Category Archives: Self actualization
The Peacock Throne Wars is #4 on Hot new releases of historical fiction
The Peacock Throne wars is rising in Historical Fiction, and most books in the category are romantic novels. Our hero Jay Khanna comes to India, with a dark heart, and a troubled mind. Here he meets the modern and royal Noor, from New Delhi’s elite, he is clearly out of his depths in class and rank. Will romance blossom between these unlikely partners; is another mystery of love, running through The Peacock Throne Wars. Please help us take it to first place for my upcoming book launch. Thanks!

Hot newly released historical fiction
The Peacock Throne Wars

Amazon US eBook link: https://amzn.to/3CRkDbM
Please help by ordering my book The Peacock Throne Wars, am counting on each one of you to enjoy this latest best seller in India🙏
AMAZON Link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/9392428197?ref=myi_title_dp
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Succulent’s Bloom
Think for yourself
Greatness comes from action
A Covid Winter

We crossed the solemn count of over half a million dead, this winter, of COVID-19, in the U S Alone. More dead than we lost in all our foreign wars, since our founding. There is no way to describe the devastation of our losses, against this virus. So many loved ones, who died alone; in beds cared by front line responders; sickened to their death. As the President reminded us, of that empty chair; on the dining table, in a family meal. He reminded us on how it hollows us inside, in pain and grief. Yes, in all this cold and inhospitable world, we must rise again and live. We must look up to the heavens and our sun for life, once Summer rolls around.
Our Covid winter has passed, with the largest inoculation plan; being executed, across our world. Millions have already received their vaccines. There is talk of billions, by the end of the year; as more manufacturers, get their trials approved. It will take time for life to return to normal, as Spring will turn into Summer. There is talk of July 4th as a renewed Independence Day, for us all. We must remember we are only human, and a very small and insignificant part, of the Universe. Amongst the billions of suns just in our own Milky way, we are children on only one. There are billions of more galaxies, expanding beyond our Milky Way stretching for billions of light years. We should be thankful and grateful for our lives on this Earth. We must strive to live in mindfulness, and with compassion for all fellow creatures.
The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent upon it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. -Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (15 Feb 1564-1642
Hope rises for 2021

Happy new year and health and happiness to you and your family!
Carrying the water

The exercise of free will, is a common human desire,
Without discipline though, it is often only a satire.
Come join the seekers and planters, of the spiritual seeds,
Ensure we are carrying the water, for our daily needs.
The path is tortuous for some, who expect toil and trouble,
Endless days that stretch out, in purgatory’s bubble.
We fear for the worst, and lose sight of what is best,
The only way is to adopt stillness, to allow free thinking,
Dwell inwards, and walk the lonely path, of eternal seeking.
We constantly strive, for external happiness and joy,
Ignoring that happiness is internal, for each girl and boy.
We must go and find, the fuel for our fire,
It is this fuel of our thoughts, which raises our desire.
Still this mind, as with our breath, we must control,
Daily attempt to be here and now, avoid the endless troll,
We do not rise in anger, to defeat desire,
Instead desire dies, when we lower the fire.
Remember in the end, this is just our daily grind,
It is up to us to be happy, to stop and hear the wind.
The path is still there for us to follow,
Change our thoughts and become shallow.
The Oceans will churn, and the storms will rise,
We are the drop, which will become the surprise.