Opportunities in Renewable energy


According to the IEA as per amorales2@bloomberg.net “Renewable use in electricity generation is on the rise and will account for almost half the global increase in generation by 2040, according to the report. It said about 7,200 gigawatts of generating capacity needs to be built in that period to keep pace with rising demand and replace aging power stations.

The share of renewables in power generation will rise to 37 percent in countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to the IEA.

It said that globally, wind power will take more than a third of the growth in clean power; hydropower accounts for about 30 percent, and solar 18 percent. Wind may produce 20 percent of European electricity by 2040, and solar power could take 37 percent of summer peak demand in Japan, it said.”

The leaders in the energy field have to be thinking about generating 1,000s of gigawatts of renewable energy from wind, hydro, solar, biogas, in the coming decades as per the report. We have to wean ourselves away from fossil fuels and reduce the greenhouse gasses effect on climate change. If temperatures continue to rise along with smog (as evident in China today) from the increased use of fossil fuels, we could be looking at a dangerous future for our coming generations. The quicker we change to renewal energy the better for our planet and our environment. A 3.5 degree rise in temperature may not sound like much, but it could cause havoc in storms; and cause instability in nature as a warming trend takes place. This will have unintended consequences of widespread floods or droughts, as weather patterns will be effected around the world.

These dire consequences need to be avoided, and it will help to create millions of jobs for people. Firstly will be the labor required to install efficient renewal forms of energy at an unprecedented scale. Secondly will be all the services, industry and entertainment that will spring up; to meet the needs of the billions of consumers. In an internet of everything world, energy is the bloodline; that unites it all. Have we finally found, the one ring to bind us all; in a world wide web of astral identities, and characters, on this stage of our digital world?

Not only will modern cities be more conscious of renewals; and their environment footprints, but will recycle and become more self-sufficient in their energy and water needs. Urban designs need to change to denser models; where basic amenities can be provided, on a grand scale, to the poorest of the poor. Energy efficiency, its production and storage will become the hallmark of any great city, and the ones naturally proficient will benefit more.

While building the infrastructure for renewals, we will in parallel have to build the distribution system; that will become the arteries of light, in a planned human development. There industries and social services will be delivered to the masses in a new digital world powered by this new source of energy. The elite of course will enjoy the benefits of this energy boost, by grabbing more power, as they have the capital to invest in this new world and technology.

All this must be done while preserving the current state of nature and the environment. Development for humans must not come at the cost of a single other species, as we cannot become the arbitrators; of evolution. We have to coexist with our environment, or will pay the heavy price; of our survival itself. Natural environments and laws can be measured, and we can use this renewal energy; to right the numerous wrongs, we have done to our environments already.

By 2040 a lot of us may be dead, if our environment continues to be neglected, and what kind of earth will we leave behind for our inheritors? I leave you with the somber fact that the:” Earth is also on target for its hottest year ever recorded, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as reaching the highest level of atmospheric carbon dioxide in at least 800,000 years.” We need to fight this on a war footing, and not wait; to become victims of our own evolution.

Mantra after 25 years remains the same

Pick a flower on earth and you move the farthest star. -Paul Dirac, theoretical physicist (1902-1984)

While my daughter was cleaning up for her move to the west coast; she pulled out a letter from Rutgers dated Aug 30, 1989, 25 years ago. In it they had responded to my enquiry for the location and translation of our beloved ‘Gayatri Mantra’ the university responded with the following and I quote.

”It occurs in the Rig Veda samitha, mandala (book) 3 hymn 62, stanza 10. As a written text it dates to 1,000 BC; as an oral tradition it must be two or three thousand years older.  The mantra reads

Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi

Diyo yo nah prachodayaat

It seems to have been the most popular hymn even in the ancient world. There are several referencxes to it in the Brahmanas and the Upanishads, as well as in the laws of Manu. The literal translation of ths text reads as:  tat = “this; savitur = sun god; varenyam = “to be desired, long for); bhargo = :radiance, glory); devasya = “of the heavens, god)  dhimahi = “We direct our mind”

Dhiyo = “thoughts, devotion, knowledge); yo= “who”; prachodayat = “May inspire”

“We direct our mind to the sun god, radiance of the heavens, who may inspires our thoughts””

The natural forces were often referred to as gods like the sun, wind, soma, but in all the writings there remained one supreme reality; and we were just the soul (ataman) on a journey through this life in this body and mind, which would eventually merge back into God (parmatman). Our journey is part of the natural order of things and as we seek our own path we must have individual passion and inspiration. For this we have to direct our mind, discipline it and be inspired by the great wonders of our universe.  We must seek to acquire the knowledge; that will allow us to shine with the brilliance of the sun, in our own life, for the others around us.

It is clear from this passage that it is only by inspiring our thoughts into higher realms of reality, that we can become an inspiration in our deeds as well. I will thank my daughter for this gift after 25 years; as everything is according to a grand plan, and we discover things, when we are ready to understand them. I will now fix my mind to this mantra and see where it leads me, and those around me on this path of knowledge. So I will take my time to pick my flowers and move the farthest stars and won’t you join me on this journey?

Lights – On sale now!


Finally the day has dawned and I can request all my fellow travelers on this journey; to sample a tale about Times Square, and a family’s despair, hope and faith on Broadway. Will you please help me to share its availability for sale at Abbott Press at the link attached?

Fifth of humanity

File:South Asia UN.png

Arundhati Roy has correctly stated that the open sore that festers all the country’s political bodies in #South Asia based on the division on religious lines by the British, now lies exposed to all when she says specifically in this last Indian elections “The two main parties agreed on most policies, and each had the skeleton of a mass pogrom against a minority community in its cupboard. So now, it’s all out in the open. The system lies exposed.”

The attack on the Indian consulate in Afghanistan where luckily no official died is a symptom of this disease. The killing of 60 people in Northern Waziristan a strong hold of the Pakistan Taliban, the killings in eastern India all show countries, in a war with themselves. To the credit of the countries the security forces have behaved admirably and performed their tasks well keeping the separatists and terrorists at bay. The fear mongers and nay-sayers will predict the worst for the future atrocities that humans are prepared to undertake in the defense of their religion or their community. For tribal societies homogeneity is not a preferred lifestyle as life is lived within the remote forests and valleys in their own distinct flavor. With democratic governments all across the SARC region the imagination boggles at the possibilities of a progressive state.

Will the economic ties be strengthened and the rule of law enforced so that trade and commerce can happen in open borders with trust and conviction?

Will cultural exchanges be encouraged so that we can all understand, how much we have in common and to gain collectively, if we all pool our resources and develop together?

