Over 100 Great Reviews!

Thank you for a “century” of wonderful reviews. 🎉

I appreciate you so much. If you have not left a review yet, please take a minute and leave one. We are especially in need of more US reviews as readers count on these to make their reading selections.

Here’s where to go to help me out —> Do a US review HERE.

Wishing you a beautiful spring season.


Valentine’s Sale This Week!


I am so grateful for my wonderful readers. This week, we are having a Valentine’s Day sale on Amazon.

Please take a moment to share this email with your family and friends and share my social media posts to help me spread the word.

If you have the print copy, now is a great time to get a kindle version and vice versa.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and be sure to spread a little love around your world.

Win FREE books!


Hello friends,

I am working on growing my email list and am doing a fun giveaway as an incentive to sign up.

The more signups I get, the more books I’m going to give away. By receiving this email about my blog being up, you are NOT signed up for my email list. The email list is a separate thing from the blog.

Be sure to sign up for my email list HERE and be prepared to maybe win. 🙂

Thanks for your support.


Don’t miss anything!

I have started an email list to let you know when I have promotions and special events and to share other information about me and my books.

This is not the same as getting notified of new blogs from this site so if you’d like to stay in the loop, please join my email list. I promise I won’t email often or share your email with anyone else.



Sign up HERE at this LINK.

Can you Help with a Review?

Friends, I need your help. Readers count on other readers’ opinions in order to choose their next read. If you enjoyed The Peacock Throne Wars, please take a moment to review the book on Goodreads or Amazon.

The links are right here to make it easy for you.

I appreciate you so much.

Thank you,


Review on Amazon HERE.

Review on Goodreads HERE.

Thank you so much!

Thank You for a #1 Weekend!

#1 in War Fiction

Thank you so much for all of your support of The Peacock Throne Wars.

This weekend, with the help of all of you and a special promotion we ran, we were able to reach #1 in War Fiction and several other top-category spots as well.

As a special “Thank You,” I am leaving the kindle version FREE for one extra day.

Please share the book with all your friends and family so they can read it as well. And, if you have read the book, please give me a review on Amazon. Future readers like reviews. 😁

Thank you so much,


Here is the link to the book on Amazon:
