from our resources, for the people to enjoy. As we step forward into the new age, our progeny will be faced with many choices; but long as they keep compassion in their hearts, they will not lose their humanity.
The white marble art statue will remain as a memorial to the garden; where mother in laws prospected for proper son in laws, for their daughters, in the gardens of love, created for this purpose in southern california. That is real communication, and all else is unreal.
The Albatross and his side kick
The Albatross and his acquired side kick; made strange companions, as they dive in the Pacific bay for their daily meal. As the Albatross would rise up and dive in to fish or skim along the waters seeking his prey; the much smaller side kick would cheer him on, and follow and dive along with him. It was a friendship of convenience; as whenever the albatross claimed a prize, the sidekick would nudge in and claim his piece of the treasure. A flock of teals (?) also arrive swimming up the estuary; and they dive for over twenty seconds each swimming under water, to claim their prize from the school of fish that they are following. The sea gulls cry out and dip in too, and then there are the white diving birds, that fly high and scoop into the water and claim their share. The Chinese fisherman casts his twin lines from the rocks on the shore; as the Los Angeles River flows into the ocean, under the overhead bridges. I walked along the shore and the ocean breeze seemed to talk to my very soul; as the Catalina express catamaran, takes the travelers for their pleaasure trip, to the nature preserve over the horizon.
The sail boats are out in the glorious sunshine and their white sails stand out against the blue horizon, as they are carried along by the wind to their destination. The waters are calm in the harbor and the sailing is just nudged by the motor boats plying the bay, and their wake leaves a trail and the waves spread out from their path. I look across the water and see the lighthouse standing tall over the marina, and the buildings and the palm trees line the shoreline view. It is warm enough to go swimming and I decide to take to the heated outdoor pool for a swim, at the hotel overlooking the beautiful view. Beyond the haze the mountains rise and beyond them lay the dry lands and then the dessert of Death Valley. My coworkers have driven off to Phoenix; and then to view the Grand Canyon and finally to sleep in sleepless Las Vegas, before returning back to Long Beach for the grind of the week ahead.
My restless spirit is not interested in the long road trips; as what I seek is not out there, but is somewhere here with me. Last night we were at Second Avenue enjoying some Sushi; as we waited for AT&T to have the time, for the acquisition of an iPhone for one of our group. There were some exotic cars and beautiful people, as after all this is California and the love of the automobile is best portrayed here in the convertibles; that lined the streets along the fancy restaurants. The display of tablets, phones and electronic gadgets is mesmerizing as the world is at your fingertips; if you can just afford the data plan and high resolution screens, which beam social media at you in an unending stream. I browse the Samsung’s, Apples , Windows and other phones and tablets; and am severely tempted by the instant access to all that is available, on today’s world wide web.
Information, Information everywhere, but not an iota of knowledge to think. Information, information everywhere and all the minds did shrink. I know not what I seek; but this overload of information will only divert me from my quest, so I pass on the two year plans and these devices that draw us in are left on the shelf, to beckon to another thirsty browser. In all the myriad data bases; with trillions of data bytes, is buried the mystery of this universe and life. The albatross of parting from this great opportunity on Dhanteeras; hangs heavy around my neck, as these are the vessels of our new age and what better time to buy one than today, as the GPS guides us back to our respective abodes. I feel that the albatross is the endless ocean of information stretching before me, and I am his side kick searching his scraps for knowledge. Facetime, Google hangouts, video chats all connect us now, and what’s up is not a phrase anymore; and my LA woman is immersed in her phone, and the Hollywood Bungalow is just another hot spot, to connect me to her fantasies.
