US kids behind in Science education


Our children are continuing to fall behind in STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education and currently the US is ranked 44th in the world. The ranking has been on a steady slide downwards with no hope for improving. Other countries continue to improve their engagement in modern education, and help their students prosper, because of better policies and parent’s involvement. Paul Morgan of Penn State’s education department has done a focused study on the causes of this decline in America over the past decades, and come up with some startling findings. These are similar to the ground breaking work done by Fredrick Froebel (pictured above) over a century ago, who started Kindergartens and revolutionized children’s education, and was very influential in improving education in our world.

His research looked for the timelines when these declines happened, whether in High School, or 8th Grade, or third grade, or started in Kinder Garden. It also looked at racial and economic backgrounds of the children, and any other social factors that may be causing the US children to be consistently falling behind in STEM studies. He found this is threatening the development of the knowledge based society, required for our future. Given all the modern gadgets available and tools of our information age, it seemed strange that our children are not gaining ground, on the rest of the world. I was intrigued by the contrary findings of his research, as I would have expected that our children would have the benefits of an internet age, and be able to develop basic math and language skills, more rapidly.

His core findings are that the knowledge gap starts in Kinder Garden itself and children just do not have the general knowledge and societal awareness, which form the foundation for a good education. It is the parents and society that is failing the children by not exposing them early to the needs of a modern educated society. Mathematics and science exposure early is not required but just an exposure to general knowledge where we broaden a child’s horizon to include a broader exposure to our world. The child has to be given the opportunity to expand his\her brain by exercising it in learning general and broad spheres of knowledge. Especially in minorities an effort needs to be made to help groom the children early, to have this broader exposure to education, as soon as they enter, or even before they enter Kinder Garden.

His research talks about a “leaky STEM pipeline” where low-income, minorities and women are allowed to set lower expectations, and hence not encouraged, to challenge themselves, towards loftier learning goals. The same individuals when encouraged and provided the right support, can excel at basic STEM education, and develop into scientists and engineers in later life. While about 20% of white children and similarly about 20% of upper-income children do not display aptitude for science and mathematics, it falls to 52% for low-income students and 63% for blacks by the time they reach 8th grade. These low numbers are not acceptable if we really want these children to live an economically better life, in the knowledge based economy we are transitioning to.

The solution proposed is to encourage young children to become competent in English and mathematics at an early age. They should be guided to have more exposure to general knowledge in Kinder Garden and encouraged to broaden their horizons. Young brains must be encouraged to develop basic language and mathematical skills, along with physical and societal awareness. This foundation is to be built up to the third grade and if they are up to the grade level by then, it is highly probable that they will continue on that path, even when they are in the 8th grade. Education policy has to change and parents, teachers and society all have to contribute to the child’s success. Then the children having built this foundation and with the right expectations, will become competent in STEM education in High School and College.

As Paul points out “It is never too late to help children grow to be successful.” By starting early we can make them more aware of the physical and natural world around them, even before they reach KG. To make a great society we have to start at the beginning, and invest far greater effort in the children who are our future. To shirk this responsibility on the basis of race, ethnic, gender or economic background will be the greatest blunder we can make as a society. Each child deserves the opportunity to be successful in later life, and while not everyone has a STEM aptitude, not to be even allowed the opportunity to improve oneself, is a moral sin. There is still time to invest in our future, and by an early change in education policy, make America the land of opportunity once again.


It was in the time of the father of the current Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the 1970s and 1980s, that Multiculturalism as a concept for national development, was first adopted by a country. Canada became the leader and was later followed by Australia, as it moved away from the “White only Australia” policy, only after the Second World War. This is a new political reality where the public recognition of the importance of immigration and diversity, pushes against the forces of monoculturalism. Europe has been struggling with its adventures in Multiculturalism as its nation states evolved their own particular national and cultural homogeneity, after centuries of strife and war between the nation states. Now some like the Netherlands and Denmark are moving away from multiculturalism, as they regress to their core societies.
America was never intended to be multicultural as the founding fathers clearly laid out their preference for the new nation, “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs…” The myth of America as a welcomer of immigrants of diversity, with the statue of Liberty holding high its torch high, evolved much later, as it was forced to move away from its WASP origins. The philosophy in America has been to make a homogenous society through its schools and common beliefs, national holidays and traditions. It has not been a multicultural policy although many looking in from outside have mistaken its policies, in moving towards the celebration of multiple cultures.In fact it has tried to make a new homogenous American society.
In India its 1652 indigenous languages and the variety of culture, music, cuisine and religious diversity have evolved over millennium, into a more or less homogenous society, with its own unique form of Multiculturalism. The celebration of multiple festivals and religious celebrations in India, stands out in a complete contrast to its major neighbors like China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Myanmar where the concept of a single culture nation state, seems paramount to their survival. As nation states evolve the cultural uniqueness of its people becomes a strength or weakness, as it can hold the nation back, or allows it to grow depending on its diversity and outlook. India’s strenght will be the diversity of its people as they retain their individual identities, and yet are able to work together to build, a greater nation state.
In my opinion it is the nations that can encourage diversity, which will prosper the most culturally and economically. The politics of inclusion brings out the best in people, as they work together to solve society’s problems. Each of us in our individualism and unique characteristics, bring strength of a greater whole, to any complex problem. The multiple thinking can allow people to tackle the age old problems, in a whole new way. It is not only compromise to a lesser solution, but a way to come up with a better solution, to solve the old problem. As we include people of all different ways of life, into our mainstream, and allow them to contribute to society as a whole, we will make a greater nation. We have to encourage each person of color, caste, race, sexual orientation, religion to participate in the rich tapestry of our society. Each one of us wants to have a better life, and as such will want to contribute, to a greater society. The tension of differences between us, can also help eventually increase, the harmony of potential solutions. Let us celebrate these political differences to make a greater human race.
To conclude we are all in this together and nature is a great multiplier of diversity and evolution as that is how survival works. If we can only allow this evolution to work in our favor, then we can all be successful and survive. If we do not, then we will only allow nature to overtake us, and send us into an evolutionary downward spiral. To become masters of our own destiny, we have to embrace everyone’s destiny, of all living creatures. Human beings are just a blip in the time space continuum, and we have a lot to learn from each other, to survive. In fact the more we interact with natures great variety, the more we will prosper. Diversity is our strength as the next great breakthrough for our survival will come from the outliers, and not the established norms. We have to move forward with multiculturalism as it is our only option.

