For over a 100 years in the State of Washington, we kept two huge Dams standing on the Elwha River, and it trapped the free flow of the river; and a lot of precious trout and salmon, which may have used the waters to cohabitate, slowly came on the Federal Endangered Species list. In a strange reversal of mother nature, scientist are studying, what the demolition of large tall dams built for controlling the river, and providing ample hydroelectric power; which allowed major corporations, to come up in the State. Now the dams have been dismantled and the sediments built over a century, have been allowed to flow downriver, along with dead wood, and other natural material flows. This has reversed a dying river into a living river, as both flora and fauna, are coming back to life, from these newly released nutrients, it appears. For the thousands of acres of fresh water, and salt water mixtures, which have evolved a complex ecosystem, in the near shore flows down the plain, from the suddenly free Elwha river, flowing into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
For the first time we are seeing huge engineering constructions being dismantled to take care of our fellow living creatures. Nature has developed over billions of years and humans are in their very early years of evolution. We have a lot to learn on how to live in harmony with mother earth and to ensure we allow others to live and prosper. The waters of the Elwha River flow crystal clear and pristine once again and so many varieties of fish, crabs, vegetation, birds are growing their next generations in the fresh waters. From the high mountains of Snowfinger, the river flows into the ocean, and the whole ecosystem that the estuaries and the delta created, is alive again. A miracle of rebirth is happening right before our eyes, as nature leads the way.
This is a lesson that we must share, as when man takes one step to be more in harmony with nature, it is nature that wraps us in its embrace again; and lets us live peacefully, and prosperously. Having abundance for humans does not mean destroying other lifestyles around us, but instead we must nurture and grow them. Our growth depends on the growth of those around us, as we are all parts of the same existence. Inclusion of others is nothing new, as it goes on, with, or without our acknowledgement. We just have to remain aware, and the greatest natural rule is, that if it does not feel right in our consciousness, then it probably is not. I am not against dams and new technology and it must be harnessed, where needed. It is only that in our ambition, we do not overleap ourselves, and lay everything around us to ruin. We must balance a green path carefully for renewal energy and do what is right for our fellow creatures. Global warming and host of other measures are proving catastrophic and we must do everything in our power to move beyond them and closer to nature.
The sun, the wind, the oceans, the rivers are all there for us to harness their energy, for our own needs. This free renewable energy, is available in greater abundance than our humanity’s needs. The winds will not cease to blow, or the currents to flow, we only have to learn how to harness their strength, we live amidst a bountiful nature, and the sun will rise and set each day, and the tides will rise and fall, and she gives these all to us, to live and prosper. Nature while vengeful in evolution, can also be very magnanimous in her giving, to those who survive in life. We are born of her largess, and as such can always avail of a mother’s gift and use it for our pleasure. I only say treat this gift with respect, and let us live in harmony, and enjoy the wonder, which is our life. We must get together in harmony, and explore the meaning of our beautiful existence, and the pure joy of life itself!
Category Archives: Nature
Powerful hailstorm devastates crops in central Georgia
I was reading that after floods in Tbilisi forced Zoo animals into the Streets, Georgia just can’t get a break from its natural disasters. Global warming is having a devastating effect on the country as who would have thought that a freak hailstorm, would be strong enough to deprive the citizens of foods and vegetables for the rest of the year. Hectares of crops in central Georgia have been demolished in last night’s severe thunderstorm, leaving farmers without a way to feed their families for the rest of the year.
Farmers have spent the past 12 months tending to their fruit and vegetable crops and were preparing to harvest the yield when the hailstorm struck, ruining about 80 percent of crops in several villages in Dusheti and Gori municipalities on May 29. Global warming is to blame as per some experts and it is causing strange weather patterns.
Meanwhile in India there are expectations of a good monsoon after two bad years and the rains have come down to meet the forecast in the districts and towns of Kerala and Karnataka. It should steadily increase and spread north and east across the Gangetic belt to the Himalayas. It will replenish the snow and Glaciers in the Greater Himalayas which will feed the rivers into South Asia and China. Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangla Desh should all benefit from a strong monsoon. The Indo Gangetic plain will flourish with the snowmelt and its streams and rivers will fill up and start to flow. 80% of the rain and snowmelt water is lost as it flows into the Bay of Bengal, or flows into the Arabian Sea to feed the Indian Ocean. The water harvesting is extremely poor and many dams, reservoirs and lakes need to be constructed to preserve the rain water.
Channels of construction crisscrossing the land with ample hydel renewable energy from the flowing waters is possible. The great buildout of the Himalayas is about to start. The greening of the hills will bring many beneficial aspects of Green development. The cheap energy and water will be put to good use to develop new smart cities, which will flourish in this modern heartlands. Perhaps the largest source of cheap and abundant labor is tied up in the disguised employment in India’s over half a million villages. This is where India dwells and this has been the center of its culture and civilization for millenniums. This is where I believe, the change will come for a morally correct, and social uplifting wave, for the better of humanity. Solar, Wind, Hydel, coal and nuclear energy are going to bring a sea change in the development of this ancient civilization and way of life.
Hardware and Software is coming to India as more and more engineers are educated and join the workforce. Millions of jobs need to be created and the State is not ready for the next stage, as hard decisions need to be made. Political transparency, ease of doing business and enforceable laws with quick justice, is unheard of in many of these countries. India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar have their own political problems in embracing a Developed world. The soft state economies are not able to grab their potential, as a lot of the feudal and caste systems continue to stop progress to a more democratic and equal society. Equality and the rule of law for all citizens and the right to economic independence, is the need of the hour, and not quasi military systems. Nobody is making the hard decisions that are required for economic growth and development. A stable inflation, low interest rates, transparency in governance are all actions that they must take, to allo,w long term growth to take place. There is enough demand from the growing young populations, which any improvements in the supply side, will help make a great thrust forward.
South Asia is almost 20 years behind China in economic growth as China has made great strides since 1990. The gulf between the two regions has widened and the trade between the nations has seen very slow growth. Open borders and trade as in a Euro Nation model would make for a new trading block in the world. We have America, Europe and China as the great super powers in economic growth. South Asia and Africa are currently struggling as developing economies. The Middle East is a disaster except for Turkey and Israel. Egypt with its find of a Natural gas bonanza, may expect some energy relief in the coming decades, and will hopefully start back on a democratic growth path. India is a key with potential to grow its own economy at a fast pace, to expand trade and provide skills in the region for its neighbors in Asia, Middle East and Africa.
If the Indian sub-continent can achieve growth of 7% or even low double digits GDP growth, for the coming decades, it will be a huge change for the region’s future. You will be able to see the growth of incomes from the current $ 3 per day, to the greatest emergence of the next middle class’ in the history, of our world. Hundreds of millions will be pushed from living on barely a dollar a day to a thousand times that. The exponential growth that is possible, given the potentials of the region; will also help Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and its neighboring Middle East to rebuild. Sub-continental skilled labor in the Middle East can help put them back into a developing economy, and growth in trade between energy surplus Arab States and India could transform the modernization of the region. The Qatari, Iraqi, Irani and the Saudis will be a welcome suppliers to Africa and South Asia’s growth, if they develop stable governments.
We are on the cusp of a 100 years of peace if the great powers can enforce a verifiable peace. There are many wars still raging across Africa and the Middle East which will be tough to stop. International cooperation and effort will be needed to restore peace and allow the refugees to return and help for them to rebuild like the Marshall plan. The great development of this millennium will only start when there is the rule of law, and human trafficking and warmongering, are no longer acceptable in modern societies. The Military\Industrial complex must be better used for human development.
Even half the billions currently spent on today’s wars when invested in human development, in the next decade will buy an expensive peace. Yet it will be a peace of honor and achievement for some of the neediest humans on our fellow Earth. There is much to look forward to, if we just implement the right steps for development and growth. Human development while not a divine right, is still glorious for us to achieve together. Let the Monsoon begin, for the young maidens on the swings, hanging from the blooming mango trees, to sway in the cool breeze; for play, undisturbed. They will sing songs of longings, that the rains fulfilled, and our earth will be at peace again!