Will we open up seamless trade between our traditional Indian Ocean neighbors from South Asia to the far east and Africa in the greatest development of trade ever imagined?

Will pipelines of energy flow into the starved heartland from Iran and Central Asia; so great enterprises can flourish, and tech cities be built to house the next generation?

Will the harnessing of 80% of the region’s water that flows into the ocean today, be saved for prosperity, before the Himalayan snow caps melt into history?

Will healthcare, education, human development and equality be the new standard against which a nation is measured; rather than the old ones of hate, ignorance, bigotry, caste and creed?

Will the infrastructure finally be built to crisscross the land; in 12 lane highways, superfast trains and modern airports, with the bridges, tunnels, ports and warehouses that are required for a modern life?

Will we be able to leapfrog to the internet of things; as while it too a long time to collect 550 million votes, we could count them electronically in just one day. By modernizing electronic communications – imagine what we could do for agriculture, housing, transportation, crafts and local products with open markets?

Will we generate employment for the millions; that will only spur us into an upward spiral of development and prosperity at a scale, that the world has never known before?

Questions that only time and a steely resolve to improve a fifth of humanity’s condition can answer, we can all join in the effort with a single step forward.

Coexist and prosper

System Components


The pursuit of happiness is an explicit goal laid out by the founding fathers of this nation; and the Homestead Act was the greatest law ever passed, as it allowed for the settlement of the wild lands of the west expanding the original colonies. The native Indian tribes were driven out and the European settlers brought with them personal property ownership, to what had been a largely communal land. This basic premise where ownership of land and all the resources below it belongs to a person; and not the state was the bedrock of American thinking, which lasts to this day. It laid the foundation for the greatest wealth creation that our times have seen, and changed the course of entrepreneurship and invention over the past few centuries.
Freed from the clutches of the state each individual was truly free to pursue his or her own development and lifestyle. All lands have their own resources but to explore and use those needs courage, determination, vision, steadfast determination and a risk taking ability. Majority of such endeavors may end in failures, but even if a miniscule portion of new projects are successful, they can change the course of our human condition for centuries to come. The latest example is the development of horizontal fracturing (fracking) of shale rock to release the natural gas and oil buried deep in our earth. As people own the land and its resources a new gold rush has started and an example is the remote state of North Dakota where unemployment is 2.6% and the economy is booming.
There is no other country which could have developed this, as it is a unique American characteristic that when faced with resource challenges, its innovators and tinkerers come up with ways to achieve new breakthroughs in how we think and do things. When the oil majors gave up on the US oil fields as too mature and moved their investments to offshore and to other countries; it was the wildcatters in Texas, who continued to pursue new ways to exploit existing resources. Last year alone 150,000 wells were dug to harness this technology in the US, dwarfing all other countries around the world. Majority of these were done by small unknown companies and individuals and have revolutionized American energy growth, while the rest of the world suffers shortages and high prices of gas. Even China which sits on one of the largest shale formations; with its huge state owned oil companies, is far behind and will take decades to catch up as it copies the technology.
The new industrialization of America based on cheap gas and oil will allow the country to continue to create #wealth and become energy independent and eventually the largest exporter of petro chemicals in the coming decades, while the rest of the world will continue to play catch up. It takes trillions of dollars to increase the GDP of America even marginally and thus innovation and continuous technological breakthroughs are required on a daily basis. The internet of things is coming and it will need more energy than ever before. The problem is that all these fossil fuels like coal, gas, oil are destroying our eco system and global warming is leading to an unsustainable planet, as we are destroying habitats and environments indiscriminately.
We are exterminating whole species and microorganisms on a scale similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The sad reality is that extinction of a species is final and billions of years of evolution die with it. We are destroying the oceans and the land and all living creatures are threatened by the indiscriminate growth of our species. We have no idea how nature works despite our huge scientific knowledge and research in various fields. The more we learn the more we understand that there is still much we do not understand, about the interdependence of life and creatures around us. The creationists would have us believe that we are created in God’s image; but do they even understand God’s compassion and his laws that are progressive, which allow the blossoming of nature in all its variety and complexity to develop. If we are created in his image then we should be better harbingers of our environment and must ensure that we become the custodians of His world, and everything that exists in it.
There are of course some scientists who have understood our interdependence on everything around us and are pushing for change. Renewal energy whether from solar, wind, biogas, tidal, fusion, fission, algae must be developed to wean us away from the carbon dependency of our addiction to cheap coal and oil. With seven billion humans and growing our energy and resource needs are assuming Malthusian proportions. Global warming has to be reversed or we will face mass extinction of more species of flora, fauna, microorganisms, animal and bird species with devastating effects on our own survival.
There is of course progress being made on renewal sources of energy across Europe, China and America and they are the main consumers of energy today. For example GE just confirmed orders for 3,900 MW for its wind turbines in the US alone, as they have become more efficient. Similarly the dormant nuclear energy industry is showing signs of renewal and new plants are being built again, though the problem of storing nuclear waste still remains. Solar is another area where giant strides can be made to harness the power of the sun to provide for our needs. More funding is required to make alternate energy sources available and also we need innovation to make existing transportation, habitats and lifestyles more energy efficient to reduce our carbon footprint.
My #hope is that instead of destroying each other, we need to find a way to coexist and prosper. The whole universe is available for us to grow, but if we kill our own blue planet then we will have nowhere left to call home. Human ingenuity and innovation knows no boundaries and we have a lot of work ahead of us still to do. In the pursuit of happiness we need to raise our compassion and love for all creatures, as that is the only sustainable path for our future and the generations to come.

The butterfly effect- a short story

After a grueling trip; I found myself in the hot and dusty city of Aurangabad, after a tedious journey for reasons that I cannot now remember. It began innocently after a couple of scotches with old friends. We were a couple of houses away in our development in the suburbs; when upcoming India trips were being discussed, to pass the time.

I had let slip that I had long had a desire to see the Buddhist caves of  Ajanta and Ellora and immediately Mr. Ranade from Aurangabad chimed in, that he had the best contacts and he would make all the arrangements in his native place. Not having the least idea about what I was getting into; as until that day the only information I had, came from old India tourism pamphlets that left a lot to the imagination.

There are beautiful apsaras and heavenly creatures and the life of the Buddha; all carved out and painted in the caves, so many centuries ago. I wanted to be transported back in time when life was meaningful and hope and happiness were all around; in the compassion of a society lived by simple laws, laid out by the Buddha in his wisdom.

 My romantic notions were not much appreciated by Mr. Ranade; who I believe is a competent Managing Director, at one of those too big to fail megabanks. “We have to make sure that you have a safe trip, and must make all the proper preparations for your upcoming visit,” Mr. Ranade told me the next day and promptly rattled of a list of things, for me to do.

