When humanoids first walked the earth, they must have looked up at spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Our universe will go in all its glory, long after; all of us humanoids, are gone. As we looked up into the heavens through the millennia, what did our minds seek? We must have wondered at the stars and the Milky Way and the celestial sightings. At the same time, we must have sought the understanding of our life, on Mother Earth. Our ancestors must have sought to grasp the meaning of this existence and what it means for our future. There is no single purpose, that a God bestows on our foreheads, when we are born. We are left to our own devices; we have free choice, withing our limited circumstances. It remains up to us to choose wisely, now that we have accumulated the knowledge, of a million years of evolution. Knowledge is just the sum of our past experiences, stored in our Human brain. Here we must dwell, now we must create, to make our life meaningful. I look up at my heavens and see this celestial sight, created just for me at this moment. My purpose is to remain fully conscious of this moment, and stay focused on this event. My mind stops its chatter, and I live as the part of the universe all around me. Life and I walk hand in hand, with no conflict, at peace with each other, till death Our universe will go on, so what is there to fear?
Came upon this old memory in my FB page from many years ago:
Its chilling breath sent shudders down to my bones, and its dark shadow seemed to cover all the horizons and stifle my very soul. Yet he is an old companion and I no longer fear him, or am swayed by his power. He has made many attempts before to tempt me to accept his embrace; from my piddling birth, to a great fall as a child, horrific auto accidents, burning towers, and now the descent into a darkness, that only he can induce.
I turn around and laugh in his harrowing face; and bid him to be gone, and pick on some other purposeless soul. I wave him away with a dismissal thought; as I have no time for his histrionics, and a life of wonder to live. My purpose is greater than his; and he gazes long into my eyes trying to drag me into his darkness. Then he sees my smile, for as old friends we can read each other’s minds. “Death be gone,” I order for I have things to do, and deeds yet to accomplish. My happiness; dissipates his darkness, and light reemerges. I still have the power of the life force, that needs to bring the message of enlightenment to those around me. We are not thrown here or leave by chance; and each one of us has a greater purpose, which we must strive to achieve. Let my life sing and show the path to the glory of this creation, and bring joy to all around me. I have to walk bravely into the night; bearing this beacon of hope, and not be cowed down into submission by fear or despair. Live true to our vision of compassion for all beings; and that alone will be our eternal achievement. I truly believe that even my old friend death, will welcome me with open arms, when I am done with this idealistic life.
A lovely spring evening, and today’s work is done. It is the end of the week in fact, and I get up from my desk and stretch. I venture out hopefully, to take a walk, and refresh myself, from being tied to a computer, all day. Not many people are about, as I start to get into my stride. I adjust the volume on my headphones, to the music playing from my iPhone. It is the Beatles, playing ‘Elanor Rigby,’ and I pick up pace, while reminiscing about my school days. The printed paper, the Jesuit Father passed to me, with the words of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, for us to study for Moral Science Class. It was one of the 3 songs we studied, over 3 weeks. I knew the words well and the music brought pleasant memories, of old friends, and companions. What an education it was, and what great bonds we formed.
The walkways lead me past some of the other people, who are up and about, taking their evening walk. I pass some couples with their dogs. We all kept a safe social distance from each other. I would often step on to the road, to let a couple pass on the walkway, as there is little traffic these days. Silently etiquette is maintained between us as we pass, avoiding coughing or coming close. By now the Rolling Stones are playing ‘Brown Sugar,’ and I am bent down, slowly climbing the slight incline. The nearby wooded path beckoned me, and I crossed the road from the walkway, to head into the trees.
Within a few steps on the by now familiar path, it went into a steep incline. I knew the path well, and stepped on familiar flat rocks, avoiding the slippery slope. It was a zig zag pattern I followed of my own choosing, and anyone watching; would have been baffled, at my approach. It was to make the climb easier, and gave me better views of my surroundings, instead of just gazing down and concentrating, on the soil and the roots. This wood and I had become old friends, and we knew each other well. Now in the spring evening except for the occasional blossoms, most of the lofty Oaks and Maples, were still bare. The wind did not whisper, as it did in the summer, through the thick leaf cover. Now it was more the sighing sound, of the open sky, as the wind swept freely about.