Image By Sagredo –, CC BY-SA 3.0,
This May feeling
On waking up this morning I realized that May has rolled into my life again. I stretched and slowly came awake to a sense of Joy. as I know this special May feeling was starting to bubble up in me again. It is a feeling of hearing the birds singing and the flowers budding and the trees sprouting their leaves with the dogwoods and other trees blooming and nature all a blush with its fecundity. The song I hear is not a Hollywood or Bollywood number but a full throated celebration of life that enthusiastically says that yes love is in the air and we are in for the best times of our lives.
I reach across the empty bed as I realize I have slept late, and now I cannot hold my love close or say to her that this May will be different. We have become so tied up in the daily routine and care that we have forgotten that deep sense of belonging, that blessed us in our earlier years. This is May 1, 2016 I want to scream, and it is here only for us. Come with me and sing the songs of life again, and feel the joy of life coursing through our veins, and every single cell in our body is pulsating. with the force of the universe around us. This primordial feeling of when creation first started is still in us and we are the highest creation of its evolution.
So this May feeling is in me and I sweep my body and the aura of just being here and now is upon me. I feel the soft cotton of the sheets and the support of the pillow under my head. There is an awareness of the rise and fall of each moment as it enters my life and space and then departs and I now blend it with my May feeling. We make our life into what we want it to become and so let this feeling of joy spread. I let the vibrations go out from my body and mind, to all my loved ones so that they may feel it too. My fellow creatures reciprocate my vibrations and the universe and I are enclosed in this cocoon of reality that is only of this moment. We are one again.
So I decide to let these good vibrations go out to all of you. Please hear the birds sing, watch the flowers and trees bloom, the animals play with their young as May is a time of life. Let your bygones be bygone and start a new chapter. Love with all your might and bring happiness and joy wherever you go. Those small dreary actions that make up your daily chores will get done but remember that is not your life. Your life is to hear the angels sing in their clear voices a primordial song of love and faith. Let your heart soar this May to the heavens and spread some love around you. Unravel all those bonds of care and let lose the spirit that is truly you and is the source of all that is good in this universe. Love yourself first, so that you may learn to love the others around you.
This May feeling has me upbeat and I spring from my bed but my slippers are missing. I walk barefoot and know that this is a natural state, and I can live with it. Each step I take is taking to my goal and when I see her, I will ask her for the pleasure of sharing this May with me. I am sure she will look puzzled and think if I have lost it again, in my old age? This May feeling will engulf her I am sure, and we will open the windows and let the birds sing and the flowers bloom in our life again.
It was in the time of the father of the current Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the 1970s and 1980s, that Multiculturalism as a concept for national development, was first adopted by a country. Canada became the leader and was later followed by Australia, as it moved away from the “White only Australia” policy, only after the Second World War. This is a new political reality where the public recognition of the importance of immigration and diversity, pushes against the forces of monoculturalism. Europe has been struggling with its adventures in Multiculturalism as its nation states evolved their own particular national and cultural homogeneity, after centuries of strife and war between the nation states. Now some like the Netherlands and Denmark are moving away from multiculturalism, as they regress to their core societies.
America was never intended to be multicultural as the founding fathers clearly laid out their preference for the new nation, “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs…” The myth of America as a welcomer of immigrants of diversity, with the statue of Liberty holding high its torch high, evolved much later, as it was forced to move away from its WASP origins. The philosophy in America has been to make a homogenous society through its schools and common beliefs, national holidays and traditions. It has not been a multicultural policy although many looking in from outside have mistaken its policies, in moving towards the celebration of multiple cultures.In fact it has tried to make a new homogenous American society.
In India its 1652 indigenous languages and the variety of culture, music, cuisine and religious diversity have evolved over millennium, into a more or less homogenous society, with its own unique form of Multiculturalism. The celebration of multiple festivals and religious celebrations in India, stands out in a complete contrast to its major neighbors like China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Myanmar where the concept of a single culture nation state, seems paramount to their survival. As nation states evolve the cultural uniqueness of its people becomes a strength or weakness, as it can hold the nation back, or allows it to grow depending on its diversity and outlook. India’s strenght will be the diversity of its people as they retain their individual identities, and yet are able to work together to build, a greater nation state.
In my opinion it is the nations that can encourage diversity, which will prosper the most culturally and economically. The politics of inclusion brings out the best in people, as they work together to solve society’s problems. Each of us in our individualism and unique characteristics, bring strength of a greater whole, to any complex problem. The multiple thinking can allow people to tackle the age old problems, in a whole new way. It is not only compromise to a lesser solution, but a way to come up with a better solution, to solve the old problem. As we include people of all different ways of life, into our mainstream, and allow them to contribute to society as a whole, we will make a greater nation. We have to encourage each person of color, caste, race, sexual orientation, religion to participate in the rich tapestry of our society. Each one of us wants to have a better life, and as such will want to contribute, to a greater society. The tension of differences between us, can also help eventually increase, the harmony of potential solutions. Let us celebrate these political differences to make a greater human race.
To conclude we are all in this together and nature is a great multiplier of diversity and evolution as that is how survival works. If we can only allow this evolution to work in our favor, then we can all be successful and survive. If we do not, then we will only allow nature to overtake us, and send us into an evolutionary downward spiral. To become masters of our own destiny, we have to embrace everyone’s destiny, of all living creatures. Human beings are just a blip in the time space continuum, and we have a lot to learn from each other, to survive. In fact the more we interact with natures great variety, the more we will prosper. Diversity is our strength as the next great breakthrough for our survival will come from the outliers, and not the established norms. We have to move forward with multiculturalism as it is our only option.
Darkness, light and black holes
“When you emerged from the black hole, was it God who pulled you out, or was there another great force that was pushing you out, from the great contraction of mass?” the teenager asked me with wide eyes in his excitement, as I spoke at my old Alma Mater on my latest adventure. I had returned after a harrowing mission and we had brought back elements that fitted into the missing pieces of our atomic table, which had not been found before our mission.
“Well it really started when I used dark energy to propel my spaceship many years ago, while still working on my research at this very school, but that is all an old story and I don’t want to bore you all with that,” I responded to the class of eager new space cadets, who had much greater heroes than me; to look up to. Our mission had lasted many years and I had returned a much wiser man after the journey there and back.
“Well nobody has ever returned from a black hole in our milky way, so what was it that made you enter it in the first place? Why everybody says it is a miracle that you are still alive to be here with us today?” the boy continued adjusting his mind prompter, to focus more clearly, on my thoughts. I could feel him probing into my deepest consciousness and opened the neurons to my memories of that day, when I was hurtling almost at the speed of light, and time was almost standing still; and great distances of space, rushed by. He was with me, as I guided my spacecraft to find that elusive gateway, out of the black hole, that my professor had theorized about in our research together. I let him peek in to finally see the portal, which led out of the densest of dark matter out into space again.
“Oh the pressure and the weight is so incredible, that you and your spaceship are almost crushed. What a horrible and strange way to die.” The boy’s broken and fearful thoughts communicated, breaking out in fear, from the memory of that moment. All the others turned to look at him, and the teacher turned his mind to him, and chided him for being so inquisitive, and to probe my mind in such a blatant manner. I turned my mind to happier thoughts, and spoke to the larger crowd, “Never give up on your dreams, as each day brave new horizons, open up to us. We are only what we dream and think and you are our hope now, and with you a new more equipped generation will enter space. I was lucky to have lived my years realizing my dreams, and I wish you to remember that everything you imagine will be possible, in the future. Just believe in yourself and have courage in your beliefs and nothing will ever hold you back from your goals.” I ended looking fondly at the young student whose wide smile and bright eyes, were our best hope for our future.
“We are all proud of this great traveler, who has so kindly graced us, with his presence today,” the teacher said, obviously embarrassed by the probing incident, that one of his students had carried out; against the norms, of our civilized society. “We should thank him for taking time out of his busy routine, to come and talk to us today.” He continued to keep the students from dwelling on the incident that had happened, and clicked through the images from my journey..
Ever since we had started inbuilding these capabilities into the new generations, we had also developed codes of conduct, on how to curtail the obvious abuses of privacy and mind control; that were possible, using these new capabilities. It had taken many generations to curb the enthusiasm, which the young boy had demonstrated. I remembered similar incidents from my youth when I had misbehaved in similar fashion, and smiled at his indiscretion, as he reminded me of a younger me; with his awe, and thirst for knowledge.