It is just another Diwali in the City of Lights and I will celebrate it, as I know deep down that tomorrow will be a better day for all of us. I plan to go down to the Queen Mary; and watch the fire eaters and the fireworks on this fateful night when good will surely triumph over evil. The colored lights on the white walls of the Maya Resort will become the dispellers of darkness surrounding my soul, and the lights on the palm trees along the walkway will be the path of Ram returning to his rightful throne. Lakshmi will give freely to bless the needy, and Ganesh will bring felicitations and hope to the weary. I feel blessed even though I am alone for I know my family is safe, healthy and on their way to wealth. The festival of lights, in the city of lights, is a grand celebration this year; and my best wishes go out to all my near and dear ones, for hope still lives!
Wrist watch
The new thing is going to be watches that let us view messages enjoy stereophonic Bluetooth connections and wireless talking as Samsung, Sony, Apple and Qualcomm and numerous others introduce the latest versions of this new product. We are about to give new meaning to the word wrist watch and a whole new era is about to be born. Google glasses are the other new toy about to come to a store near you and so we are headed to the age of seamless always connected era in a rush. Miniature screens with high resolution will bring the world to us; no matter where we are, long as the internet can support us. We will be talking to these devices, as if they were an extension of our personality; and eventually they will become our personality as they will know more about our preferences and with algorithms built in, and become the purveyors of all that is available out there and offer up the results of searches on things we may like. . The build out of the core infrastructure like power plants, transmission capabilities memory and storage, miniaturization and display capabilities are about to take a gigantic leap forward.
That brings us to the question as to whose data warehouses will provide the content for all these always connected millions. In cloud computing Amazon leads the way with Google, Microsoft and numerous others continuing to build out the huge server farms that house the increasing data needed by each of us. The TV industry and the deliverer of news and entertainment as known today will continue to deliver content over the airways and cable to residents but the mobile consumer may well choose another path. Netflix, You Tube, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook are all vying for our online time; and content creation, storage and delivery are the next big thing. From MIT videos on education, to the sluttiest porn; it will all be there at our voice command, and we will pick and choose at our leisure. A digital smart grid will provide energy, content, connectivity, social media and countless other things, in ways we cannot imagine today. We will be limited only by our imagination; on what to do with those free minutes, we have at our disposal.
Today the cost of these build outs are being paid out in the developed world and the digital divide continues to grow. The citizens of the developing world are not to be left behind and are demanding the same delivery and the rush to reduce costs and improve the devices so that they just sip energy continues. Advertising and commerce pay for the new frontier and the consumers benefit from the build out, by the Governments of infrastructure and research. The path is not sustainable and the resources required although enormous are still limited, and taking away from other life’s non digital necessities. Mothers and children continue to die and diseases that are curable still kill millions across the globe. Food security, potable drinking water, medical health supplies, decent housing are still dreams for billions; as the elite consume the new universe. He buys a $ 35,000 handbag for his trophy girlfriend, while it could feed thousand starving children with that same money.
So what will our priorities be in the future is the question; and I am not a Luddite and against progress, or the new frontier. We need to be seamlessly connected, as it will help make a better world. Education and knowledge are the destroyers of ignorance; and we have the greatest opportunity, to lift millions into the new age. The problem is not this new age that we want to build, but how we will build it. Will it be one filled with compassion and love for our fellow beings, or will it be one where divisions and exclusions rule and whole species are destroyed to make room for our ever expanding needs. Can we make a more sustainable future for our coming generations, while still making progress in tackling some of our toughest problems? The politicians have no clue; and are mired in their daily wrangling, power sharing secrets, and backward visions. They are solving yesterday’s problems, and not too successfully at that, and only for their deemed constituents. Statesmen are a rare breed and getting rarer as sectarian and cult considerations are more important for them to sustain their identity than a universal approach. We are doomed to live in a world of violence and hate propagated by the extreme left or right wings, and the middle will continue to suffer.
I look forward to looking at my wrist and finding not just the time but my whole social world there, or wear those glasses and watch the world literally go around me. Toys have always fascinated me, and these will be par excellence as far as Christmas gifts are concerned. We may not make love any more, but at least we will be digitally connected. ‘I see you’ will take a whole new meaning as holographic images will project versions of you that you want others to see, and avatars will become a blurring of reality and fact. We will be able to be whatever we want to be in our digital life, but at the beginning of the morning when we look into the mirror who will we find there? Take a closer look, as we may be the next extinct species.
Refine we must
Driving down the New Jersey Turnpike for many decades drivers would smell the foul smell; and see the lights of the giant refineries, and wondered why on earth would someone name it the garden state. Then the refinery lights went down and slowly the production moved to the gulf states as it became more expensive to move oil stocks up to feed them in the North East. As the lights went out it seemed a portent sign of the decline of America and its petroleum industry and the oil majors sought profits and capacity outside the United States. Europe with its North Sea oil, the Middle East with its huge capacity of cheap oil and Asia with its burgeoning demand became the standard bearers for new refining capacity additions. A death knoll on American refineries; and the general demise of its petro chemical industry, was being called by talking heads on major TV channels. They saw only a continued downward spiral; as costs remained high, and capacity utilization suffered. Even today the North East continues to import a major part of its consumption from abroad.
Little known to them; there were still some ingenious folks around the gulf coast; who were ready to take the risks, to turn things around. Their efforts paid off around two years ago, as the major refiner’s added capacity at an unprecedented scale to fulfill growing American demand and also to add surplus capacity for exports. “All these companies are expanding their export terminals—Valero, Shell, Marathon Petroleum, all of them,” said Fadel Gheit, senior energy analyst at Oppenheimer. “Any companies with refining assets on the Gulf Coast are expanding their export terminals. …The profitability is not that clear, but the trend is very clear.” From being an importer just three years ago; today the US has become the largest exporter of refined petroleum products led by Diesel, airplane fuel and gasoline. The death of the US industrial capacity was prematurely announced it seems; and now it is well on its way from not only being the bread basket of the world, but also the refiner for the world. The petroleum hydrocracking industry is exploding it seems; and it is driven by cheap gas and shale oil, and at the current rate it will add substantially to the rate of GDP growth in the US. Trade deficits as a result will be driven down; and Europe with its higher cost of gas and petroleum products from the previous Russian republics, will continue to suffer.
President Carter had warned decades ago during the fuel crisis; that the US needs to become much more energy efficient, if it is to survive as a leader in economic development. It has taken decades for the conservation efforts to pay off and with President Obama’s declaration of still higher fuel standards for the auto industry; demand in the US will continue to fall over the next decades, as old cars are retired and replaced with far more fuel efficient vehicles. At the same time the US is finally looking seriously at renewals; and wind, solar, nuclear, ethanol, biomass and anything else that can be technically possible, is being explored and developed. Venture capital and investments in developing the fuel of the future continue, from the risk takers and entrepreneurs. The greening of America will have long term repercussions for the rest of the world; as more efficient cars, trucks, trains, planes, houses, appliances, buildings and cities develop. Warren Buffet is buying up solar plants; as if they were going out of style, and as I fly across the US I see more wind farms cropping up. After decades of decline new nuclear plants have been cleared for development and will come online to support the growing electricity needs of this vast land.
The national debt is an embarrassment to some; as we owe trillions to the Japanese and Chinese and anyone else, who wants the safe haven of US treasuries. In fact those folks are wise, as they are investing in the greatest economic engine known to man. What counts is that America continues to grow its economy, invests in new research and development and converts it into new technical products and industrial production continues to grow its GDP; all else is just rustling of paper representing doomsday scenarios. Talking heads will come and go; but it is the ingenuity of the people and the will to pursue the next big thing, that will make or break us. Today forward thinking people are placing risky bets on refinery expansions; and tomorrow the lights may go down on these ventures, leaving idle capacity and major losses. Yet I thank these enterprising folks; as at least they have a vision to be the best and largest in the world, and are leading us to a brighter and more efficient tomorrow.