There along the way were fallen trees, whicht I had to cross, as
I followed the path higher. Then it started to level off and I saw, the Arch of
the Spring Blossoms, strung across the path. It was like a gate, made specially
for me to enter, as if I imagined it to be a gateway, to a different land. I
stopped to take a photograph of the path which beckoned, my very soul. What was
so special, that it drew me back again and again, to walk only this path, and
no other? I have the whole universe to explore, and still I stand here and admire
the blossoms, and love this sight.
As I walked on and passed under the Arch of the Spring Blossoms, I passed into a different realm. The old laws did not hold, for now. I found myself in a strange land, of quite and beauty. Life was reduced to its elemental form, of man and nature, as one. There was no me walking on the path anymore. In fact, it was not a path distinct and different, or an extension, outside me. We are one, and so is the forest around us. The birds that fly across the branches above, and the deer who stand below and stare up at me, with their white tails raised, ready for flight. We are all one in this moment, and time becomes a wave, and space is flowing. I look up to see and an eagle flies high above, in the clear blue sky, with white puffy clouds, floating in space.
The setting sun sends its rays, at angles, through the bare branches, to my foot steps. I walk on and the light and shadows, play with my eyes, in delight. What is inside, is outside, and what is outside, is inside; in a strange feeling, as the boundaries of my body blur. The unity of everything into one moment, can only be experienced, or so this path, led me to believe. I am no longer a walker, who walks his solitary path. Now there is only one universe, and the path itself is gone. There is no longer a goal for the future, or a fear of the past. There is only this one forgotten raindrop, sheltered on a fallen leaf, glistening in the rays of the dying sun, as if alive with joy. I meditate on the light, and here is no goal to strive for; as desire falls on the path, left behind.
The weight of existence is lifted; from my shoulders, and I walk erect. Each step is now an effortless move; as nothing binds it down, anymore. The Earth Mother, on this Earth Day; binds me to her bosom, and I am content. The vines hang down from the tall Oaks and I can almost feel; the budding leaves, about to sprout. Nature is no longer a mystery, as I have become nature. A Robin calls and a sparrow answers, and now I listen only to the music, of my fellow creatures. A feeling arises, from the soil; beneath my feet, that now I have become the path. Who was the walker, and who watched him in the woods?
Bergen County now stands at 15,830 positive test results for
Hudson County
now stands at 15,148 positive test results for coronavirus
Essex County
now stands at 13,994 positive test results for coronavirus
Passaic County
now stands at 12,814 positive test results for coronavirus
May Day 2020, NJ – ‘ Ah, look at all the lonely people ‘
In this time, some of us are reevaluating our values, and our pursuits, in our life. It has taken a Pandemic to cloister people into their homes, to isolate, and hopefully become human again. As we examine our actions and our lifestyle, I wonder what have our possessions given us, in our time of need? As time passes, those of us who are wise, simplify our needs and aspirations. We realize how little we need to survive, on a day to day basis. We start to question the continued accumulation of more material objects. We realize a lot of humanity, has none of our comforts, or our security, of home and food. We also realize that a virus attacks anyone, and no religion, or class, is immune from its effects. We are all in this together, as simple, plain, human beings. A universal income is within our reach; as no person should starve, in our modern world. Instead we will see million’s livelihood ruined and will see them struggling for food and survival, if this pandemic spreads further.
A more equitable society with law and order, is a must, for human development. Hopefully we will all come out of our introspection, stronger, and more willing to make the sacrifices needed; for all of us, to prosper together. Great economic and social change is coming, and may it be for the better for everyone, after this health crisis has passed. We should not allow this to develop into a mass killing of innocents, due to lack of food and other essential commodities. We must learn from past famines and other natural disasters in human history. For the strongest to survive, we must also provide for the weakest; as in a chain the weakest link, causes the whole chain to break. We must do better and learn to take care of ourselves, and not get distracted, by fake news, or poor political and social actions. Humanity is about loving and caring for all creatures, in the worst of times. May we all rise to this challenge together to raise our thinking, and do the right actions within reason!