“We have all to explore new frontiers and develop new materials and for this we have to enter the crucible of a black hole or a super nova or pulsar, where new elements may be created for everyone’s benefit. It is a treacherous journey in our history, and many brave thousands have died attempting it, in our recent past. I and my crew was just one of the lucky ones to have survived, and for that I am eternally grateful” I said remembering the great alumni who had come from this school and gone on bravely, to carve out new fields of science, for modern humanity to survive and prosper.
Just then the commander who was the principal of the academy came in, and I knew at once that something was not right. He quickly addressed the class and thanked me for coming and told the students to work hard, and try to achieve what I had achieved in my short life. The students stood and cheered as I waved bye to them, as they had made posters and studied my exploits before my visit, and made a kind of hero out of me. As the commander took my elbow and guided me out of the hall, I could see that he had closed his thoughts, and I knew that there was more here than I could see. I followed him quietly to the secured room used for the secret communication channels, with external resources.
When we entered the room, all the secure walls were put up, the main communicator of the universe was opened and I noticed that some of the highest security codes, were collaborating in this project. The commander opened his mind and I saw my greatest fear in his mind. We were under attack and the forces of darkness that had been expanding the universe, were taking a pause it appeared and turning inwards, and the world as we knew it would be forever changed. After a thousand years of peace it appears that war is upon us at a scale, that the forces of the universe can scarce control, and the survival of our humanity is at stake. The opposing forces of darkness and light, are poised to turn on each other, and we are entering an area, that we have no idea about, in our long and storied existence.
“The great council has been assembled from across our universe, and the deliberations are about to begin,” the commander said, enabling some more communication devices for us, as we entered this new virtual reality meeting. We saw the assembly of leaders from across the lands gathering together and scientists showing the results of their investigations. I saw the troubled looks and heard the troubles thoughts of our friends and companions, as they reviewed the dark evidence being presented to them.
“We have been summoned at short notice to address a threat, which can wipe out all our civilizations, as we know them today,” continued the commander and I collapsed into an armchair suddenly very tired from my recent trips. “We cannot possibly head back to war again, after a thousand years of peace?” I though worriedly to myself, as I immersed myself into this new virtual reality..
‘The most important discoveries will provide answers to questions that we do not yet know how to ask and will concern objects we have not yet imagined.’ -John N. Bahcall, astrophysicist (30 Dec 1935-2005)
Hope for Chennai’s recovery
The Chennai Municipal Corporation is divided into 15 zones, which include Manali, Royapuram, Anna Nagar, Alandur, Adyar and Perungudi, most of which were submerged after the incessant rains battered the city and triggered a civic, transport and communication infrastructure collapse. It has 200 wards, which have grown under it, since its humble beginings in the late seventeenth century. being the oldest Municipal corporation in India having started in 1695 almost 320 years ago, and has grown into the colonial Ripon Building. It hopes to deploy over 20,000 employees, and get help from surrounding corporations to clean up the mess. It is a herculean task for such an ancient corporation, and it needs all the help that we can give to it in manpower, trucks, loaders and civic garbage removal equipment.
Post clean up, proper reengineering of certain areas of the city is required to make Chennai a city capable of handling such a natural disaster. Engineering to allow water flows to remove excessive waters, by use of huge pumps like New Orleans at flood prone zones, and other diverting measures, from lessons learned in this last flood; should be implemented. We have to make Chennai into a modern city and remove the weaknesses in the civic center, by recognizing flood zones, and becoming better at draining them; using modern methods. The people of Chennai should demand this from their corporation as countless man-hours have been lost, which could have been used for better purposes. Climate change is here and if we do not change and adapt, then nature will change us.
In another sign of things to come India’s oldest IIT in Madras, had for the first time resort to using Skype to hold interviews for companies, which are not able to make it to the campus, for the placements. Internet video calling has come to IIT Chennai, and HR of major corporations; and I wonder if virtual reality, is next! New technologies are disrupting the most important human functions and interactions, such as hiring, which are major milestones in an individual’s life.