He soon took over all the practical planning and helped me shop for my onrushing adventure with appropriate insect and bug repellents; malaria tablets topped off by some awful jaundice shots from this entirely too old doctor, just to make sure that my travel is safe, to my foreign motherland.

Mumbai had been a mad chaos as the traffic at rush hour had been total mayhem, but somehow the little yellow and black taxi driven by a Mr. Singh; seemed to weave its way in and out of the traffic in those crazy patterns of Indian embroidery, gone bad. All the time we exchanged the latest weather and other news; in a strong Doaba Punjabi; while he drew paisleys on the roadways, and then neatly executed Hindu swastikas at the crossroads.

I hired him by the day and he showed me all his favorite spots in Bollywood; and where all the filmy stars lived, and played the greatest hits on his radio, while we watched sunsets, drinking coconut juice with wood coal roasted corn. He also showed me the free trade zones; where office towers rose to house the new IT and Telecom stars, of a flat corporate global world.

“Take me to your favorite eating place,” I asked him after a long day and hoping to live the life that he lived, however brief.

“I am not sure it is the right place for your sir, but if you insist there is a place close by where I often go to drink and eat.” He told me reluctantly.

 We imbibed these huge bottles of beer with tandoori chicken kebabs, daal, roti and naans, sitting on jute stringed charpoys; at a local dhabha, under the shadows of the towers of modern India. “I am too tired to go back to the hotel,” I told Mr. Singh, and he promptly yelled to the young boy serving us, “Bring some sheets and pillows for us, you good for nothing fellow.” And with a swirling pedestal fan to keep the mosquitoes away, we promptly slept under the open Indian sky.

The train to Aurangabad passed through the Deccan and the Western Ghats. The Ghats have their own climate based on the monsoon; and were intensely green in some parts, brown expanses of craggy hills and red valleys with streams running from the remnants of the monsoons, like silver streaks in the bright sun in other parts. I was fascinated by the countryside and could spy old forts on lonely peaks from where the proud Marathas, had protected their lands from incoming invaders.

Standing in the shade of railway platform one, a young boy claiming to be Sudhakar Ranade a third nephew to the amazing Mr. Ranade of America,  quickly took charge of my luggage. As I struggled with my luggage he quickly intervened and told me, “Please leave everything to me, my uncle has given instructions for us to make sure that your stay here is made comfortable and that you do not lack for anything. He is now the head of our family, and I am honored to serve you as our guest.”

 We were marched out in military fashion; with a poor red uniformed railway coolie leading our way up the stairs and across the metal bridge, to the exit. Much to my protests, he was happily carrying more than his weight; on his head and bags (laden with gifts from Mr. Ranade for his family) slung from his shoulders, than his thin legs would appear to allow.

 We ended up in a small fort like structure; a few miles out of the city, which was the ancestral home of the Ranade family; with ten foot high walls topped with high barbed wire, running around a large compound. On entering the large gates I found a sprawling complex with multiple dwellings, vegetable fields, cowsheds and horse carriages along the back walls in little huts, with asbestos sheets providing the roofs. The original stone mansion had been extended many times with brick rooms and other extensions based on the current generation’s needs. I was quickly given the honor of a room with an attached bathroom; as it had some prestige attached to it, as Mr. Ranade my friend, had personally had the house modernized some years back. This latest expansion was shining in the sunlight as I admired the sparkling new glass, steel and wood practical structure, designed by a leading architect in Mumbai.

The next day I was off to explore the caves and the four wheel drive vehicle arranged with a local guide proved to be a bumpy ride, over ill banked and often unpaved roads. Added excitement was provided by the gaily decorated trucks flashing bold colors and slogans, when they whizzed by harrowingly close, well past any advisable speed limits. The white pair of bullock carts with the high horns tied with twinkling bells hauling sugarcane to the nearby sugar mill, were of course more charming; but a greater menace on the road. The trucks swung around them playing a crazy game of live pinball, with swirling and flashing lights, accompanied with the playing of loud musical horns in a cacophony that are the local high ways. I was quite relieved when we stopped at a local stall for tea and breakfast and the guide explained, where we were headed and the plans for the day.

“We have engaged a knowledgeable guide for you and he will be with you, to explain all the history and details as per Mr. Ranade’s instructions.” The driver told me and explained where we would be staying and what the plan was.

When I returned home three days later; well satisfied after a long and detailed study of the caves, I had even more questions in my head than before I saw the paintings. Who had painted them and why and how could they have been able to do that in the dark without modern tools and equipment. It was definitely a labor of love and the art had left a deep impression on me, and I was still trying to understand the cultural and historical importance of these finds. What was this Nirvana that the Buddha had talked about, and my mind was even more confused that before.

 There was an urgent message waiting for me from Mr. Ranade, and Sudhakar had been anxiously awaiting my return it seemed. He said that a registered letter with acknowledgement due had arrived from the local municipal courts, and Mr. Ranade wanted to speak to me urgently on this matter. After refreshing myself I found myself having tea in the drawing room; in front of the huge color TV, where some cricket match was being watched with great enthusiasm. Mr. Ranade called into this milieu and asked for a huge favor; as he was extremely sorry to impose on me as an honored guest, in their home. He wanted me to accompany his lawyer to the local municipal courts, to clear up a complaint. He was stuck in important meetings with some mid-west banks and was unable to pull himself out of the work; and did not trust his uncles or nephews, as they were all incompetent and had allowed the situation to fester, for decades. Not understanding all that Mr. Ranade was asking; I still agreed as a friend to go with his solicitor, and report back to him as a friendly observer.

“Please make sure that this matter is resolved once and for all; with the help of our family attorney, who will meet you tomorrow and explain everything.” Mr. Ranade explained over the static, and the cheering of the people in the room as the match took an interesting turn.

 The next day Mr. Aggarwal BA, LLB etc. etc. was sitting in the veranda on the white comfortable rattan chairs with extra cushions and enjoying the paneer pakoras that the cook had rustled up for vakil sahib. I joined him timidly as he joked loudly with the staff; oddly intimidated by his black coat and tie, and impressive khaki files tied in red ribbons lying in view on the table. After a loud guffawing laugh about the washer man’s wife’s latest escapade, he finally turned his attention to me. “Ah Mr Kapoor it is good to meet a friend of my dear client Mr. Ranade, come all the way from the US of A.” He shook my hand in a plump, oily and limpid grip and solemnly picked up a file and passed it over to me.

