Mammoths of the seas

Awakening groggily I reached out and pulled the dark drapes apart in the penthouse room of the hotel and was instantly blinded by the rising sun, reflected off the Pacific Ocean. I turned my eyes away and saw the metallic arms of the loading and unloading cranes for the container ships, over the port of Long Beach. The port was piled with rows upon rows of stacked empty containers and there were not as many ships; as the rush of the incoming goods had abated, before the greatest shopping season of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Instead as I watched I saw a mammoth ship slipping out of port fully loaded with containers; many stories high, and slowly heading out to sea. The economy must be picking up and now it seemed that exports from the US are actually on an upswing; as a fully loaded ship was rare to see, as mostly only empty containers were returned to China and the trading nations to the east earlier.
I turn my eyes back and see the triple funnels of the giant Queen Mary ship; that has found its final resting place, as a hotel on this water front. Yesterday it had been dwarfed by a far large modern cruise ship; that must have brought tourists from far away, to enjoy the sights of the city of Los Angeles. It was many stories tall and a sight to behold, and ferried people in the latest luxuries with food and entertainment, for its travelers. The scale of these cruise ships appears to be growing larger and more opulent, with each successive generation. They are floating castles that ferry people about to resorts and exotic locations; as people escape from the bitter cold and ice and snow, of the heartland. People sun bathe on the decks and enjoy the passing sceneries; as palm trees and pristine beaches await their arrival, from sunny port to sunny port.
Late last night I had been watching the waves from the breeze seem to come in from the sea; but the water from the Los Angeles river was actually flowing outward, and it was just a mirage. I had seen a black long shape swim down the river and could not make out if it was a sea lion, or a dolphin or a very large fish, that was making its way back out to the sea. These used to be the giants of the sea like the whales and the sharks, which ruled the open oceans. Now man has launched his nuclear submarines, naval air carriers, and the giants that feed the world’s commerce. Far away in the distance I had seen a giant oil tanker pull away from the large Chevron refinery; and today I saw another giant waiting patiently for its turn, to feed the inexhaustible thirst of the naphtha crackers and petroleum refinery. America is turning into the biggest exporter of refined products like aircraft fuel, diesel and other petroleum products; and these giant vessels will only increase and grow bigger, to meets the needs of the teeming billions.
I take a walk along the river and as the wind shifts I can smell the familiar smells, and am transported back to exit 13 of the New Jersey turnpike decades ago; where I had first smelt the fumes of the giant refineries. Now I am a continent away on the west coast; but the smell remains the same, and reminds me that this is the bedrock of our modern economy. Fuel is what we need and energy from petroleum is overtaking the energy from coal; as carbon dioxide continues to build unabated into our atmosphere, at a scale where Al Gore had to use a mechanical lift to show, the extreme rising graph of the current century. Now scientists are saying that there are giant rock formations; where we could easily sequester the carbon dioxide and store it away safely, and help to reverse global warming. The oceans make up the vast surface of our dear Earth, and have turned our planet blue and they are the next frontier.
Will we be able to convert the oceans into the next habitation and source of food; just like we have done as sources of energy with deep sea drilling, and massive wind farms, which will supply our future needs for a hungry population? Will tidal power be harnessed for energy and will we have giant conversion plants that turn sea water, into fresh potable water to meet future human needs. There are mammoth projects that can be built for living and aqua culture, on a scale we cannot imagine today. We are confined to land for now; but the oceans await our quest for sustainable living, and all we need are the new technologies for harvesting the giant spaces, as Dubai has done with its sprawling palms housing developments. We are only limited by our imagination and our resources, to make great strides into developing these resources.
Already the giant tankers, container vessels and the development of ports and facilities for them; have unleashed a cheap and easy transportation system, that link the greatest economies of the world together. The more ecofriendly and economical we make these modern giants; will in the end show how well we can better utilize resources and labor effectively, for the betterment of man. The ability to move vast quantities of raw materials from mining and agricultural producers; to the modern processing plants, and then the finished goods to the hinterland for consumption, are required on ever larger scales if we want to meet the projected population of 7 – 8 billion, in the near future. Great strides continue to be made in technology and construction with new materials that are revolutionizing our capabilities.
The Queen Mary is a stately ship and as I walk by in its shadow in my after dinner walk; I am reminded of a gentler age where all the gentlemen and ladies that sailed its luxurious furnishings and trapping, lived in a different world. It was a world of formal dinner ware and music and dancing under the moonlit skies, to live bands and entertainers. The privileged few enjoyed the trans-Atlantic voyages between the great cities of London and New York, bringing the old and the new world together. A week at sea; was not hurried by instant communication, and 24\7 information overloads. The mammoths of today’s seas are of a different breed and a different technology. GPS systems navigate them and people spend more times on their personal devices, than staring at the palms floating gently by. I feel suddenly very small against the hull of the ship towering over me; and turn back to another restless night, of wondering where these mammoths will take us next.