A holiday celebration

vfw hall

The laughter bubbled up slowly as if deep from within an ocean and rose in spurts, as I ate my lunch in the university cafeteria. I pretended not to notice and looked down at the book I was trying to study, for the upcoming class. They were the popular group of young and beautiful people, and as always my old nemesis John, was there leading the laughter. His booming laugh finally broke forth as it was wont to do, at a particularly funny recollection, and it was infectious, and the others joined in. The hall rang with their merriment and I tried to burry myself deeper into my book. Jenny besides me poked me and pointed, and I looked up just in time to see John stand up and act out a scene, which had everybody around him in stitches.

The scene reminded me of one of our last classes together, and I became embarrassed that John may be showcasing my utter incompetence to his group, as I had stumbled especially hard in that class, trying to explain an esoteric question on values and relationships. My sandwich turned to cardboard in my mouth, and I grabbed my soda to swallow it down, fascinated by John’s antics. Giving up on my reading, I closed my book, and gathered my bag and things, and got up to leave.

“Hey, wait for me,” Jenny cried at my imminent departure, as she was quite used to my sudden change in moods, and started to pack up her tray for disposal.

“I have to go,” I mumbled as I saw John look across at my sudden movement, and then he raised his eyebrows in recognition, as if asking me what was up.

Jenny followed me as I turned away heading for the exit, almost dropping my bag and clutching it up at the last moment, and swinging it over my shoulder, as I balanced the tray in my other hand. We dropped off our trays and I hurried off, with Jenny calling out after me “Hey what is the rush as we still have twenty minutes for the class?”

The bright sun blinded me as I entered the green of the quad where other students were enjoying the springtime sunshine. The brick structures of the college rose all around and the beauty which had brought me here, was lost on me, as I walked under the tall and ancient oaks, which lined the walk. This was my college and my father’s before me, and my study of philosophy which I had felt is my calling, was giving me second thoughts, as the rest of junior year loomed before me. I felt I had more questions about my own abilities now, than when I had joined the school, so many semesters before.

In the winter break the realization had suddenly hit me when I was enjoying the holidays with my parents, that all was not as it appeared in the world, and all my learning was not enough. Ours was a typical middle class family with my mother working at a bank, and my father at an insurance company. We were well off but by no means wealthy, and lived in the desirable part of the Philadelphia. My sister and I had gone to all the right schools, before moving on to the universities of our choice; which was me to Dad’s, and my sister to Mom’s college.  Life was good and one day John had called for me to visit with him, as I had become infected by his gregarious personality at school, and discovered he lived just a few miles away from me in Philadelphia.

I borrowed my Mom’s car and drove to John’s home to meet him and it was in the seedier section of town, that I was not familiar with. I got lost and came upon this blighted inner city homes, with boarded up windows and doors, and some burned down structures. I stopped on the side to fire up my GPS, as I knew I was totally lost, as all the streets looked the same. On a nearby brownstone steps, there were some tough kids hanging around listening to some rap music, and seeing me parked there, one of them walked up to me, and knocked on my window. I rolled it down and he asked me what he could do for me, and looked down at my phone. Just then the GPS kicked in and Sarah my phone mime, started to read out the directions. I hurriedly thanked the young man saying I did not need his services, and drove off in John’s direction.

John lived just a few blocks away and the street was slightly better, with fewer abandoned houses, but still the people looked like they were living a hardscrabble life. Grandparents sat on the steps watching the children play in the street, as I found a spot to park. I got out and found John’s home and rang the bell and a woman’s voice asked who it was, and I announced myself, and a buzzer rang and I pushed the door open. I followed the instructions and took the stairs to the second floor walkup, where I found John waiting, smiling and welcoming me with open arms. He introduced me to his mom who was sitting on the kitchen table busy shelling some peas, and getting ready to prepare a meal.

“Ma – this is Peter and he lives close by, and I asked him to come and help me with our holiday celebration today,” John said in introduction.

She stood up and wiped her hands on her apron and shook mine, and said that she was glad to meet one of John’s college friends, and her face broke into that wide easy smile, which her son had obviously inherited. “I know who he is, as I just buzzed him. Peter, it is good to meet you, as John has told me how good you are at the school, and have helped him meet so many new people. I was afraid he would get lost, being the first in our family to go to the big University you know.”

“Glad to meet you too Mrs. Brenner,” I replied feeling her calloused hands as she was obviously a working class woman, “John is quite bright and settling in well at our school you know.”

“Aye, he was always a smart lad, as his High School swimming coach always said, ‘He swims like a fish and reads, questions and talks like a philosopher.’” Mrs. Brenner said wrinkling her eyes as she giggled, and all the laugh lines appeared again on her round face. I smiled back as her memories came alive and I could feel their happiness in that little kitchen, begin to overflow into me.

“Ma, we have to go or we will be late,” John said and he started to pick up the brown paper bags, which we were apparently supposed to take with us. “Come give me a hand Peter, as we have to carry all of this down to your car, and then take them with us.”

I got busy and gathered up some of the bags and noticed that they contained food items, that John must have been collecting for some time. His Mom also arose and gave us a hand and we made two trips down to the car loading up the food and drinks, into the trunk and back seat. She told me to be careful with the bags containing the casseroles, as she had cooked them herself that day, and she had been busy since last night in preparing the meals with one of her neighbors, a Mrs. Smith apparently. She waved us off saying “You boys be good now and don’t get up to any mischief and Peter, you drive slowly and don’t spill the food, ya hear.”

We drove off and John gave me directions on where to go, as we were headed to the VFW hall which was in the next neighborhood. He talked casually about our friends at school as we drove, and also discussed the last semester where we had both been in an introduction to philosophy class together, and I had become his friend. He would often sit next to me in class, and he was struggling with some of the concepts, and I had invited him to join our study group, and he had been happy to do so. Soon he had become a regular and we had become close, and his easy outgoing nature had quickly made the others in our group comfortable, and he was invited to their outings also. He was tall and athletic and on the varsity swim team and quite popular with the girls, and they would hang out together in the cafeteria being loud and boisterous.

We got to the hall and pulled into the lot and parked near the back entrance. John jumped out and we started to unpack and carry the packages into the hall. John directed me to the kitchen area as he was familiar with the place, and some of the veterans obviously knew him and referred to him as Junior, and slapped him on his back and said they were happy to see him again. There were two old ladies there who also helped us with the casseroles and took them and popped them into the oven for heating, in the aluminum pans that they had come in. There was another large oven and I could see two large turkeys baking. There were other trays of food heating up in the oven, brought by the ladies. There was a lot of canned food that they started to open and prepare.

Having unpacked the car, John led me into the main halls where there were these old and tired men and women, who were steadily trickling in for the evening. John quickly got me pulling out the folding tables and chairs and setting them up at one end of the large hall away from the entrance. He had some white plastic table cloths and paper napkins and plates and plastic cutlery, which we started to arrange. Another man helped to bring out the drinks and one of them started off the hot water for the tea and the coffee percolating and soon the smell of coffee, started to take over from the stale smell in the room.

We then started hanging up the banner for Happy Holidays and decorations to bring some cheer to the dreary room. The ladies joined us and hung up some more holiday banners and soon the room started to look more festive, as the people continued to come in from the street. A man brought in and hooked up the music system and soon holiday music flooded the hall, and the place seemed to cheer up at the sound of the Christmas Carrols and some of the couples even started to dance and others were enthusiastically asked by John, to sing along to the music. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along and introduced me to some of the old folks, and they grabbed my hand and talked to me excited to meet one of Junior’s friends, from the big university.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John’s neighbors were there and they put their arm around me, and invited me to their table. Mr. Smith had been with John’s father in Vietnam and he started reminiscing about their old times, when they would get up to all kind of mischief in their High School days. He told me that John and his son Marty had grown up together and Marty had moved away now and was somewhere in St Louis, working as a mechanic as his new girlfriend was from there. Marty had swum with John in school but had no head for college, and just loved automobiles, and tinkering with them since he was a kid.

“That boy is a wonder under the hood of a car, and can fix almost anything,” old man Smith told me proudly about his son.

“Yes we miss him, but he is a young man now and all grown up and gone away,” Mrs. Smith said.

“Your friend John here is a proper young man,” she continued, “he takes after his Pa, always ready to lend a helping hand and always there for the poor and needy. He helped organize this affair, just as his Pa used to do when he was alive. His coach used to say he will go far, as he has a good heart in him, this boy. Your friend is a gem in the rough ..” She stopped midsentence as her neighbor Mrs. Brenner had arrived and she waved to her, to join us at the table. Just then John came and grabbed me and led me away to help him entertain some young ladies, who had been reluctantly dragged in by their parents, to the holiday celebration.

I shook hands and John introduced me as his philosopher friend, and soon rattled off a joke from one of our classes, and the girls giggled. John was called by the others and soon took off for the dance floor with Ruby, and I followed him with the other pretty young lady, as the music became lively and we joined the other couples dancing and talking on the floor. The place by now was bubbling with the holiday spirits, and there was a shine in my companion’s eyes, as she obviously enjoyed the music and the dancing. We danced for some time and then John pulled me away to help serve the food from behind the tables.

I stood and served the people as they came and took the plates and stood by John, as he smiled and talked with the folks, and welcomed them in his bright and easy manner. As I served them I noticed the frayed sleeves, the ill-fitting suits, the worn Sunday dresses, and tried to smile and keep up the cheer like John besides me. We kept the line moving and Mrs. Benner came by and told me proudly, that a lady had just complimented her on her casserole. Mr. Smith was down the line busy carving up the turkeys and serving them, asking loudly white or brown meat to anyone who pushed their plate for helpings?

We must have served over a hundred people and still more came by, and John kept up his enthusiastic welcome and banter with his folks. They were opening up the canned food and filling the serving trays as the freshly cooked food started to run out. Now they started to roll out the apple, pumpkin and pecan pies for dessert which had been heated in the ovens, once the Turkeys were done. Someone had brought those large tubs of ice cream to go with them, and he came and slipped John back some money saying, that it was the change left over. John leaned across and winked and whispered to me that his summer work at the library had come in handy, to help pay for the ice cream.

We were tired by the time the line ended and John and I finally grabbed some plates, and we joined Mrs. Brenner and the Smiths at their table to eat. Mr. Smith had a big slice of some hot apple pie and a big blob of vanilla ice cream on top and Mrs. Smith was reminding him of his diabetes but he just ignored her and said “Look it is Johns’ feast and I have been working hard all evening helping him, let me at least enjoy my well-deserved dessert, woman. John come on you tell my old lady to lay off for once, as I know she will listen to you.”

John just gave Mrs. Smith one of his lovely smiles as he was busy eating, and she smiled back and patted him on the shoulder lovingly. Mrs. Benner asked me if she could make me a plate of dessert as she was going to get John his favorite pumpkin pie, before it all disappeared. My mouth was full and I just pointed to Mr. Smith’s apple pie a la mode, and she nodded in understanding, and left to get me some before all the ice cream melted or disappeared.

The music was still playing but there were fewer people dancing now, as they must be getting tired now, and some had started to leave having eaten their fill. Others came up to say bye to us at our table. John knew a lot of them by name and they would call out to junior and pass a remark or invite him over to their house, when he was free. He would respond cheerfully with a joke or a smile and there were a lot of hugs exchanged and hands shaken, even with me.

When the folks had left John grabbed me and we started to clean up the hall. We took down the banners and cleaned up the tables, and folded them away. Some of the diehard veterans had stayed behind, and helped us stack the folding chairs and sweep and mop the floors.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brenner had taken up the cleaning of the kitchen and taking out all the trash to the dumpster outside. We were finally done and John, Mrs. Benner and the Smith’s piled into my mother’s car and I drove them home. John and Mrs. Smith started singing and I realized they were both quite good at carrying a tune, and the other clapped along with the beat.

After dropping them off I drove off to my house making sure the GPs was on this time. I looked at my watch and realized how late it was as I entered the driveway to our home. I pulled up to the garage and parked and sat and though about the evening, and how John had introduced me as his philosopher friend. I saw his life and mine and realized there was emptiness in mine, which I could not fill. I went in and my sister was watching TV in the living room and my parents had already gone to bed. She turned to me and said, “What kept you out so late?”

“Oh nothing much, just a holiday celebration,” I said.

“Did you have fun and which club was it at?” she inquired ever the social butterfly.

“The casserole was nice.” I said, as she turned back to her show. I shrugged and headed to the books in my room.

Breathe free in 2016!



I breathe in 2016 and breathe out 2015, as my guru tells me to meditate on cosmic time. I have tried meditating on my daily existence and it perishes with each passing moment, while I still survive. Cosmic time breathes eons and ages and humans are only a blink in it, and why should we tie ourselves to this puny existence, as universal consciousness awaits us. We are not born to die a daily death, but are alive to live in ageless time. I awake from my meditation to life itself, and am unbound and unfettered to just be one, with eternity. Those who named me at birth, gave me a religion and a race and bound me in the shackles of my environment, I leave behind, and choose freedom; from this limited past. The manifest ever changing everyday slips away, as I try to understand my unchanging self.

Ah 2016 is full of possibilities and choice, and the path in the woods is open to explore, and the night is dark to better see the cosmos, and the day is bright to seek our internal truth. Light and darkness do not matter and happiness and sadness are only fleeting emotions, as we seek what is real, and not what is manifest. My sense objects derive a reality that my mind shapes, based on past experience, but my spirit is the true observer, and weapons do not cut it, and fire does not burn it. Each moment I transcend into a new awakening of consciousness, and each moment I release an old longing of desire.

Oh life what have you become, now that the past is no longer relevant. Where has the sorrow from attachment gone, and why is this light being, so free that it floats on the ether, and enters into heaven and beyond. If I am to return now, will I still find the old loves, and the clinging and the pain of shattered relationships, and dreams unspun; or will it be new longings, and nightmares, that arise from this dark matter of our universe. The rainbow of hope on the horizon is lit by the setting sun, against the dark clouds of despair. l look at the wonder that is our existence, and find the universe in this grain of sand, that slips through my fingers. I let it go for in releasing it, I also release myself, as true liberation is only possible in letting everything go.

I breathe in the universe and breathe out death, as the two are intertwined, in this dance of life. Sat Chit Anand or the truth of existence is blissful and eternal, so be free. As 2015 fades a new year arrives full of new promises, hope and life. Grasp only the real and the unreal will fade and life will become like an arrow, which you have been pulling back with all your might, finally released to find its mark. All your dreams will become real and the force that everyone told you to hold back, will be released, and your breath will be your salvation. There is unrealized joy in every moment, so just seize it in your newly awakened state, and make it all yours. Me and my existence have always been one with no duality, and as I pierce this film that life has woven around me, I become my spirit and water does not moisten It, and air does not dry It. Rejoice in the wonder of this unmanifest self (atma/soul) and its eternal destiny, for this is the only true freedom.

Om Shanti.

Silent night (trust the human spirit)

silent night

The labor market has expanded for 42 months and now the number of unemployed is lower than when I was in high school back in the 70’s. A lot of the current Millennial, Generation X and Y were not even born, since we have seen these low numbers in the US economy. The S& P was stuck in the doldrums of low hundred’s till well into the 80’s before its meteoric rise from there in the 90’s, to about 2,000 today. The remarkable fact is that just in Obama’s term it has gone from the low 700’s to increase by an astounding 1300 points or 180% in 6 years. The US market has the biggest capitalization in the history of our existence. Today in the US out of 326 million only 2.21 million Citizens or 5% of the workforce have no official work for pay, in an economy of trillions. The Federal Reserve believes we are at full employment, and has just raised rates after the cutback from the Great Recession by Bernanke. It has taken a woman to realize that rates need to rise because of “further improvement in the labor market and reasonable confidence that inflation would move back to 2 percent over the medium term”.
Hearing the Republican debates, one shudders on hearing a throwback to the times, when America was profligate in its wars abroad, and miserly to its own citizen’s infrastructure and social fabric at home. “Carpet bombing” is invoked lightly, as if we did not ban it under the Geneva Convention, as inhuman and a crime against humanity. Today’s labor market strength is helping to underpin consumer spending, supporting the economy as it deals with the headwinds of a strong dollar, slowing global growth, spending cuts by energy firms and an inventory overhang in the states of our union. All this is forgotten as racial, class and religious wounds that need dialogue, debate and human intervention to heal; are instead fanned by colloquial fires of lose rhetoric. We probably need another woman to tell the world that America is going to wage peace, and improve the lot of our citizen’s social, moral, economic and cultural standards.
We have to build trust within humanity as only then can we have peace and prosperity. For the hatemongers and the human dividers I say we are all one, and love is better than war. Look to your left and right and say from your heart, that I trust you. On this foundation of trust build the temples of human endeavor and cooperation. Nothing can hold us back from our goals of betterment, if we can only learn to strive harder for the improvement of our human spirit. The time has come to rise above our clannish petty quarrels, to work for a better world. If 195 countries and the EU can come to an agreement on Climate Change we can surely come to an agreement to come to a 1,000 years of peace. May Nostradamus’ prophesy come true in our life times and we take peace as a basic human right, and learn to trust each other and claim our true place in this universe. The time of human development and growth has just started, and there are golden ages before us, still to live together. Come join me in this quest for our own improvement.
On the eve of this holy day we should celebrate life by dying to oneself (and all our dark past), for it is in being reborn afresh that we truly live. When all the hate of this world surrounds us, is when we find that one spark of love inside us, which sends the hateful into oblivion. May our worst days be joyous and healthy, and your best days spent in the service, of those who need it the most. Trust in our human spirit, as it is truly all we have; on this silent night!

Om shanti!

A writer’s dilemma

As the parade of the writers returning their awards in India grows longer I couldn’t help but wonder what the fuss was all about. Why were National Awards being returned at this time to a Government that is at worst being called a Fascist and at best a Communal regression, in its treatment of the masses. I looked for that overarching manifesto that described each point, which had these illustrious writers up in storm. I discovered no unifying theme, that these wasted efforts led to, and it was very much a storm in a teacup; and a waste of good Indian tea, as far as I am concerned.. There was no uplifting message to rally the masses behind these illustrious writers, no mass uprising in disgust, and no minor suggestions either, to improve the situation at hand..

  1. Hindi poet Rajesh Joshi author of ‘Do Panketiyon ke beech‘ (between the lines) having survived Godhra, has now awakened to new dangers of the ‘silence’ of this government over recent law and order problem in isolated incidents.
  2. Ashok Vajpeyi   book of Hindi poems ‘Kahi Nahin Wahin‘ won in 1994 (post Babri Masjid) and now suddenly has problems with Indian secularism.
  3. The illustrious Nayantra Sehgal who survived post Indra Gandhi anti sikh riots in New Delhi and now feels victimized in a non-secular India?
  4. Keki N Daruwala won in 1984 for his poetry “The keeper of the Dead” feels that this government has crossed the boundaries of the living
  5. The esteemed Ghulam Nabi Khayal Urdu poet also returned the award which he received as a Kashmiri Muslims stating, “to live in a country that is secular, not a place where freedom of speech and religious identities are facing threats from communal forces.”
  6. Nirupama Borogohain novel ‘Abhijatri’ won the Sahitya Akaedmy Award in 1994. This 83 year old Assamese writer of regional literature felt that the national situation required that she return her award of over 20 years, to the present Academy, to send a message to the ruling BJP, that sectarian killings do not take place under a “secular” regime.
  7. Romila Thapar the historian has also spoken against the current state of affairs in the country and joined the chorus for reform.

The list of these great writers goes on, and one is in a deep dilemma, when looking at the ground reality. These people demonized Modi and ensured that he did not have a valid visa to the US for many years. His RSS background and Hindutva leanings were severely criticized before the elections. The question is that whether after an years of the Lok Sabha elections and the Modi Government rule, is the ground reality so much worse now in India? Looking at the chaos in neighboring states and the Middle East and Africa, is not India a shining beacon of stability and reform. When the engagement of India in world affairs is no longer when but how much, it wants to get involved; at its own choosing. To be the leading growing economy in the world, in a country of its size, will have its own repercussions. It is now known that its engagement in world affairs, will only increase from here and Modi has been a great torch bearer for these new aspirations..

I would implore the learned writers and poets to turn this sorry state of affairs into a new opportunity of communal harmony. They should write of positive experiences that will reinforce a more modern and secular nation, brimming with new poetry and literature. This is the time to express the hopes, dreams, aspirations and desires of over a billion people. Wonderful voices can arise from the 24 official regional languages in India recognized by the Academy. Their efforts can become a multi-headed Shesh Nag spouting various interpretations of life, in Indian states. Each language Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Telegu, Punjabi or any of the others has its own literature and tradition of great writers. Let the national award be used for recognizing many more such luminaries, in the future. Let the literature bloom forth and let all who protest today, may become the cheer leaders of a remarkable tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that; in successful succession

Let the voices of these literate people sing out in unison for the betterment of the nation. As the Hindu character of a free, democratic. secular and industrious nation emerges, let us not forget the arts and literature which are needed, for any renaissance to take place in the nation. Repression should yield to open expression, and that in turn will lead to a more cohesive whole of state’s voices, into the national character. The diversity of India is at the core of its beauty, and as this diversity is enhanced it will be even more beautiful to the rest of the world. The digitization of this world and its availability for the development of all, is a very promising shared future for Indian literature and the rest if the world.

Hindus and Muslims have lived together in harmony for centuries and will continue to do so in its Indian states. There is no denying the democratic aspirations of the Muslims or other religions in the nation and they will continue to participate in the parliament and government services as equals. We need to come together as one voice, one overarching manifesto that takes us from the bitterness at things today, into a new progressive and liberal world tomorrow. By blaming a government that one elected, is a meaningless exercise, when there is so much more work to be done.

Let us aspire for higher goals as only through great effort will the results be achieved. Positive expression of languages in its proper literary form is not easy, and we hail all the masters who have done so; to make a greater and more representative India. I hope to see a bright future arise like the lotus, from this murky past, and a civilization develops based on, openness, equality and liberty to pursue happiness in writing.We have had a poet as a PM already and now we can only grow from here.

May a million stories and poems emerge from the melange that is India? Let a thousand songs be sung and may the light of reason shine through their work. Assailing base inhuman feelings is not wise, but a seeking of harmony and human self-expression; is better. I am not saying that we all speak in one voice, but at least we can be the different notes of an orchestra, which makes beautiful music together. The time is to strive and find each one of our own private notes, to express freely, to make a greater whole for our world the best. My writer’s dilemma with these writers is, why be so petty and shallow now? Strive for the greatness that is ours to attain, as a nation of equals.

Being Here

Labor Day Parade, Union Square, NYC 1882 – Wikipedia

Tomorrow is Labor Day and I just finished the traditional summer Barbecue, and as I have decided that life is just perfect the way it is, nature is also cooperating. It is all a matter of time and place, which is of course here and now, with the sun going down and the white clouds on the Horizon; slowly picking up orange, and pink hues. The Spruce stands tall by the shore of the lake, down poop alley where the geese feed and drop, and at its end; the weeping willows touch the fresh water, in reverence.   Being here, the turkey burgers came out just right, and the corn is juicy and delicious, followed by strawberries and cantaloupe. The dinner done, I head to the community pool and am pleasantly surprised to find it all to myself, in the fading light, of another sunset; over the adjoining lake.

Decades ago when I was still a High School student at St Xavier’s Delhi, a seed had been born in my mind. Swimming in the school pool I had imagined a life as a grown up, and maybe America entered the picture as a wish, as Woodstock had opened a window, into a strange world. College reinforced the image, as the cultural hegemony of the US, continued to spread; like a wild fire, during a global warming summer. Nobel prizes earned, social change post Johnson’s civil rights, and the success of its worldwide brands, seemed to make the US a promised land. We listened to Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Jimmy Hendrix, Doors, Carole King and countless others produced in abundance in America, and wondered at the tapestry, that they were weaving into our generation through their ballads and music.

Having arrived on the shores it was more like rediscovering John Steinbeck, Emerson, Poe and the darker sides of inner city living, that was the grim reality. Meals on wheels programs, welfare families dependent on the state, teenage mothers and fathers with little or no education, and charities fighting to better the needy. The struggle from a minimum paying job in the inner city, servicing these people, to my present circumstances working on Healthcare systems, was aided only by my immediate family. They have stood by me in my foolishness and my wisdom and known when to criticize (often) and when to praise (rarely) as I worked out my demons. My labors have borne fruit and we are empty nesters now in an ideal community, little boxes on a hill side all looking the same.

The four seasons pass by and I and my wife weather it well, as the comforts of home betray us from straying far, except when we visit the kids or the parents. We each have our moods and our emotions, and now with the passing decades, have become creatures of habit. The days pass in a routine of predefined activity, and each one plays his\her role, on this life’s stage. Occasionally there is tenderness or emotional bonding, as one plays with one’s grandchild, and sees the circle of life goes on. At other times it is just the two of us in different moods and emotional states, when nothing except time passes slowly. I wonder at the years gone by, and our meaningless life that drifts and flows, borne on the currents of the universe. At other times our patience bears fruit, as we engage in the companionship, that comes, with familiarity and commitment.

So as I swim backstroke in the pool admiring the clouds in the skies and the landscaped trees, I think of my journey from there to here. Is this all that life is meant to be and could I have opted for better choices? Later I lie in the Hot Tub feeling the relaxing pounding of the jets of hot water, and admiring the landscape, and wonder if I have found that illusive Nirvana? I know all this is great and maybe the school pool when I had nothing but pubescent dreams, has led me to this place. Being here is a revelation, and I am at peace finally, as life was always meant to culminate here, in my dreams, and reality is always just a mindfulness away.

But we are not done here and I have to keep working on my Karma as life happens, as we seek newer meanings. I plan to try and find more of those moments of comforting closeness, with my dear ones. They are my Dharma and to be able to see their smiles, and looks of understanding, that we have enough love to share, would be a blessing indeed. It is up to me to be here for them, and only then can they find me, and envelop me in their love. The realization strikes that it is I who have been missing, from my own life; on this Labor Day. “I love you” I whisper to life, especially my companion and all the others, as the Jacuzzi is turned off for last time, this summer. May we be given the wit and courage to repeat it at the opportune time, in our daily lives, to those around us? In the end, no labor however small, is ever lost and the small things matter, as they make us whole.

Make opportunities in life

Everest North Face toward Base Camp Tibet Luca Galuzzi 2006.jpg

There have been times in my life when I feel that nothing has worked out as per my plan, and at others it seems that the gods have aligned themselves, in my favor. The capricious nature of our existence, changes from day to day, as the universe is vast and the forces of nature working with us, are often far beyond our control. We can only do our karma and trudge on, hoping that we are marching in the right direction to our goal. Our goals are sometime opaque, our companions unruly, and our circumstances strained, to meet them.

Daily distractions keep us back from realizing our true nature, and we lose focus on what we need to do. Then one day you find that 10 years have gone and you are no closer to achieving the goals, which you had set for yourself. At that moment of realization it is important not to give up on the goal, but rather to realign your resources, to try and achieve it. It is easy to give up and blame life and our circumstances and say to oneself, that it was just not meant to be. It is harder to say that life has not given me what I deserve, and I must strive harder to turn it around. We are never alone and the universal powers that surround us, are there for us to harness to our will.

When all hope is lost and we are in the doldrums of inaction, it is harder to gather one’s inner strength and move forward again. It is at those critical times that we must listen to our inner voice and ensure we add the right fuel, to our withering flame. The goal we have set is always within our reach and we just have to believe in ourselves, and reinvigorate ourselves to proceed to it. Faith in oneself is the last frontier, and those of us who light this flame; will find that the goal is already behind us, and new horizons have opened up to us. In the end we will realize that there is no lack of opportunities, there is only the lack of our personal will, to make them ours.

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. -Edmund Hillary, mountaineer and explorer (20 Jul 1919-2008)

Laughing stock

A blond-haired Caucasian woman laughing.

If there is one thing one must learn to do if one is to be happy, then one must at the very least; learn to laugh, at this cosmos. Where we exist, is a most perfect place for the creation of happiness; if we do not allow ourselves to get caught up, in weightier matters of why there is existence in the first place. Far safer to smile and accept, and be happy that one exists, and so deserves happiness. The universe is enormous, and we are floating points of matter and light; in a largely dark matter, and dark energy world. What is truly amazing is that amongst all the galaxies we have settled into this Milky Way, which has provided us all the combination of natural forces we require, for life to exist as we know it.

Our very existence is testament to the fact that the pursuit of happiness is the greatest goal for us to achieve. Our ancient vedic prayers state that peace is the final outcome of the state of happiness and every major ceremony ends with the chant of “Om shanti, shanti, shanti, Om” or may peace itself be at peace. This peace after walking down the path of awareness, I realized; is not the silent path, as I had assumed. In fact it takes up all the tumult and excitement of an ever expanding universe, into close consideration. It assumes that natural forces will act as per given laws, and try to be in harmony, with those around them. The success of peace has been written into the creation of our world, as it is the highest law and we will always progress from chaos into peace.

We also pray for the disease free livelihood for all beings on this earth, not just humanity, as we are custodians of a greater order. Our joy has to spread outwards in protection of all species within the laws of nature. Plants, animals, microbes, birds, ocean and sea life must all prosper for us to be at peace.  There is joy in birth, as well as great sorrow; as it also heralds the death, of all who are born. It is how we live in between that matter, in the end. Smile a little as it is not so hard, and laugh a lot, as that is even better. If we could spread the joy, then the dolphins will be our friends in the oceans, and we can fly with the butterflies; on a spring field, of wild flowers. The mighty oak laughs at the heavens as you watch it sprout its leaves in spring, and you weep with happiness at its ancient strength.