I fumbled with the red ribbon and did not know what to do; but Mr. Aggarwal came to my rescue and in two swift moves, removed the red ribbon and handed me a bunch of papers on government stamp duty paper; with the impressive seal of the Reserve Bank of India or other government symbols, and red lac where they had been sealed and were now open for my inspection. “This new officer at the municipal office Miss Sita Devi is ruthless sir, and probably a witch. She is pursuing each case diligently and now our turn has come, to go up before her in her office. She is a shrew sir; and nobody can escape from her, once she gets her claws on you.” He whispered leaning into my space; breathing the oily fumes from the savories, even though I knew there was no one around, who understood English.

“She is the embodiment of the Devi and rides a tiger, and his claws are deep and have already destroyed a lot of rich people in this area. Some of the oldest property complaints are being acted on by this lady; or tigress, if I may be so bold to say. It is their way to destroy the prestige and reputation of our dear old established families in this area. These low caste people should never have been allowed to come to power, as they are destroying the very fabric of our established society.” Mr. Aggarwal explained while I studied the papers before me.

At a quick glance it looked like a case for willful pollution and destruction of public land. It seemed some twenty years ago; there was noted spillage of water from this compound; out into the back public road. There was flooding in the area with filth and run off from the houses, cow sheds, chicken coops and horse stables. The problem was further compounded by the use of the area; as a preferred open human latrine by the locals, under the protection of the high wall. This morning ritual was helped by the use of a convenient tap with running water provided gratis, by the Ranade family.

Unfortunately a passing municipal inspector had got bogged down in the twenty foot mud road; that had become a nasty stinking swamp, and had to be rescued when his official car broke down in the thick of it. He had to wade through the muck and fell in when he missed a pothole and ruined his white uniform and brown Solar Toppee. He was rescued from the ignominy of drowning in the shallow waste, but could not get the smell off himself even after a week of daily oblations, of castor oil massages and yogurt rinse bathes. To add insult to injury the grandfather was smoking his hookah on the roof of the mansion with his friends; and being generally high, enjoyed this new found amusement happening in his own back yard, and had a whale of a time. He continued yelling hilariously at this moron with lewd insults to his ancestry, who would try and use this back way in the monsoon season.

He guffawed at the drenched official pouring out the brackish waste from his toppee, before putting it back on his drenched head; “What kind of a fool are you to come this way at this time of year? Even the village idiot Ramu knows, to avoid it during the four months around the monsoons,” he shouted down from the roof. With some final lewd remarks about his mother’s training to the fuming official, he was finally pulled back to the game of cards. They were soon laughing and engaged in their afternoon ritual of smoking and swapping stories; used to pass the time, amongst the town elders.

The case had lingered for two decades as is often the case of these less pressing matters. Big cases hogged the time and delays and dates were pursued by the prosecutors and the lawyers in a ritual that was time immemorial. Things in independent India had improved with the blind justice melted out, in dribs and drabs in this great sub-continent today. Now an exasperated Sita Devi in scouring the office for unclosed cases, re opened the twenty year old case and was asking for action.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that our most resolute Mr. Ranade; on becoming the Karta of the Joint Hindu Family, at the passing of his father at a young age from a heart attack, had made rapid amends. Along with the construction of the new wing; the architect had also designed a whole water harvesting, and environment friendly solution. This had been duly implemented and huge underwater reservoirs to reclaim the water from the monsoons had been installed. Drainage ditches and irrigation channels were built across the compound.

They were the secret to the fruit trees and other orchards blooming in the grounds of the compound, and in the green expanse across the now slightly elevated back road with more drainage ditches, all paid for by Mr. Ranade in his wisdom, some time back.

We set off in advocate Aggarwal’s car which turned out to be a white Ambassador, with white curtains and white cotton seat covers along with a driver all dressed in white. All along the way, Mr. Aggarwal enthralled me with his knowledge of the case and various dates and important evidences. Before setting off he had led me to a pump house in the compound and two gardeners had opened up various large potholes, showing indeed a modern sewage and water system installed and working. I had been requested by Mr. Ranade to represent him as a creditable witness, that the work had been completed as planned, and to excuse his personal appearance.

We got to the session court building and the driver fought his way through and dropped us off near the cart vendors; selling knick knacks, snacks and tea, who were blocking the only pedestrian walkway.  Mr. Aggarwal took command and steered me through a maze of typists with official stamp papers in small glass cases; and other touts hanging around everywhere, offering various services, to smooth the way through the court procedures, for small reasonable fees.

We entered a haven of organization from the chaos outside, when we entered Sita Devi’s office. It was a large wooden desk with four chairs facing it with a rattan weave seat and solid wooden legs. A petite dark lady was peering over her horn rimmed bi-focal; at the bearer in a khaki uniform, standing to one side, explaining the disappearance of a particular file.

“Go to the fourth section and look at the files in the third cabinet marked pending cases” Sita instructed the attendant. “The files for pollution cases are all there and hurry up and get the one in the old cases section.”

 She wore a starched white sari with a red stripe border and turned her attention to a smiling and subservient sounding Mr. Aggarwal. “Well Mr. Aggarwal, it is good to see you and I hope that you are better prepared, as I am not ready to give any dates for postponement of the case anymore.” They quickly dived into the details of the pollution case and her eyebrows rose when she saw that the Ranade family was involved in the case.

The bearer returned with the file and she reached out and I noticed that her hand was severely mauled. She was missing three middle fingers and only her thumb and pinky were left around scarred skin. She still managed to balance the file and set it before her on the desk, and started to raise additional points to Mr. Aggarwal. He rebutted all of them and showed the drawings and plans of the improvements done in the compound, to resolve the old issues.  She continued to write notes on the file’s columns with her left hand and seemed to concentrate on recording Mr. Aggarwal’s comments in a methodical and concise manner.

I was finally called upon to explain the absence of my friend Mr. Ranade, on important business in the mid-west of the US of A and my duty, as a witness for the day. She questioned my background and understood that I had a good position with an American multinational and had lived there for many years, and was here to represent my friend Mr. Ranade.

 When I vouched for the septic tanks and storage tanks she just looked on skeptically at the evidence. When I insisted that I had seen the evidence myself she just gave a small contemptuous laugh about trusting Americans and said “Mr. Kapoor you do not know this land or its people. I have seen many photographs tempered with and even seen water wells disappear overnight; and a wholly modern system like you describe is beyond even my imagination. Anyway good try, but I will go ahead and reserve judgment for negligence, as these papers do not impress me.”

I thought of my friend and made one last effort on his behalf, “No madam, you are mistaken as Mr. Ranade is a very sincere and good person. He has really executed what is laid out in this plan. Please come and see for yourself if you do not believe me.” I gave my most sincere explanation.

“Ha Ha! Ranade and sincere and good,” she slapped the desk in her merriment, “I do not know what world you are coming from, but I have lived in these parts for many generations and have never heard of them, being referred to in this way.”

Mr. Aggarwal also jumped in and made all kinds of conciliatory statements. On consultation with her calendar, it was decided that Sita Devi would visit the compound on the following Monday afternoon, and god help us, if she did not find everything as described in the plans. “I will be there promptly at 2:30 and do not want to hear any more excuses. The case will be decided next week either way.” With that she waved us out with a wave of her hands, and I could not but help but stare at the misshapen stump before I turned, and walked out of her office. She seemed to clutch at it with her other hand, as if some old pains had suddenly come alive.

On the way back Mr. Aggarwal was happy that we had made progress, he praised me for making a good impression; as he had never seen anyone tame the tigress before, when she got into one of her foul moods. “Why that stump armed cotton picker, is just trying to her throw her weight around as usual. She does not know who she is dealing with. She is lucky she is dealing with your friend, as other members of the family would not have been so tame in their response. She was just a cotton picker’s daughter and now she thinks she has become a high officer. That is what people call her behind her back ‘the stump’, and now she thinks she will make everything right again for her caste and people.”

I was intrigued by these new revelations from the suddenly relaxed Mr. Aggarwal, swinging back into his usual colloquial terms and expressions. He described how she had grown up in a poor family and like the hundreds of thousands of other young children of her community, worked in the cotton fields and mills. Her main job was to make sure the male flowers came in contact with the female flowers; and she would do it, going from row to row during the growing season.  She seemed to love her work and would be seen skipping between the rows with her other friends, as children often play; while doing more work, than the adults.

Mr. Aggarwal described how when she was around fourteen, she had been able to get work at the cotton mill to support her family, as the pay was much better. Within a year she had met with an accident; when her hand had come into a machine’s blades. She was lucky that they saved what they could, from her shredded parts. Luckily the surgeon at the city hospital had attended to many similar cases of accidents at the local mill before, and was able to patch her up satisfactorily. He never claimed to be a plastic surgeon and left terrible scars, but saved her hand for what it now was. She received a lump sum payment from the mill and they picked up her health care costs for the first year. The mill owners and officials then promptly forgot about her and the other similar cases, attributed to employee negligence in the official files.

Sita was devastated that she could not work and bring in income to support her family and instead had become a burden on them. It was her neighbor; who was a teacher at the local public school, who saved her. She dragged her to school with her and fed her during lunch, from her own meager meals. Painstakingly she taught Sita how to write with her left hand, now that she could not write with her right hand. She knew that only education could help a physically handicapped person, from becoming a beggar in this community. Sita’s parents were relieved to have her take care of Sita; while they worked and soon she settled into a normal school girl’s life, with lots of help from her neighbor

“That no good uppity neighbor was always trying to make her people better that they are.” Mr. Aggarwal remarked. ”If the government did not give them special quotas and privileges we would still be leading our normal lives. Our hard working youth are suffering from lack of economic opportunity, while these folks are living off the government largesse”

Half the money from the settlement had been saved and when she got into the big university in Poona, the money came in handy. Sita with two other girls also going off to Poona; said their tearful goodbyes to their families at the ladies compartment, at the Aurangabad railway station, as the train pulled away. They were to be away for three years with holidays in between, when they would come back to visit.

 Sita had got into one of the best colleges because of the quota system for her community, and she blossomed in the open inquisitive atmosphere of the liberal thinkers. She began to participate more openly and soon was overwhelmed with the storehouse of knowledge that she had found. Poona had many other colleges and students and she soon made friends; amongst the budding lawyers, doctors, other historians like her. She had more difficulty understanding the more serious scientists; with their important sounding labs and other scientific, and mathematical activities.

Slowly she picked up more confidence and joined the debating society in her second year on the persuasion of a close friend, who was an avid debater. They would go to different colleges and participate in discussing on current affairs and generally intelligential topics, which the professors dreamt up. In the end given the opportunities; she excelled at her work, and graduated almost at the head of her class.

The provincial officer’s exams proved to be a breeze, and she returned to Aurangabad under the same quota, that had given her all the privileges before. Her parents were ecstatic at her great success as she was the first one from her family, to get a government job.

 She was sent to a remote district for two years and promptly forgotten about, till election year when the local MLA (Member of the legislative state assembly) praised her work in the district. She had worked ceaselessly on behalf of young mothers and needy children by ensuring their vaccinations and care in the early months after birth. This had led to increased survival rates for the children and mothers who had often died undernourished and uncared for, by the local medical staff. The local public was very happy at the proper use of the health care funds, and the MLA was reelected with a thumping majority.

She was promptly removed; so a more senior officer could carry out the work, in a more organized way. Sita was transferred with a promotion to the district irrigation desk; where hopefully she would not do any further harm, in her new found enthusiasm for actual work.

 She again disappeared for over three years and then in a severe drought year, her area showed no signs of it, as she had worked hard to dig out the old ponds and reservoirs and lined them to help preserve the rain water, and maintain ground water levels. While the other districts around her suffered; she took the irrigation minister for boat rides on her man-made ancient lake, filled with two year old monsoon run offs.


I went ahead and completed my tours of the remaining caves and waited for Monday hoping to see Sita Devi again in the compound. Something about the carved stone figures reminded me at times of the strong love for life, which Sita showed. It seemed that nothing could keep these people from their desired goals. The ancient statues took on new meanings; as at last I understood the pain and suffering; of the people, who built these temples, as an expression of art. I thought in my mind that living beings in the community are modern day examples, of those ancient myths. The beauty that the artists carved into rocks still lives, and one only has to look for it.

On the fateful Monday I had to run into town to finish some last minute errands and to post some letters and correspondence. My time here was coming to an end and I went to the fort and museum one last time and took in some other sights also. After lunch at a favorite restaurant, I headed in for the usual siesta in the hot midday sun; with strict instructions to be roused at two, so I could get ready in time for the appointment.

Mr. Aggarwal showed up in a cloud of dust; as his driver pulled the white Ambassador around, to disgorge him and his files outside the verandah. It was too early for the Bhisht with his goatskin sprinkler system, to come and water down the red gravel drive to the main house; and so the dust flew everywhere. The modern wing had a concrete driveway and I had wanted to have the meeting there.

“All meetings with officials have always been held in the main building’s old offices.” Mr. Aggarwal informed me dismissing any arguments on the subject. “We do not break tradition here and will entertain them in the family style at this great main building. This is far more impressive and will show the officer who she is really dealing with.”

They had planned the visit carefully; so that everything could be shown properly and the head Gardner in his uniform with a large starched turban, and a helper with a smaller turban, had been called to stand by for help with details. With their practical experience I felt that they were ideally suited to explain the advantages of water usage from the new systems. Mr. Aggarwal was hesitant to bring in these lowly staff, but had agreed on my insistence that practical experience was more important than semantics.

Sita Devi arrived promptly and without much ceremony and was shown in by the head Gardner, to the old impressive office with the huge oil portraits of past Ranades looking augustly down in all their glory. The two of us had waited anxiously for her arrival and promptly seated her and offered her tea from the antique silver and china set, brought by the bearer, accompanied by the fried savories, so favored by Mr. Aggarwal.

Sita Devi waved all these away “I have limited time and this is no time for a party. Let us get on with what you have to show me.” This was of course much to the chagrin of Mr. Aggarwal, who was eyeing the disappearing savories with a wistful expression.

Mr. Aggarwal walked her through the plans and maps laid out on the table for this purpose, and to save time. I put the photographs of evidence on the locations in the grounds, where they had been built. Sita reached out and started moving pieces around to understand the lay of the land. I could not look away as her right hand moved the piece above the first storage tank with her thumb and pinky, and the scar seemed to fascinate me.

“I have come here for an inspection and not to move pieces of paper and cardboard around on a table, watched by these ancient fossils on the walls.” She spoke looking straight at Mr. Aggarwal.

“We are ready to take you and show you the improvements,” I spoke up seeing the dumbstruck expression on Mr. Aggarwal’s face, and she turned to look me in the eyes and smiled.

“Lead away,” she said with the usual lively twinkle in her eye, and no nonsense approach that I had come to appreciate.

“I am sure that you will be impressed by what Mr. Ranade has accomplished, with the help of the design from the Mumbai architects.” I told her as the Gardner led the way to the fields under which the septic tanks were downhill. Later on it was planned that he will take us uphill, to the other side where the water harvesting tanks and pumps were.

“There is little a Ranade can do to surprise me, but I will take your word for it,” she walked with a spring in her step and I was able to appreciate her grace; in her sari tightly tucked in and the native figures of ancient India, seemed to come alive in her.

We came upon the first pothole and the Gardner and his assistant quickly pulled it up; and the assistant quickly climbed down the steel steps, down into the large dark tank, and flashed his flashlight all around to show its dimensions.   Satisfied we moved on to the other tanks and the Gardner explained the flow of the underground water pipes and the tanks, and how it all worked together.

He was especially proud of the septic tanks as ever since their installation, no waste had escaped from the compound for two years. Everything was so much cleaner and the old public gardens built across the road in the back; were prospering and already yielding fruits from the many orchards, growing there under the gardening team’s keep.

He was a proud man and would have continued on for a long time; but Sita cut him off with a curt “Thanks and off with you” kind of remark and the two of them trotted off, and left me alone with her as she sat on a bench admiring the orchards, spread out before her. “Times were not like this in the old days, and I agree with you Mr. Kapoor; that now having seen this…, your Mr. Ranade had done good work here. I can’t believe that I can say this about a Ranade, after so many years.” She suddenly clenched her right hand in her left hand as if to stifle an old pain that had suddenly come alive again.

“Yes I never realized what I was getting into when I mentioned Ajanta and Ellora for a desired visit. It has been a true eye opener for me in many ways.” I replied to her. “Tell me about the old days.” I said trying to distract her from her pain.

“Oh I remember being a butterfly and flying in the cotton fields growing up around here.” She looked at the horizon as she spoke, “My family was all there and we were all so happy. We would work all day and then enjoy the festivals and the dances of the seasons. But then this terrible accident happened,” she grimaced at her hand, “and my life changed completely after that. I will never forget that fateful day and the name of the mill, where I almost lost my arm and life.”

“It was a terrible time for me; and if I had not started studying, I do not know what would have happened to all of us. Now my parents live in my government bungalow and lord it over my domestic staff; as if it was their birthright, forgetting the times we went through before. I had forgotten all of this till your friend Mr. Ranade’s file came up. I had even forgotten my butterfly dream and it came back last night.”

As she continued to look at the horizon; I saw the harsh official look disappear from her face, and a young hopeful expression appeared as she mused “I was floating in my dream just like I used to do as a young girl. I went from the male flower and took it and went visiting the female flowers with it. I sampled the honey and flitted from flower to flower in my carefree flight. Thanks to you, the dream has woken up again and I am able to sleep at night.”

I could not say anything to her and just sat there nodding and looking at her strength and determination. I was overcome by the softness that had crept into her voice, as she seemed to remember a life when she was truly happy. She suddenly looked at her wrist watch and said it was time to go. I reached out automatically to shake her hand to say good bye. She stood perplexed for a minute and then she reached out with her claw, and thrust it into my palm and squeezed with her thumb and pinky.

“Oh you modern Americans are such romantics; and do not understand the weight of the ancient cultures, that we live with every day. Have a good journey back and tell your friend that everything will be all right now; with this case. I plan to close it finally once and for all, with some appropriate fines for past negligence. Tell Mr. Aggarwal to come to my office with copies of the plans and to help complete the paperwork, with proper affidavits”

I stood looking into her eyes while my thumb unconsciously soothed the scar skin on her hand, “I hope you have forgiven my friend and his family, then?”

She looked straight at me and said, “There is much about this country that you still have to understand my friend.” She gave a last squeeze and was off in her sari and brisk walk. “It has taken me a long time to understand; what forgiveness and hope truly means. I suggest that you give up your silly romantic notions, and learn about life from all that you have seen here. There is much work still to be done to restore all the wrongs, besides the ancient paintings and statues.”

That week end I was all packed and we did a final round to pick up some mementos of my trip. We headed into the old part of town and I found some unique handicraft shops, and was delighted with my finds. As we turned back the driver took a different route. He said that as the main road had an accident he would try and cut through the Mill grounds.

I had never realized that all along the side of the bazar was a tall wall, which ran down the length of it. The driver pulled into a small lane in the middle of it, and came upon a large green painted metal door and honked. A smaller door was opened and a watchman peeked out. Recognizing the car he pulled aside the large steel doors, and saluted as he let us in.

We drove through the mill, with all its workers and goods looking very busy; and at last emerged on the other side. This was the truck entrance to the main road and away from all the traffic tie ups. The driver was very satisfied; as he had fooled all the other traffic, and soon had us home in time for drinks before dinner. Even Mr. Aggarwal arrived and was served his usual tea and fried savories and snacks.

“I have prepared all the official papers to be presented at the office later this week,” He assured me. “Please tell Mr. Ranade that everything will be taken care of promptly as requested to close the case. It has been a pleasure working with you Mr. Kapoor and I wish you a pleasant journey back and hopefully we will meet again someday.”