New age communications

Photo: Rancho garden
Looking at the WWW usage, one is relatively satisfied that the euphoria of peer to peer file sharing; has now become a much lower percentage of the total use, of the world’s network. Japan and Korea still lead overall usage, with about 1 GB of downloads as compared to .44 for the US, and only .08 for fast growing Africa. We have gone from the lawless days of piracy, and reckless exchange; to more structured delivery, of content as seem “In North America, Netflix and YouTube are the main traffic culprits, according to its twice yearly Global Internet Phenomena Report. Combined, they account for 50.31 percent of the downstream traffic during the peak part of the day. By comparison, Amazon Instant Video and Hulu garnered just 1.61 percent and 1.29 percent, respectively.
From the rising information age, the war for the eyes and minds of its consumers has just begun; and this is not even the first Inning, of a long game. We are embarking on a whole new world of the communication era; from the creation and delivery revolution, that will be able to handle ever larger sets of data, and compute and deliver exact results from a library of terra bytes, that we cannot even imagine today. As the storage, retrieval and delivery of these to the human brain become ever more sophisticated; we will become connected to anything we want in the public realm, whenever we want to. Our preferences and viewing habits; will follow into all media, and our shopping and consumption will be all recorded, and we will be provided with location aware information, wherever we go.
We have come a long way from the days of old; when a walk in the garden, and a quite conversation between two or more companions, constituted the height of information exchange. The grace of gardens and statues and public places to walk around; and just talk to one another, is a fading art. The mountain path, or the meander through a valley and its low hills; is now forgotten, as the countryside is sometime visited, but we never stay engaged. What engages us now; is the spectacle of sports events, where humans compete in evolved forms of the basketball\soccer\football\cricket\baseball\wrestling\racing\gambling\porn watching; into one towards, more created content. This titillates the mind, and has us spellbound in complex relationships; portrayed by professional actors and musicians and cinematographers. The world of fantasy and reality will merge; as we watch the world unfold before our eyes, from the farthest reaches of space, to the tiniest molecules vastly magnified, of our space time continuum.
Evolution will take us into new realms, and consciousness will expand; to fit the new reality. The future generations will enjoy a world of connectivity; that we cannot hope to achieve, in our lifetimes. We have just started the trends, and taken the first steps in this nascent technology. A century or more is not even a blimp in evolutionary time and we can only hope that the future remains kind to the development of us humanoids. We have embarked on a new journey and we will see wonders, which were unknown to us before. As we explore the universe around us, we will find that development has to be shared; and compassion is the way to ensure, we leave no one behind. The world and our organization of it will have to be more democratic so that the peoples wishes and aspirations are fulfilled. We are all in this together and must learn to co-exist and flourish together. From each according to his ability, for each according to his need, may have been the failed Marxist dogma; but there is a relevance in maximizing the maximum benefit from our resources, for the people to enjoy. As we step forward into the new age, our progeny will be faced with many choices; but long as they keep compassion in their hearts, they will not lose their humanity.

The white marble art statue will remain as a memorial to the garden; where mother in laws prospected for proper son in laws, for their daughters, in the gardens of love, created for this purpose in southern california. That is real communication, and all else is unreal.

The Albatross and his side kick

Long Beach
The Albatross and his acquired side kick; made strange companions, as they dive in the Pacific bay for their daily meal. As the Albatross would rise up and dive in to fish or skim along the waters seeking his prey; the much smaller side kick would cheer him on, and follow and dive along with him. It was a friendship of convenience; as whenever the albatross claimed a prize, the sidekick would nudge in and claim his piece of the treasure. A flock of teals (?) also arrive swimming up the estuary; and they dive for over twenty seconds each swimming under water, to claim their prize from the school of fish that they are following. The sea gulls cry out and dip in too, and then there are the white diving birds, that fly high and scoop into the water and claim their share. The Chinese fisherman casts his twin lines from the rocks on the shore; as the Los Angeles River flows into the ocean, under the overhead bridges. I walked along the shore and the ocean breeze seemed to talk to my very soul; as the Catalina express catamaran, takes the travelers for their pleaasure trip, to the nature preserve over the horizon.
The sail boats are out in the glorious sunshine and their white sails stand out against the blue horizon, as they are carried along by the wind to their destination. The waters are calm in the harbor and the sailing is just nudged by the motor boats plying the bay, and their wake leaves a trail and the waves spread out from their path. I look across the water and see the lighthouse standing tall over the marina, and the buildings and the palm trees line the shoreline view. It is warm enough to go swimming and I decide to take to the heated outdoor pool for a swim, at the hotel overlooking the beautiful view. Beyond the haze the mountains rise and beyond them lay the dry lands and then the dessert of Death Valley. My coworkers have driven off to Phoenix; and then to view the Grand Canyon and finally to sleep in sleepless Las Vegas, before returning back to Long Beach for the grind of the week ahead.
My restless spirit is not interested in the long road trips; as what I seek is not out there, but is somewhere here with me. Last night we were at Second Avenue enjoying some Sushi; as we waited for AT&T to have the time, for the acquisition of an iPhone for one of our group. There were some exotic cars and beautiful people, as after all this is California and the love of the automobile is best portrayed here in the convertibles; that lined the streets along the fancy restaurants. The display of tablets, phones and electronic gadgets is mesmerizing as the world is at your fingertips; if you can just afford the data plan and high resolution screens, which beam social media at you in an unending stream. I browse the Samsung’s, Apples , Windows and other phones and tablets; and am severely tempted by the instant access to all that is available, on today’s world wide web.
Information, Information everywhere, but not an iota of knowledge to think. Information, information everywhere and all the minds did shrink. I know not what I seek; but this overload of information will only divert me from my quest, so I pass on the two year plans and these devices that draw us in are left on the shelf, to beckon to another thirsty browser. In all the myriad data bases; with trillions of data bytes, is buried the mystery of this universe and life. The albatross of parting from this great opportunity on Dhanteeras; hangs heavy around my neck, as these are the vessels of our new age and what better time to buy one than today, as the GPS guides us back to our respective abodes. I feel that the albatross is the endless ocean of information stretching before me, and I am his side kick searching his scraps for knowledge. Facetime, Google hangouts, video chats all connect us now, and what’s up is not a phrase anymore; and my LA woman is immersed in her phone, and the Hollywood Bungalow is just another hot spot, to connect me to her fantasies.
It is just another Diwali in the City of Lights and I will celebrate it, as I know deep down that tomorrow will be a better day for all of us. I plan to go down to the Queen Mary; and watch the fire eaters and the fireworks on this fateful night when good will surely triumph over evil. The colored lights on the white walls of the Maya Resort will become the dispellers of darkness surrounding my soul, and the lights on the palm trees along the walkway will be the path of Ram returning to his rightful throne. Lakshmi will give freely to bless the needy, and Ganesh will bring felicitations and hope to the weary. I feel blessed even though I am alone for I know my family is safe, healthy and on their way to wealth. The festival of lights, in the city of lights, is a grand celebration this year; and my best wishes go out to all my near and dear ones, for hope still lives!

Diwali arrives

solar-flare-20131025-001 Early Fall bloom
The early fall still had the rose hedge blooming; as the weather, started to turn cold today. The wind has picked up; and although not the biting cold of winter, it still causes a chill when you walk to get the mail. The house is all a bustle, for the Diwali celebrations planned for this week end. Extracted the decorations from the garage and hung them up; on an inspection by more discerning eye, and then had to re do them all as the placement was not really appreciated. Vicious rumors are being started of deliberate attempts to demean the homes aesthetics, and there is even lose talk of of dangerous men trying to decorate; when they have no sense of decorum or taste. The crisis was averted on following the redirection, and now the home looks more festive and ready for the annual celebration.
In the meantime our dear star has flared up again and solar activity has suddenly intensified; with two recent flares leaving to corridors of fire, across our sun’s surface. The sheer power of these eruptions is shown clearly, in the new photographs that have been taken. The energy and heat waves travel thousands of miles; in bursts and flares rising to the turbulent surface, and exploding out into space. These waves will disrupt our radio and other telecommunications and can cause havoc in the airwaves. Luckily we are protected from the fiercest eruptions by distance; and the unique atmosphere of the mother earth, which dispels most harmful rays. The Northern lights may become brighter but we will be safe.
The Diwali celebrations go well, with the family gathered around the Havan, and the Aarti and Lakshmi Pooja afterwards. It is a pleasant evening for children and now grandchildren to be playing around; in the cleared up Den to allow Casper, and the kids to frolic. Good vegetarian food followed in waves; till the final cake and other Punjabi desserts assortment to satisfy, even the least inclined in the Tsunami of food. We are human at an elemental knowledge; yet enshrined in tradition of our ancestors, on this festive day. Even the food followed age old recipes; passed down generations, of our families. A good time was had by all, and let the good times roll in the years to come