At a minimum we need to ensure fail-safe and secure information systems for a modern city. After the floods valuable lessons were learned, and now remedial measures can be implemented in a planned manner. We need the best minds to work on helping this great city.
We wish Chennai and its citizens a speedy recovery from this natural calamity, and hope for its corporations to emerge stronger at the end!
Will Paris be the beacon of hope?
A little bird told me that all the leaders of the world are gathered together after 5 years to discuss climate change. In Paris < 02, India initiated the Solar Alliance and will play a key part in its initiation at New Delhi. Metropolitan Delhi with 16 million people and the suburbs include another 9 million to total about 25 million citizens and growing rapidly, is one of those giant urban sprawls on earth; that defy imagination. It is now the most polluted city in the world, and in most measures way ahead of Beijing in a similar size. The need for green energy and clean transportation and mass transit for Delhi itself, should be paramount in any efforts, as the city has outgrown its infrastructure. Delhi has the highest level of the airborne particulate matter, PM2.5 considered most harmful to health, with 153 micrograms. Stopping its neighboring agricultural states from burning their paddy fields for the wheat field’s readiness, will reduce the environmental disaster, as the same can be better disposed off. We need modern machines and methods to improve the recycling of the bio mass, instead of burning it. Innovation also on an urban scale by roof use conversion and water harvesting and the cleanup and revival of the neighboring Yamuna River can go a long way for eco conservation. Green belt forestation so prevalent in traditional Delhi, must be revived, with massive investments, before this urban jungle dies without its lungs.
The future is in innovation and finding better wind/solar/nuclear/hydro/biomass solutions for energy and reducing our carbon footprint going forward across the world. It is anybody’s guess at the time as to how Modi’s Solar energy proposal for the 120 countries in the solar belt, will get the required funds to build giant solar farms. India also became a partner of Mission Innovation with numerous Indian Private Sector leaders wowing to support Bill Gate’s push on innovation, for new ways to solve the problem of Climate Change and energy consumption. “We will be proposing many new things. They are on cards.” We are talking of giga projects here of alternate energy that will reduce future human pollution into the air we breathe.
“China (is at) 29 per cent, US is second with 16 per cent, Europe third with 10 per cent and India at fourth with 5 per cent emission. “ As per the ET analysis current trends will balloon emissions, if our leaders do not take decisive action. India is just on the verge of increasing its energy footprint in one of the largest growth rates projected in the coming decades. It is increasingly coal, CNG and oil based for now with tankers of imports from Qatar and other trading partners feeding the needs of the hungry masses. Bihar almost a poster child for underdevelopment, is now the fastest growing state, as it has coal, iron steel and other industries to feed the nation. As Dams and canals to harness its ample water resources are built and its agricultural productivity increases through modernization, green development can spread in the land.
It many be only a matter of time and investment that Bihar alone could rival Germany in the future if all the plans for rapid growth bear fruit! |
Modern ports along the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal should adorn India.
Portal integration of modern logistics for freight, automobile and passenger ferries along India’s ports has a huge scope. We need to use green methodology for Indian Ocean sailing and shipping and logistics by using clean diesel and renewable solar combinations. We have to augment existing road, rail and airports by making them green with wind, solar, biomass projects. The new Government is intent on improving Port infrastructure through the construction of a string of major ports around the Indian coast like a Samudramala. . These plans Port/Rail covered the linking of Mundra Port and Pipavav-Surendranagar, Hassan- Mangalore, Gandhidham-Palanpur and Bharauch-Dahej gauge conversion projects. These projects have added about 1030 km of rail lines also into the hinterland for better economic logistics, the official said. Many tens of thousand km more are required for a modern India, to match the developed countries.
Besides, railways have offered 400 stations to be redeveloped with private participation for improving passenger amenities inviting open bids from interested parties. This is a huge initiative that can spread best practices and improve services, using Private bidders, in an open electronic system. The model can then be rolled out to thousands of other stations to make clean green zones around these existing stations. Addition to India’s infrastructure by building these corridors of industrial and resource movements for energy and transportation, linking the land in an economic development, fueled by massive investments from the developed nations, to keep climate change at bay; is a must. We have to tackle this tough problem in our generation, as it cannot be allowed to fester and cause distress to future generations. The time to act is now after five years of waiting for Paris. There can be no turning back from this carbon loaded atmosphere, if we do not find a better way together; as it is well known that all living beings will suffer its terrible effects, on our mother earth soon.