  He handed me some important looking papers from the files he had brought with him. “Please deliver these to Mr. Ranade personally as they are important that he review them and get back to me. They are not related to this case, but other important matters that have I have been working on for him.”

I drove back to the airport via the highway and from the overpass, and turned around and took a last look at the town. There under the bridge I saw the long mill for the last time and the sign read Ranade Cotton and Ginning Mill. The connection to Sita Devis ‘s phantom pain and the Ranade name finally clicked in my mind. Suddenly in my confused and troubled mind; things I had not understood before, started to fall in place. I silently reviewed the events of the past few days, and felt a deep pain at all that I had not seen, even though it was right before my eyes.

Later on the plane I fell into a deep exhausted slumber and saw the dream for the first time. I am a butterfly flitting across a cotton field. I am going from the male flowers to the female flowers, sipping the nectar of the gods. Then as I fly, I see Sita looking lovelier as a butterfly, on the nearby row. As she reaches out to the male flower, I can see that she has all her fingers intact again. As I follow her flight; it seems that at her loving touch, the stems of cotton rejoice, causing them to bloom again.

 She is the beautiful goddess of life and nature, and I am so happy and full of hope, in just being with her in this life we cherish. True Nirvana is suddenly a butterfly; fluttering over a flowering cotton field. The ancient paintings and statues come alive and the apsara is no longer in the fables or ancient rock walls; but here with me now, and I find finally the sleep of awareness, and am free.

Adoptive Optics

The man I would consider the father of lasers was explaining the other day the uses of his discoveries and inventions. The gentleman holds many of the key patents in the field and is world renown for his knowledge in the field of light and lasers. His explanation of adoptive optics was fascinating as without it we would not be able to explore into the deepest reaches of space using the largest telescope or at the smallest of particles using magnifying equipment.
Wikipedia says “When lasers were invented in 1960, they were called “a solution looking for a problem”.[32] Since then, they have become ubiquitous, finding utility in thousands of highly varied applications in every section of modern society, including consumer electronics, information technology, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and the military.
The first use of lasers in the daily lives of the general population was the supermarket barcode scanner, introduced in 1974. The laserdisc player, introduced in 1978, was the first successful consumer product to include a laser but the compact disc player was the first laser-equipped device to become common, beginning in 1982 followed shortly by laser printers.
Some other uses are:
• Medicine: Bloodless surgery, laser healing, surgical treatment, kidney stone treatment, eye treatment, dentistry
• Industry: Cutting, welding, material heat treatment, marking parts, non-contact measurement of parts
• Military: Marking targets, guiding munitions, missile defence, electro-optical countermeasures (EOCM), alternative to radar, blinding troops.
• Law enforcement: used for latent fingerprint detection in the forensic identification field[33][34]
• Research: Spectroscopy, laser ablation, laser annealing, laser scattering, laser interferometry, LIDAR, laser capture microdissection, fluorescence microscopy
• Product development/commercial: laser printers, optical discs (e.g. CDs and the like), barcode scanners, thermometers, laser pointers, holograms, bubblegrams.
• Laser lighting displays: Laser light shows
• Cosmetic skin treatments: acne treatment, cellulite and striae reduction, and hair removal.
In 2004, excluding diode lasers, approximately 131,000 lasers were sold with a value of US$2.19 billion.[35] In the same year, approximately 733 million diode lasers, valued at $3.20 billion, were sold.[36]”

He went on to explain that at the birth of the twenty first century at the begining of its first new millinieum, the U S military funded a major project on lasers. In the year 2000 Sep, the US finally demonstrated the power of the new laser system that could destroy a newly fired rocket in a matter of seconds. If you are not traveling at Mack 3,000 or higher this death ray will catch you. To hear it being described we can now deliver death itself, at the speed of light, with unerring accuracy against a remote flying object.
So now with the one and a half billion dollar weapon under our belts; we can go into another arms race where the new USAFL 747 adaption will be the new ruler in the skies. It has been built with the latest technology and engineering, featuring a heavy duty titanium nose to house the laser generator. Ladies and gentlemen please do not hold your nreath as I make this statement that, we will be able to deliver death sixty miles away at the speed of light.
We can forget about the glorious dog fights of the spit fires against the Nazi jets or US squadrons against the Jap zeros. Now war is anonymous and long distant and instantaneously destructive and any romantic notions that we humans have about war; should be forthwith discarded. as outdated and even humorous.
Not to be left behind the navy will equip ships all across the world; with the technology and the army is not far behind, and tanks will roll out with the latest weapons. We are on a roll and nothing will stop us now; from keeping our position as the shining light on the hill. From the darkness we will deliver light, whether you want it or not.
May the rest of the millinieum allow saner heads to prevail; and we can start to use the power of these inventions, for the greater good of mankind. We should not despair; and have faith in our basic human spirit, which will always strive to rise to a higher level.The next one and a half billion should be spent, to make the world a healthier and safer place using lazers!

Universal health care

Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayana Health is trying to grow healthcare services in India to service the world, and he says ”There are many positives in India’s favor. Indians are born healers. The younger generation is very studious. We have 381 medical colleges. We produce the largest number of doctors, nurses, and medical technicians…….Globally, healthcare is a 4.5 trillion USD industry. It is the second largest industry after food and agro-processing. Despite its size, it is only addressing about 30 percent of the world population. Nearly 70 percent of the world population is nowhere close to receiving decent healthcare services. We need a revolution in order to service the entire market.”
There is a change coming to world healthcare and the US, UK and the rest of the world are struggling with different models to provide the best care. In the UK the NHS distributes GBP 5.58 billion in salaries every month to 1.4 million employees and is a big driver of their GDP. In the US baby boomer aging is going to drive even more GDP to be assigned to Healthcare. The next fifty years will bring a spreading of healthcare to those who need it the most. Technological change will drive better monitoring. Diagnostic, pharmaceutical, robotic aided procedures, radiology that will reduce the costs of delivering care to the masses. Eradication of most mass killing diseases will be finally achieved through genetic knowledge and prevention. .
Human ingenuity and research can often surmount some of the toughest problems of our species and more research and development can only lead to better results. The question for the future is how will the giant conglomerates that are required; for development of modern facilities be funded, – how much will the private sector invest and how much will the government invest. Obama care is just touching the tip of the problem of funding and costs and development and improvements in delivery. Creating healthy populations is a tremendous responsibility as oftentimes the individuals who are the most prone to diseases like smokers, diabetics, obese and even people with bad lifestyles continue on in their ways and it is tough to change. Private corporations, NGOs and the world governments will have to work hand in hand and the population will have to learn to pay for healthcare for all. The super-rich can always buy the best care in any case and it is the invincible young and the working classes who will have to pay for these innovations, to support the graying population.
Somebody has suggested that we need an additional one trillion dollars a year to be spent to continue the rapid pace of development in Health Care Services. We do not need to go very far to get this trillion dollar savings; as it is available by reducing wars and working on peaceful development. Education, employment, development and innovation are all at stake here for the future of humanity. If we all take the long view where we are all dead, we can start today to pave the path for us to let our parents, us and our children go in peace to that endless shore. We can at least make the journey for those who are following after us productive, easier, healthier and more livable.