Path blocks Green dale leading to lightPath may be faintPath opens upThe path may appear blocked
The pathway to reality is often very faint; or it may appear blocked to us, when we strive to find it. Oftentimes the pathway is actually blocked; as we are not at the awareness point in our life, to be able to see it or to follow it. We are so busy in our social obligations; to family, clan, employer, club, religion, wealth; that we do not take time out, for ourselves. We are so busy living the dream that others demand of us through our relationships; that life just slips through our fingers, into the sands of time. We have to still the intellect; so that it can direct the mind to rein in the senses, and allow the ego to rise, to a higher level. Desires that have become our deepest habits, need to be crushed with great force, like glass by the force of a diamond. They will never go away; but we need to rise beyond them, and offer them as our personal sacrifice to the fires of renunciation. The king may slaughter an Ox at the ceremony tp sa[[ease the gods; but the man seeking the path, sacrifices himself and his desires, and offers all his deeds as the karma for the supreme’ s glory.
Sometimes a good teacher or a deep faith or a quite mind leads one to start on the path and as one goes one may face stoppages and diversions but the journey has at least begun. All are on the same journey; at their own chosen same speed, and they all have an Atman that is immortal and causeless in this universe, created from Brahma’s mind. As there are multiple paths; the beggar may get their before the king, and the pauper before the billionaire, and no signs are posted to their success. If you walk along the righteous path; you will find other righteous beings, heading in the same direction. In the oceans of humanity you will find the solitary stream; that runs down the mountain, to its North, South, East and West and eventually merges with the sea. A solitary path and a lonesome road, as while others can walk with you on the journey; in the end you have to cross the threshold of belief, yourself. Do not lose heart at all the obstacles that arise in the way; as they are there for you to cross and proceed, along the anointed way.
When you have become adept at controlling the mind; you find that a number of obstructions along the path, are removed. You may still reach a precipice and almost fall back into despair; but if you have fortitude, you must step back and continue along another harder way, till the path opens up again. Then moments arise where the brambles and the fallen trees and the thorny bushes clinging to you are removed, and a large green passageway opens. The path opens and with it comes a new realization; that abundance had never left you, it was you who have left abundance behind. Now all is provided for as you climb up the green dale to the welcoming light; coming from the top of the hill, shining at you through the trees and asking “Who are you knower? Welcome!”
Then you find that despite all your travels along the path you have still only arrived, back at the starting point. You look at your personal view of the universe, and know that all else is only part of this reality. Now you include the Brahman into your consciousness; and home is where everything, resides in your heart. All you have to do is open your own heart, and the universe is yours as you breathe in and out; as this is who you are. Dwell in your heart and follow the path that it shows; as it will always stay with you, and you will never be lost. Break the path of illusions that only yields superficial journeys, as only then will the true journey begin and we will become the path-breakers.

Summer flowers

Last of the summer flowersLakeview at night North Haledon-20130925-00198

Summer flowers

Summer flowers

1. Lakeview at night -Midnight ramblings led to the picture of the Lake at night where the small bass were ever eager for a meal no matter what time it was. Far above Galaxies floated in the heavens, and luckily the street lamppost was out; so the skies showed more than before, in a lifting of a veil.
2. Usha-The early morning dawn captured the half dark and half-light of human awareness on the lakeside shore. This vista is your timeless existence, and your actions are your path to shanti. Consciousness is the only reality we have of this moment; and if we use it well, we can meet Usha the loveliest of celestial goddesses in her natural form; as the early morning is described by the sages, in our ancient literature.
3. Summer Flowers – The summer flowers smelt so sweet from the marigolds in the morning air; sipping coffee and taking a breather, on the back patio overlooking my personal view of the lake, in all its summer glory slowly turning into fall. The beauty of what a few seedlings and a good clean potting soil can produce is truly amazing in this beautiful climate and the begonias and the geraniums take on a life all their own. The overripe sweet smell of the fecundity of our mother earth is on full display and overpowers the sights and smells of all the creatures around it. Life has a way of going on and evolving into the next generations. Summer in NJ is over and Fall brings its own walks over fallen leaves and broken branches through mountain walks through local hills. I set off on my rambles into the woods and bid the lonely summer farewell and welcome a more hopeful autumn.

Renounce and enjoy!

File:Adi Shankara.jpg
In the beginning there was the word. In prehistoric times before writing was invented a spoken language emerged and an oral tradition was established. The word was passed down from father/mother to son/daughter/disciple and the knowledge of the ancients passed down to us through the ages. In the forests above the Indus and the Ganges plain; the people who called themselves the arya or noble, sought the wisdom of creation and the understanding of why existence existed. They came across the people of the Indus Valley; who had been civilized for over a thousand years, and from their mingling rose the Indian civilization, that exists on till today. At first the Rig Veda talked about the arrival and the victory over the settled people of the Indus valley civilization and there is no fear but a rejoicing in it. Then the Sama, Yayur and Atharva Veda explored the mystery of creation and the relationship of the race, with its natural surroundings. The rishis and the thinkers took the word and made hymns out of them; and passed them down in an easy to memorize format, in Sanskrit to their progeny. The Vedas worship or sing to the elemental powers of life like war and thunder (Indra), sun (Surya or Savitiri the giver of life), wind (Vayu), death (Yama), fire (Agni), dawn (Usha) and offering homage to them. The Gyatri or Savitri mantra is even today a mainstay of any Indian prayer.
As the ritual of the fire sacrifice and the purification of the soul and the universe; through the offering of forest products and clarified butter, from their cows took place; it was a means of teaching the word to those, who would follow them. As the Vedas themselves are the root (vid, meaning to know the revealed knowledge given to humanity at the beginning); some seers took to the forests in search of greater knowledge, and delved deeply on consciousness itself. They wondered what reality was and questioned what was not real. Never before or since has such a deep examination of the ego, intellect, mind, senses and their role in human existence been studied to such detail. From these Gurukuls or schools came the Upanishads or the tradition of ‘sitting down near’ where one who had experienced the truth, explained it to the chosen disciples. This was just not rote learning like the early Vedic tradition and based not only on the intellect and blind belief, but on actual knowledge of experience. Each Upanishad is complete in itself and represents the seer’s view of the one truth that is called by many names. In its quest for human salvation (moksha) the realization that Atman or the eternal soul is one with Brahman the source of the manifested and unmanifested universal spirit; is one of the greatest contributions to human thought.

Shankara an eighth century mystic identified 10 Mukhya (major) Upanishads out of 108 and while there were many other historic works; these remain, as the recognized works that broke away from the rituals of the Vedas and expounded the single underlying power of Brahman, as the supreme reality and Godhead. The ancient ascetics in the forests delved deeply into the human mind; and studied various forms of reality from the dreamer, to the dreamless state, to the known reality, and asked themselves “Who is the knower?” when you pass into a dreamless state of absolute concentration where there are no sense organs or ego. They coined the name brahmavidya for this supreme science or the science of the supreme; as they found the meaning in internal consciousness; that answered the many questions, external and internal, posed by their quests. In their states of deep meditation they came to understand consciousness itself; and realized that the Self is not separate from the Brahman and that they coexist, and always have and always will. Aham Brahmasmi was espoused as I am Brahaman in the Brihadranayak Upanishad and not in the meaning that I am God; but in the realization that the Self is not separate, from the Supreme reality. There is no joy in the finite and there is only joy in the infinite and ‘sat-chit-ananda’ or that absolute reality, pure awareness and unconditional joy are the only state of the Atman. When their keen students questioned the myriad realities and paths that they discovered; the answer always pointed to more deep meditation on the internal state, till the realization of the supreme reality and “tat-tvam-asi,” or that thou art became realized in the Chandogya Upanishad. It was hard disciplined tutelage; needing decades of work and at the end of which, one either realized an enlightened state, or moved back to the duties of a householder with a deeper understanding of reality.

The Upanishads are not long philosophical discussions like Plato’s dialogs but concise essence of the realization of the sages, representing Vedanta or the end of the Vedas. As Mahatma Gandhi once said about the Isha Upanishad “If all the Upanishads and all the other scriptures happened all of a sudden to be reduced to ashes, and if only the first verse in the Ishopanishad were left in the memory of the Hindus, Hinduism would live forever.” When I studied this book I found that only 18 short verses made up the whole tome; and they still had a fullness that remains fulfilling even today,even after all the millennium that have passed, since the words were first uttered. The first verse of this Sruti (revealed truth) reads:

The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all,
The Lord is the supreme Reality.
Rejoice in him through renunciation.
Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord.

The secret to a happy life, as Gandhi explained with a twinkle in his eye and his usual humor, to the western journalist who asked for it in just three words; is “Renounce and enjoy!” (tena tyaktema bhunjitiah from the third line). While Gandhi Ji was an ardent devotee of the Bhagwad Geeta he went back to the Upanishads for the sruti or eternal truth. So this is only the first book that I have rediscovered from among the many gems lying forgotten in our age; and then I went on to read the Katha Upanishad, where Nachiketa a thirteen year old questions; Yama the lord of death himself, on the secrets of existence, death and life everlasting. It is so appropriate to our times, where a burgeoning young India seems to teach its young ones everything; except, the knowledge lying in our scriptures. Death we have forgotten is the great teacher; and eternal life is the hardest boon, that we can obtain. So I will continue my study of these ancient words, that have been passed down to us, as a legacy of our ancient knowers; who did not even put their names down, as the authors. They spoke only from their own experience, and left a path for us to follow, that leads to the supreme reality. There are no messiahs here and no heaven awaiting us at the end of our lives. Moksha is to be attained here in this life itself through righteous living, deep internal concentration and a supreme effort that leads to the silence of thought itself. Each of the Upanishads ends with the solemn words “Om shanti, shanti, shanti” and in this modern troubled world; what can be more precious than the peace of our Atman, which itself is only found in the eternal peace of Brahman.

Epic tales of labor

In this spirited 16th-century painting illustrating a battle scene in the Bhagavad Gita, the gods look down on the mortal hero Arjuna (far right), who is directed and assisted by his personal charioteer (and God incarnate), Krishna (second from right), during the climactic engagement with the Kauravas at Kurukshetra. Krishna fortifies the will of the wavering Arjuna, convincing him at his moment of moral crisis that it is his duty to proceed and to fight for what is right.

Back home to celebrate Labor Day week end in American tradition with the family. With work ending on this fateful Friday, I proceeded to the city with a CRV full of relatives and luggage. It was a great visit and the traffic proving to be the easiest part of the trip till one hit the $ 13 too at GWB and everyone was paying and queuing up to get past it to where they were going. Pretty remarkable for a steel and cable engineering achieved decades ago, to be still spanning the great Hudson and the barges and ships and yachts floating by far below the cliff face. The city has a life all its own and the theater district was full and the restaurants all crowded with early supper eaters. The big event was of course at Flushing Meadow and due to poor planning we missed the U S Open this year and the relatives who were there.

Back at the lake I heard the splash in the water of a big Bass jumping in its element in the dark night. I looked at the bank of the lake and wondered how all this chaos can be overcome of desire and love and life. There is duty to Dharma and then the mores of society to be followed. The big bass is the slippery ego in this scenario. No matter how hard I try to break free from these constraints; the ego slips in, and disrupts the plan. “Wow how much peace have you attained by standing on this spot in your home,” it whispers at the shore when it knows well that peace is far from the moment. There are bills to pay and labor to do and this week end is a welcome respite from all the daily toil. Freed from the burden of those chores tomorrow is for servicing the trusty vehicle and making sure it is in good running condition when I am away.
Tomorrow will be spent in reading the discourses on the Bhagwad Geeta at Naroup University in Colorado by Ram Dass in the 70’s. I revised a look at his “BE HERE AND NOW” after many decades on the way here on the kindle fire. It was a very poor substitute for the original which was far bigger and the paper and the prints an absolute delight. Arjun the Kshatriya after studying his opponents from his chariot; has asked the question to Krishna of why all he holds in respect and honor; must die on this battlefield of Kurukshetra and why must he partake in this dastardly deed. He has thrown his bow down in despair and refused to fight and seeks guidance from his charioteer and friend. I am avidly waiting for the next revelation tomorrow, as a lot is revealed in the first two chapters themselves. This song to god is an explanation of why we must do karma; and it is in Krishna’s strange interpretations of Dharma, and how Arjun benefits by following the path of war, are the main theme of the book. It is after all a war for their own existence and the righteous must win for the world to go on.
The book is a very small but significant other major Puran the Mahabharata. It is a massive tomb of a people who settled the plains of north India and a record of those times. It is an epic tale and meanders and flows and is only comparable to the other great Puran the Ramayana where the Ram avtar takes precedence in his righteous rule. These millinia old tales are so imbedded into the Hinu myth that even today the enaction of the chapters of the Ramayan and the eventual buring of the huge effigies of Ravan the ten headed wise man and his son Kumbhkaran and brother Megnath in Ramlila grounds in New Delhi even today to celebrate Dusherra and the end of the nine nights of Navaratri,. Traditions go a long way back in those lands and the Ram Mandir agitation in Ayodhya is still a hot spot for communal riots boiling under the surface of the mobs that can run wild at any time. A man who brought Ram Rajya or good governance is now used to defy the current government by instigating old communal fears that lie dormant but are never fully extinguished. Ambers that can light up whole neighborhoods, on dark night if stokeds. May it never come to pass and may cooler heads prevail when the spark is lit by some right wing leader in the vast land.
On Sat it is bedtime as one has to fulfill the quest for new mattresses for the new addition for the master bed. A lot of furniture will have to be moved reclaimed and refinished before this exercise is over. It is a long overdue one too; and we should have done it years ago, to enjoy a better room. Sun is probably back to the city after going to Jersey City for lunch. There is still so much to look forward to enjoy. Karmic laws and labor day are good companions and one should learn from the righteous; that there are paths we do not open our minds to, that are there for us to take.