Life is a circus and the clowns are endless if we just pay attention to them. We get so caught up in our goals set for a person of high repute, that we lose the art of day to day living. The middle class rebel who laughs at circumstances, has not been a successful caricature in literature; as people are afraid, of such independent characters. As the Buddha said and countless others have reconfirmed, life is a great sorrow. Others are victims of the original sin and as such suffer in silence. Yet the few who have risen above this and are considered saints and learned have all surrendered themselves, to a simple fate. A fate where they spend their lives, in the service of others, becomes their mission. A life where joy comes from serving others, and not by any attachment to things or people.

Happiness is all around us and we only have to draw it into our sphere of influence. If we make one other person happy, then that person will go and make others happy, and the virtuous circle continues. If we center ourselves and radiate happiness then the positive thoughts and actions that follow will have a marked effect on our lives. As Saint Francis prayed “Let me become an instrument of your peace” in one of the most powerful prayers, ever written. The saint is showing us all that the way of peace is greater than the way of conflict and war. Nature dictates that we live and die by its laws and it will be so much better if we all rejoiced in its bounty. Promote peace and obey natural laws and we will all be happier. I ask you what have we got to lose, if you join my happiness, by laughing at this life.

Double digit GDP growth

GDP Growth rate in the world between 1990 to 2007

” Indian Economy is now clearly on a recovery path with a 7.4 per cent growth in the first three quarters and the new government is committed to maintain overall macroeconomic conditions on a sustained basis,”Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitely said.

With aims of restraining inflation to around 4 % for the next three years, and a reduction in India’s current account deficit (CAD) which, declined sharply from 4.8 per cent of GDP in 2012-13 to 1.7 per cent in 2013-14 and is expected to decline further to 1.3 per cent in 2014-15. We need rapid disinvestment, as without it the investment in the future for Smart Cities, Industrial corridors along Railroads and National Highways is not possible. We need to bring industrial manufacturing to the rural areas to provide employment, and for that the state must pass the land bill.

With millions of employable people mushrooming from these rural areas in the coming decades, the states must provide great employment opportunities, by allowing private entrepreneurial ‘Make in India’ initiatives. With Mudra and the financial inclusion of hundreds of electronic millions into the economy, with micro financing, and direct deposit of social benefits; a new social good, is being achieved. There is an opportunity to tie in health and social security into the fastest digitization of Bank Accounts for hundreds of unbanked millions. With 300 million people landless in the rural sectors, these corridors will provide the employment; for these poor and deprived unemployed, in the countryside. Without these new employment opportunities they will end up and be treated as migrant labor, so it is best to bring jobs and skills to them, rather than cause a mass exodus.

Urbanization is not the only solution for modern living, but at the same time the rural land has to be converted; into these new industrial, and modern hubs. The more investment from a current account surplus, through widespread disinvestment; in the public sector, is required to boost the economy. Investment in infrastructure can only come from the state, if it generates a surplus, for the advancement of its people. Modi and Jaitely have been at major International nations recently in a display of Indian thinking today. They have pledged their intent to improve the economy with concentrated effort to make it simpler, economical and faster to Make in India. The government is open to business and will be an enabler instead of a procrastinator and a better rating is the result.

Mr. Modi has just concluded the best long term deal for Green energy by going nuclear for a billion people. With long term uranium commitments from Canada India can plan to provide electricity down its corridors in a reliable manner by including, hydro, solar, wind and biogas into the mix. The challenges are uniquely Indian as Mahatma Gandhi had pointed out that India lives in its ½ million villages. Unless we provide income, sanitation, irrigation and power to these villages from green projects India will become dependent on its abundant coal resources which it is starting to unleash. Coal will still be a mainstay of India’s immediate energy needs, but it is a cause of pollution and global warming.

Modi and Jaitely are both promising the new normalization of foreign and domestic investments, into GDP rate of annual growth of double digits, for decades in India’s future. The number is not plausible right now, but just the thought process is different; from ex Finance Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh’s under Narasimha Rao PM opening in 1991. They had struggled with a balance of payments crisis and a growth of 5% and more had looked good from their perspective, after the anemic Hindu rate of growth since Independence. A rate of 5-7% today, will not be enough for providing the jobs and growth required. The demographic dividend from South Asia is an opportunity for India to provide leadership, skill sets, and employment, by rapidly increasing manufacturing and energy. Qatari LPG and Iranian Oil can supply India for most of its immediate needs. Long term contracts with strategic pipelines should be built for these supplies and the infrastructure to build for transportation, refining and distribution of petroleum energy. India has the technology that south Asia needs, in one of the greatest growth stories that is about to unfold; as the next middle class of millions emerge, similar to China’s growth in the past decades.

A lot of things need to administratively, legislatively and judicially come together for India to attain its true potential. So far it has been just the start with the first year of the new economic thinking and a lot of work still remains to be done. Given time it should yield rich rewards, if the new leaders can keep their promises. While the euphoria of the BJP victory and Modi wave, may be subsiding, it is now up to these leaders, to forge a new reality; by simplifying and allowing into action the work of a million entrepreneurs. The time has come for the rise of a new India to seek its destiny, as the fastest growing nation on the planet. After a long time we have the visionaries who can take India in a new direction. Having forsaken my citizenship, I never thought that I would ever say again, that I am proud to see articulate Indian leaders, showing fearless leadership on the world stage.