Sam looked at me, with those large innocent eyes of hers, blinked her larger eye lashes twice, smiled, and said to me, “You have always had a way with words, Ashok. I can never imagine, what you will think of, next. I wouldn’t even last five minutes, in that crazy head of yours?” She became lost in her own thoughts as we waited, I squeezed Sam’s hand and she looked at me and I smiled back, as these moments were rare. I looked at my watch as I had to leave. The Producer came into the recording studio, and gave us a thumbs up sign, and Sam yelled with delight. He was followed by the sound engineer, and our agent Suresh.
“I am tired, and have an early train, to catch,” I said.
“Ashok, that last track you laid today, is just amazing, how do you come up with these rhythms, and beats.” Suresh gushed, giving me a hasty hug. Suresh is my agent and childhood friend. “Why do you have to go on this discovery trip, I cannot understand?”
“Like I told you Suresh, something is calling out to me, from out there. I am going to the rock, where Swami Vivekananda sat, where Lord Ram sat, and prayed to Lord Shiva. Something is telling me to go there, and find the truth, of what is India? I can’t explain it.”
“You can’t do this to me,” Suresh, “to us”, he continued
I replied. “I have given all I have, for this album, for over a year, now I need some time for myself. Suresh my dear friend, this is not about you or us, this is a strange hollow feeling, inside of me. All my mathematical rigor and training is lost, within this, self-doubt. I do not even know myself or what is my purpose. I have made up my mind, to just go out there, and travel our land. I hope to find what is missing, in my current life?”
Sam went off with the sound engineer, to listen to the last tracks, we had played. She had a better ear for music, I just knew instinctively, when my drum notes flowed in rhythms, like mathematical equations. I just followed my instincts, and strict composition steps, and made my notes, follow my mathematical patterns, which only I could see. We had realized early in our partnership, that it is Sam, who just made the melody flow, with her singing. She played the guitar and harmonica and had an amazingly versatile voice. Somehow mine and Sam’s singing, worked well together, and this was tour second album together. We co wrote the lyrics of most of our songs.
“My work is done here.” and I handed my drum sticks to our producer, and walked out.
The next day I had started my journey, just like Mahatma Gandhi had started his journey, on his arrival from South Africa. I had my sleeping bag and my laptop, and phone and books for the way. I wanted to see India, from the ground, and hear the names, of the familiar stations. I wanted to hear the languages, and the dialects, of the people, from the millions, who had passed before us. They too must have traveled on these same rails, on their way south. I wondered how many of them had sought the meaning of their lives, in the clackity-clack of these trains wheels, rolling down these rails.
Delhi was left far behind and I heard the clackety-clack of the railroad tracks, as the electric trains did not huff and puff, anymore. The countryside passed, as I gazed out the window, and he went from State to State. I had a sleeper and slept in my sleeping bag, on the foam-covered bed. Late in the night, I heard the now familiar calls, of the tea hawkers, and the food vendors. The PM had helped his father, at a tea stall, I thought to himself, as another day passed, on the tracks. I loved the smell and color of the passing countryside. The sun broke out and the fields are green, and I am away from the dry cold land, of my air polluted city. The green Ghats beckoned my soul, and I thought I saw, a waterfall with a rainbow, flash by from my window, and then it was gone.
An year has passed, and I have become a Math teacher, in an all-girls school, in the town of Gangtok, in Sikkim. I had come there to study, in the Buddhist Monastery, almost nine months ago, with a companion I found, in Ma’s ashram, in Pondicherry. It had been a long journey by train and Bus, to cross into the mountains, of the Eastern Himalayas. We had then hired a jeep, to take us, across some very remote areas, to the monastery, at the top of a cliff face. We had to climb on foot up the narrow path, along the cliff face, to get to the Monastery. There we finally come to a rest. We were admitted by the Abbot, and we studied with the monks.
We meditated for three months, and then went herd gathering, in the mountains. I helped to bring the animals back, from their summer, alpine forage lands. The rhythms of the seasons, and the might of the towering mountains, moved me. We would begin by rising at early morning, before dawn and start our trek. We had to climb a thousand meters up, around the hills, to get to the grazing grounds. My mind and body were fully engaged in these long walks. away from civilization. They made me face the last of my inner demons. As I gathered the Goats and the cattle, I made a new life, for myself. The cows and the goats helped me gain the realization, of what I am.