Eightfold path


Figure 1: The pseudoscalar meson nonet. Members of the octet are shown in green, the singlet in magenta. The name of the Eightfold Way derives from this classification.

The swim on the warm Sunday evening is exhilarating; as I have neglected any kind of physical exercise, for the past few weeks. After my laps I sit exhausted on the steps; with my head resting on the railing, and close by eyes against the sunshine. My eyelids turned a bright orange; and then I see the phenomena of the sub atomic particles, appear as if in a dream. The quarks or whatever it is; carried by cosmic rays hitting my eyelid, rise out of nowhere and form a bright blue pattern against the orange background, like exploding firecrackers on the 4th of July. They rise out of nothing and formed this momentary pattern like a rising blue fountain of light; that branches off into all cascading directions, and then disappears as the stream fall back into nothing. I know we cannot see these sub atomic particles; and it has taken researchers years to even find them, so I came back and do some research. The model above describes the scientist’s findings.
Decades ago when I was studying Buddhist meditation, I was fascinated with Gautama/Siddhartha’s quest; as he struggled to find the source of misery, pain, old age and death and how to escape from its cycle of rebirth. He describes his long search and his practice of severe asceticism, of tantric practices, of bhakthi and devotion, and over many decades sought the greatest masters, to learn from them. He traveled to the great centers of learning; and held discourses with anyone who would engage with him, during his long quest. He said that after a particularly long penance; he went down to touch his belly button and felt his back bone instead, through the skin. He realized that extreme mortification of the flesh is not the way to truth and knowledge. He had already enjoyed the luxuries of the palace where he grew up; and the way of the householder and kings indulging in all the sensual pleasures, was also not the way he realized. He had to find a middle path that anyone could follow.
Scientists have come up with an eight fold way to describe the quark model; and Buddha also came up with his eight fold path, when he delved deep into his inner conscience to attain Nirvana. Everything is scientific and each model took a lot of work to arrive at. There is no creator here or death or destruction; as energy and mass interchange but do not disappear. So this was the biggest secret at the heart of all creation; that there was nothing there at the core. When Buddha tried to grasp the absolute and weighty argument of God; he found it wanting, as in the heart of the lotus, there was only bliss and compassion. He defined the way of knowledge that would lead us away from our ignorance; as he was sure that it is our own actions and karma that trap us here, and not the work of gods and goddesses. There are no super beings in this realm; only the Sanga or the likeminded folks to whom he preached his eight fold path of Dharma. So to take refuge in the Buddha, the Sanga and Dharma are core principles of Buddhist practices and to achieve enlightenment; you have to walk the path laid down by the ancient, who were Self awakened ones. This is represented by the eight spokes of the Dharma wheel; and those who walk this path, can find the direct knowledge to the cessation of death and suffering.