Being Here
Labor Day Parade, Union Square, NYC 1882 – Wikipedia
Tomorrow is Labor Day and I just finished the traditional summer Barbecue, and as I have decided that life is just perfect the way it is, nature is also cooperating. It is all a matter of time and place, which is of course here and now, with the sun going down and the white clouds on the Horizon; slowly picking up orange, and pink hues. The Spruce stands tall by the shore of the lake, down poop alley where the geese feed and drop, and at its end; the weeping willows touch the fresh water, in reverence. Being here, the turkey burgers came out just right, and the corn is juicy and delicious, followed by strawberries and cantaloupe. The dinner done, I head to the community pool and am pleasantly surprised to find it all to myself, in the fading light, of another sunset; over the adjoining lake.
Decades ago when I was still a High School student at St Xavier’s Delhi, a seed had been born in my mind. Swimming in the school pool I had imagined a life as a grown up, and maybe America entered the picture as a wish, as Woodstock had opened a window, into a strange world. College reinforced the image, as the cultural hegemony of the US, continued to spread; like a wild fire, during a global warming summer. Nobel prizes earned, social change post Johnson’s civil rights, and the success of its worldwide brands, seemed to make the US a promised land. We listened to Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Jimmy Hendrix, Doors, Carole King and countless others produced in abundance in America, and wondered at the tapestry, that they were weaving into our generation through their ballads and music.
Having arrived on the shores it was more like rediscovering John Steinbeck, Emerson, Poe and the darker sides of inner city living, that was the grim reality. Meals on wheels programs, welfare families dependent on the state, teenage mothers and fathers with little or no education, and charities fighting to better the needy. The struggle from a minimum paying job in the inner city, servicing these people, to my present circumstances working on Healthcare systems, was aided only by my immediate family. They have stood by me in my foolishness and my wisdom and known when to criticize (often) and when to praise (rarely) as I worked out my demons. My labors have borne fruit and we are empty nesters now in an ideal community, little boxes on a hill side all looking the same.
The four seasons pass by and I and my wife weather it well, as the comforts of home betray us from straying far, except when we visit the kids or the parents. We each have our moods and our emotions, and now with the passing decades, have become creatures of habit. The days pass in a routine of predefined activity, and each one plays his\her role, on this life’s stage. Occasionally there is tenderness or emotional bonding, as one plays with one’s grandchild, and sees the circle of life goes on. At other times it is just the two of us in different moods and emotional states, when nothing except time passes slowly. I wonder at the years gone by, and our meaningless life that drifts and flows, borne on the currents of the universe. At other times our patience bears fruit, as we engage in the companionship, that comes, with familiarity and commitment.
So as I swim backstroke in the pool admiring the clouds in the skies and the landscaped trees, I think of my journey from there to here. Is this all that life is meant to be and could I have opted for better choices? Later I lie in the Hot Tub feeling the relaxing pounding of the jets of hot water, and admiring the landscape, and wonder if I have found that illusive Nirvana? I know all this is great and maybe the school pool when I had nothing but pubescent dreams, has led me to this place. Being here is a revelation, and I am at peace finally, as life was always meant to culminate here, in my dreams, and reality is always just a mindfulness away.
But we are not done here and I have to keep working on my Karma as life happens, as we seek newer meanings. I plan to try and find more of those moments of comforting closeness, with my dear ones. They are my Dharma and to be able to see their smiles, and looks of understanding, that we have enough love to share, would be a blessing indeed. It is up to me to be here for them, and only then can they find me, and envelop me in their love. The realization strikes that it is I who have been missing, from my own life; on this Labor Day. “I love you” I whisper to life, especially my companion and all the others, as the Jacuzzi is turned off for last time, this summer. May we be given the wit and courage to repeat it at the opportune time, in our daily lives, to those around us? In the end, no labor however small, is ever lost and the small things matter, as they make us whole.