Healing wounds

Earth - Winter Wallpaper

Casper and me were glad to get out of the freezing cold after last night’s storm, which had garnled the traffic and a state of emergency was called by Christie. Today morning was the same frigid weather, but at least we got things done and now are back home and warm. The evergreen still has white branches from the dry snow which is swirling around with some wind gushes and a bright sun has appeared. The snow drifts and the side of the walkways have enough of the snow to dissuade Casper from venturing into them despite his coat. Cleaned the snow and moved the car to a designated spot for parking in an unending game of musical spots whenever the snow comes down, to allow the association to shovel the driveways. We slink in from the cold and play throwing the toy polar bear down the passageway and back. Life is good again as he crawls into his bed with his face peering over the side; as if reaffirming that life has been very unsettled, and rough lately. Ugly cardboard boxes of all shapes rearing their horrible heads; and strangers consistently step on him, even when he hid behind them. Equilibrium restored he contemplates life as it should be and sleeps, with only the occasional eyebrow quivering from the horrors of the recent past.
As Harry Crew states we should allow certain traumatic incidents to just heal and move on with our lives. As we live in constant change there are bound to be times of stress and times of restoration. We need to make sure that we don not carry our old baggage constantly with us everywhere we go and allow the time for restoration to be focused on the present through exercise and meditation if required. We have to build a routine where we take time to heal the wounds and let the scars of time remove them from our minds. Only when we are internally done with our Karma through the appropriate actions; can we proceed on the path of Dharma, where we renounce and anjoy. The actions themselves become pure; as there is not attachment to them, and it is just done with compassion to the creatures around us. Think not of the precieved or actual hurt but realize that you are done with it and have moved on to your present and future life towards bliss. Healing has to first start from within; where we look at our own faults, and work on improving ourselves – Om shanti!

There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. -Harry Crews, novelist and playwright (1935-2012)

Vegan Bill

The other day hearing an energetic and surprisingly healthy looking ex-president Bill Clinton; talking in an interview on TV, I was surprised to hear that he had turned vegan, or a vegetarian who does not eat any meats or dairy products. Then I saw another interview of ex-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson explain how his love for his new wife; took him from a 360 pound overweight coke addicted low life, to rebuild his life and go vegan and drop 150 pounds and become surprisingly healthy again and drug free. These two were the poster children of the meat producing industry in their heyday; sneaking off to enjoy juicy steaks and live a life of meat eating high protein diet, and become superb specimens of manhood in their prime. Later the same life styles seemed to have led to obesity and health problems; that they had to battle, with a new paradigm. With the bloat gone now they were looking surprisingly trim and healthy; and seemed to be living a charmed life for their age, that we should all aspire to.
This caused me to do some research and I came across the following: “According to the editors of World Watch, July/August 2004: “The human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future — deforestation, topsoil erosion, fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice, the destabilization of communities and the spread of disease.” Another research pointed out “Thirty-three percent of our nation’s raw materials and fossil fuels go into livestock destined for slaughter. In a vegan economy, only two percent of our resources will go to the production of food.” It also looks like tax payer’s subsidies are coming out of our pockets for McDonald and other burger chains to provide their low cost meals to us, “Half the water consumed in the U.S. irrigates land growing feed and fodder for livestock. It takes 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat, but 2,500 gallons to produce a pound of meat. If these costs weren’t subsidized by the American taxpayers, the cheapest hamburger meat would be $35 per pound!”
Having always admired Bill for his intelligence; and not necessarily his lifestyle, I now feel that he is on to a good thing. As the increasing pressure of populations strain our earth for more resources; we will have to rethink our consumption patterns of food and calories, to sustain life. With the diversion of water hungry crops like sugar cane in Brazil; and corn in the US, to making ethanol and providing for energy, there will be even more pressure on food production. We can already see the rising prices of grains and scarcities for the poorest of the poor; as they struggle unaided in a situation, that can be easily avoided. Millions already go hungry in the under developed and developing nations, due to political\economic considerations today. Large corporations own huge tracts of land and divert the resources for maximum economic gain, and not for the largest good. While giant hoards of food grains remain undistributed; there is a great price we pay, in malnourished women and children across the globe. Reduction of the costs of war for just one week for example, can feed the whole planet’s poor for a year as per one UN study.
We finally have the means of production; where we can provide a healthy and nutritious diet, to every single person on this planet. The savings in health care costs and increased productivity alone, would more than offset anything we spend on these efforts. The political\economy needs to change; and each of us has our own moral responsibility, to ensure we support these efforts. Making our own lifestyle changes can go a long way in making this possible. I am not suggesting that the meats and potatoes crowd give up their diet but just saying that even a slight change could lead to far healthier outcomes. Carrying extra weight and having high cholesterol and clogged arteries is a choice we can make to live with or move away from. A sensible diet and a slightly more active life style can do wonders for our health. So next time you enjoy that juicy steak or bite into that yummy hamburger be aware of what the true costs to our environments are from this diet. We do not have to give up something we love, but as always anything in moderation is good.
Sustainability should be our prime objective if we want to leave a green and healthy eco system for our next generations. Organic farming and better use of water and other resources; could eliminate a lot of the cancer causing and sickening chemicals, our children consume every day. Also we need to conserve the bio diversity of our planet and return the earth back to its natural state, for nature to do its course. Evolution and natural selection have been perfected over eons; and man must get out of the way, else we risk being eliminated by nature’s wrath with our waste and excessive consumption. We are only a blip in the time space continuum; and some of us have an overly grandiose sense, of our own importance. If we want to leave a mark on history and the progress of man; it is extremely important that we relook at our choices, and take corrective action. After all we are what we eat; and our bodies should be treated with respect. I advise us to treat it as a temple; and offer up to it the best and cleanest choices, that we can find. A little care will make us healthier and happier and more content; and able to be more compassionate, to all our fellow creatures on this journey with us. A return to a more natural lifestyle will only be to our own benefit; and provide us energy and resources to do greater good, for all who are on this journey with us.