Division Eightfold Path factors Acquired factors
Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajñā, Pāli: paññā)
1. Right view 9. Superior right knowledge
2. Right intention 10. Superior right liberation
Ethical conduct (Sanskrit: śīla, Pāli: sīla)
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
Concentration (Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi)
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration

The next evening as I walk outside a mantra is constantly chanting in my head “Om Mani Padme Hum”. I quite my mind, and observe in wonder this mesh of Maya that surrounds us all, in the green grass of mother earth, the grey clouds of the heavens and the people going about their business of society. In the dusk a myriad of lightening bugs appear, again mimicking the quarks rising out of nothing and shining brightly momentarily in random places, and then disappearing into the darkness again. My heart is light; and the vegetarian meal that I have eaten, just right for this occasion. I have tried to find a concrete solution to everything; that one solid truth that would free me, from this cycle of rebirth, suffering and ignorance. No equation answers everything and so I look at the core deeply. I laugh at having discovered this void; as I realize this is all there is, and it is only our desires that manifest and create this being. The mantra goes on and within its chanting, all is filled with compassion and truth. If I am indeed this nothing or void at my core; and all my manifestations are external, then who is this I, who observes and stays the same compassionate being? The mystics may know the answer but I am here now; and as Rajiv Kapoor fades away, I become this mantra that goes on unending out of nothing into nothing.

Summer sanity

The sun has set on another day and it paints the dissipating clouds in orange hues, as I take an after dinner walk. I hear the honking and look up to see the perfect v formation of a gaggle of geese; flying in from the south excited at the man-made pond, at our waterside apartments. They descend down into the water in a flapping of wings; to perhaps settle down for the night, after their day’s flight. In the gathering darkness I see a lightening bug hovering over the evergreen bush; appropriately lighting up the dark shadows, in its bursts of light, as it celebrates its life.

I return home and cut up one of the last mangoes of the season; and enjoy its sweet and tart pulp and yank the dryer switch, to continue on in its weekly task. Another summer of my life is coming to an end; and I look back and realize, that I have much to be grateful for. There were birthdays and anniversaries and love making and parties and movies and plays to enjoy. Summer here in the south is a long season; and the farmer will probably reap two harvests from the wild fields, with neatly rolled haystacks for the winter. Spring had begun with hope and museum visits; and summer is ending with book readings from across the centuries on the Kindle, and movies unlimited from Netflix. I am entangled in the World Wide Web like never before; on Facebook and my blog, and there is often not a moment to lose, as life goes on with its merry whirl.
I often grapple with my loneliness; as I am an alien, in an adopted land, and sometimes the passing of time in itself becomes a burden, resulting in sleepless nights, watching trash or reading it. There are times when there is no one to love or share the day’s happenings; except for this stray cat that has adopted me, and comes by morning and night, mewing and forcing its way into my life. I feed it my version of tandoori chicken; which it licks its lips and enjoys, or on lazier days just tuna fish or the chicken of the sea from a can, which it relishes, and then spends countless hours preening itself lying outside my door. I guess we are kindred spirits in this complex; having no one else to call our own, or to depend on, that life has randomly thrown together to spend together, another summer of wondrous happenings. Unlike me it hunts at night; and when I found it with its head buried in a hole one late night, it ignored me completely and kept at its task of findings its prey, as it is a part of its existence, it keeps to itself.

These dog days of summer are not driving me insane; as I remember the philosopher’s famous words that “Insanity in individuals is something rare — but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.” -Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900). The summer has been particularly insane; as the world seems to be unraveling slowly, at it’s seams. Wild fires burn, floods devastate whole states, unemployment of our young leaves many dreams unfulfilled, wars rage on, suicide bombings, rapes, pillaging and wile human deeds increase and the economy does its own thing. Statesmen cannot find consensus to move forward; and the consenting cannot find morality it seems, as they look forever backwards. Society is a schism of the haves and the have-nots, and the divide grows greater every day. The poor scramble on in desperation; and the privileged look down on the bourgeoisie, as if they do not belong in the same world. The earth turns and the seasons come and go and I live this life, in awareness of my own impending death. I look around me and find people mostly believe in their own infallibility and the death of others.

Political parties are at loggerheads; and do not allow the business of those who elected them, to prosper. There is no gain in a common good as; if they can keep their faithful living on in this delusional state, then all will remain well in their world. Power is now in overwhelming force and not in the ability, to do the most good. When Zuckerberg gathers the likes of Facebook, Samsung, Nokia and Erickson into a mighty coalition to provide cheaper connectivity and the web to the masses; Bill Gates sadly points out to all who will listen, that no application can cure diarrhea, in the population they are trying to reach. Progress is now measured in bytes of digital media and not the bites that feed the hungry. Sanity would be to provide healthy food, clean water, decent housing, green clothing, higher education and equal opportunity to the under privileged. The cat is mewing outside and it is probably bringing me the news; that she just spied the last sane man sneaking out of our complex, and we should probably hurry up, if we do not want to miss the last plane leaving Bent On Ville.