Pendulum swings
The pendulum of time swings heavily from bust to boom and back again, and I see my fortunes rise and fall with it. The last financial crisis was an outcome of unfettered greed; as everyone participated in a rising housing market, and the dream of ever bigger McMansions was a seemingly free for all. Banks lent without collateral; or verifying the ability of the borrowers, and brokers sold houses and mortgages to families who could not ever repay the loans. Politicians proclaimed the American dream of home ownership was finally here, and the rating agencies classified AAA ratings; with eyes closed, and fees in their banks. Everyone seemed to run out of money at the same time; and the cycle came crashing down like a house of cards, taking some big banks and a lot of pensions down the drain, with it.
Now we are at the other end with a seemingly inexhaustible flow of money; and corporations and big banks sit on trillions at low interest rates, with no borrowers in sight. Once bitten twice shy people sit on cash; as markets give all the signals of a bull run, that seems to push unknown companies into stardom, and make billionaires out of young people with innovative ideas. My life savings have been whip sawed so many times; that I no longer know what is a rational, or an irrational exuberance. My future seems closer to flipping burgers; than flipping houses, as I eye my sorry life time savings, and wonder how did I let it all come to this. The haves have it and all the others are just grist for the mill; as I taste the sawdust from their plunder, of our ecosystem, and decide to try to drown my sorrows yet again.
Sufficiently fortified I put my toes in the water to test the temperature; and watch in delight as Face Book soars, and Vale looks as solid as the Brazilian iron ore it produces. A few batted run does not win the game, but the inning is suddenly looking exciting again. CVS has a perfect 10 rating for a must buy, and United Health is fast catching up with a 9.8 rating. Happy days are here again; and we are off to the races, as every filly now looks like a winner, and the more adventurous are trading options and more advanced tools that I know nothing about. The pundits talk about puts and straddles, and the new vocabulary makes my head spin. Should I buy gold or silver; as copper soars, or will wheat futures be the thing, or do we short rice with the huge reserves in India and Thailand, that they cannot move. The world is suddenly there for me to buy and sell; but there is no capital here, and I watch on the sidelines as fortunes are made and squandered on the latest Tesla, American cup Yachts, luxury baubles and private jets. Everyday low prices attract the consumers; but the multiheaded hydra of inflation, is slowly creeping up unnoticed as easy money flows.
Abundance seems cheap only to the fools; as I know we all will have to pay a price eventually, for all we want to consume. Rising standards of living will push our capacity to produce; and deliver us into a tail spin, or an ever increasing circle of demand that cannot be met. Will the billions rise to grab their fair share from our mouths; or will we continue to spit out the seeds of contempt, at their wastrel lifestyles. They are not productive; and have no desire to produce, so they will continue to wallow in their well-deserved misery, we say. We have gone to school, worked hard, become ever more productive; at a high cost to our families and friends, and deserve all that we have earned. We deserve better and so we set our sights on that next status symbol, just as if it were our birthright, while others are left in our dust. Social re-engineering schemes leave us cold, political efforts at a more equal state are marked as shenanigans of the ultra-left, and when I try to enter your country club you offer me a bus boy’s job below minimum wage, or leave me to play tennis with your bored wives, as an afternoons entertainment.
The pendulum swings again and now I see that it is the poor who are hanging on to it desperately. They jockey for better positions and opportunities. They study and work hard and make sure their progeny is able to make its way higher, in this new world. The shackles of ignorance will be undone; as MIT courses and scientific knowledge, will flow freely to anyone on the web. Diligence and effort will make them equal; to the one with the privilege to attend an Ivy League, or play in the fields of Eaton or Harrow. Micro loans and the NGOs will bring much needed programs and capital flows, to the lowest strata. Ingenuity and opportunity will no longer be the realm of the few; and each brave new soul will blossom in a new world, with his or her own achievements. The have nots will not be denied; and they will rise on the sheer force of the need for betterment, hope and the pursuit of happiness, which is a fundamental right. We only have to get out of the way and let the pendulum of human endeavor take its course. Time will wait for none of us and we better start reshaping our thinking and our efforts; as in helping them, we will only end up helping ourselves.