Make opportunities in life
There have been times in my life when I feel that nothing has worked out as per my plan, and at others it seems that the gods have aligned themselves, in my favor. The capricious nature of our existence, changes from day to day, as the universe is vast and the forces of nature working with us, are often far beyond our control. We can only do our karma and trudge on, hoping that we are marching in the right direction to our goal. Our goals are sometime opaque, our companions unruly, and our circumstances strained, to meet them.
Daily distractions keep us back from realizing our true nature, and we lose focus on what we need to do. Then one day you find that 10 years have gone and you are no closer to achieving the goals, which you had set for yourself. At that moment of realization it is important not to give up on the goal, but rather to realign your resources, to try and achieve it. It is easy to give up and blame life and our circumstances and say to oneself, that it was just not meant to be. It is harder to say that life has not given me what I deserve, and I must strive harder to turn it around. We are never alone and the universal powers that surround us, are there for us to harness to our will.
When all hope is lost and we are in the doldrums of inaction, it is harder to gather one’s inner strength and move forward again. It is at those critical times that we must listen to our inner voice and ensure we add the right fuel, to our withering flame. The goal we have set is always within our reach and we just have to believe in ourselves, and reinvigorate ourselves to proceed to it. Faith in oneself is the last frontier, and those of us who light this flame; will find that the goal is already behind us, and new horizons have opened up to us. In the end we will realize that there is no lack of opportunities, there is only the lack of our personal will, to make them ours.
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. -Edmund Hillary, mountaineer and explorer (20 Jul 1919-2008)
The energy dilemma
Finally the growth of renewable energy outpaced that of fossil fuels in the electricity sector last year, with a record of 135 gigawatts of capacity added from wind, solar, hydro-power and other natural sources, a new study by REN21 in Paris, shows. China the leader in coal use today, is becoming the leader in renewable energy now. Globally every day in 2014, seven billion people were gorging on 15 million tons of coal, 92 million barrels of oil, 328 billion cubic feet of natural gas, 200,000 kilograms of uranium and millions of hectares of wind farms, solar panels, forests, cornfields and hydroelectric reservoirs as per a BP study.
Each percentage point of energy’s primary source market share (coal, oil, nuclear, wind, solar, bio fuels, geothermal, etc) is worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The stakes are enormous and the market leaders will fight for each point of share, as the demand will continue to boom. Developing countries will increase production to meet the demands of their energy starved citizens, choosing the cheapest alternatives. The good news is that overall energy intensity has stepped down again, which means that a dollar of GDP needs 15 per cent less energy to transact today, than only five years ago.
With a billion people India is just embarking on its coal build out, while nuclear, and other green sources will also grow. Germany is the clear leader in Europe and the US is just limbering up for the fight, with its dystopian public policy and rhetoric, as opposed to ground reality. The G7 may want to go to an alternate energy model by the 21st century but for that to happen, current transportation and heating and cooling of cities are unsustainable and will have to change. Just like the move from wood to coal in the 18th century and from coal to oil in the 20th, we have a lot of work to do in the next few decades.
In the absence of a giant catastrophe that reduces billions of our population, we will have to plan to meet the needs of our young, in a growing population. The next generations need our commitment to reduce waste and improve energy efficiency, while at the same time reducing greenhouse emissions. Climate change will have unintended consequences wiping out many species of flora, fauna and other living beings. As intelligent beings we have to look beyond our own selfish needs, and ensure the Earth is kept as pristine as possible, for life to evolve properly. We will become the dinosaurs of the 22nd century, if we cannot overcome our technical, financial and social problems and resolve our energy needs in an Eco-friendly manner. Disruptive technology is the need of the hour, whether it is fusion, or thorium based nuclear, better bio-fuels, solar, wind etc. and our best brains should be engaged in this race. The survival of humanity is at stake.
Having always had great respect for the Jesuits, it is good to see that Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, using science. When Rick Perry (Republican candidate) said that pronouncements on Climate change, are best left to the scientists; he is perhaps forgetting that the head of his Catholic church, is a trained chemist, and knows what he is talking about. Energy for our future generations is one of the biggest dilemma’s we face and the hard decisions we face today, will shape our future earth and our very survival. May the greening of our energy continue, with greater disruptions in consumption, production and storage.