My meditation is progressing well, with my guide, and I feel a healthy glow of joy, for all creatures, I am now comfortable with myself. I sat on the side of some running water, taking a break. I had my bare feet, in the cold, clear, water, of this mountain tributary, of the Teesta river. My mind is as clear, as the flowing water, and only time is still. As I watch, a fish nibbles, on my big toe, and then swims on, as if, uninterested. But at that time, I was fully present in this moment. I have peered into the eye of this fish, who peered back, and there was a deep connection. I felt a sudden belonging to this eye, this fish, this stream, this land, this India, this universe. I looked up, and the sun was rising, over the evergreens, its rays lit up the rushing water, and my being, and this creation, is complete. Tears of joy, ran down my cheeks, at the realization; that the sun’s eye, and the fish’s eye, and the light reflecting off the waters, are part of my being.
I bade farewell to the Abbott and on his assistant’s advice I started teaching Math’s again, at the High School for Girls. They were desperate for a good math’s teacher in Gangtok. The girls loved his no-nonsense style and fell into his fevered pace, of teaching math’s. Their minds were fresh as the mountain air, and they seemed to grasp everything Ashok taught, with the rapidity of sponges. Their marks began to show steady progress, and the laggards were helped, by his open teaching methods. Tough concepts and theorems, where explained by examples, they could understand and use. He had taught far advanced students before, but the girls of this new generation, had access to so much more information. He challenged them individually, and in small competitive groups, and his students grew.
The music teacher was the one, who encouraged Ashok to help (when he found out that Ashok was a drummer), with the group, who had won the State Championship, in group singing, last year. The area had some very bright musicians and the girls in the school, had especially great voices. It wasn’t every year but for the past few years, they had some outstanding talent. He loved this work and he threw himself into the music and the girls loved him for his strange rhythms and sounds. He tried to teach some of them the mathematical patterns behind them and some of the brighter ones understood. Their voices began to rise and fall with the rhythms he adopted from them, making a strangely uniquely sound of the mountains of Sikkim. You could almost feel, as if the music was carrying you there. The beat one was hearing is the beat of the hunters and gatherers, who had done this in these beautiful mountains, from time immemorial. Everyone is saying that this time, the group may win the National championship.
When he got home late, he checked his email and noticed a message from his old friend Sam. He had not heard from her for a few months, so was intrigued, and opened the message. She wrote, “Dear Ashok, Just had dinner with the producer in Mumbai. We have got ourselves, a multi crore deal, for two albums (including “Dunia” our new album). We open this Christmas at the Goa Christmas Festival, with Dunia, doing a National rollout. You are the drummer, and cocreator, singer, and the new corporate producer is dying, to finally meet you. He is a mathematician also, and was mumbling your kind of lingo, on algorithms and geometrical patters, in the music. More when we meet, your’s, Sam”
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” -E.M. Forster, novelist (1 Jan 1879-1970)
The view from the bus on
the helix, of the approach into the Lincoln Tunnel from New Jersey excited me,
no matter how many times I saw it. Empire State Building and the Chrysler tower
rose to a great height in Mid-Town, while downtown had the spectacular World
Trade Centre Towers, with the other tall buildings in the Financial District.
In the early morning the sun would be rising from the East casting strange
shadows and light on the city. Most of my fellow commuters slept or read, and
did not even look out of their windows. My fascination with the great city of
New York continued and my friend Eddie, showed me the romantic side of its
The walk from Port
Authority down from the third floor to the bustling streets of Mid-Town
Manhattan, was a hurried affair. Everyone wanted to get out in the streets to
avoid the occasional bum, or pan handler, or drunk, who had slunk in to the
crowds. The streets were flowing with traffic, as one walked pass the peep
shows, and the XXX theaters that surrounded Times Square. From the Garment
District, I would walk down a few blocks, and then cut across East on the
Streets, after Macy’s. My office was on the third floor of an old brick
building, which served as our back office and production center.
Wendy was always there
before me heading her shift with her girls. They would laugh and joke amongst
themselves, as while she was a hard taskmaster, she was still a good boss. We had become friends as she was half Indian,
from the West Indies. They also ate whole wheat rotis as bread, but their
dishes were spiced differently. She would surprise me sometimes with a homemade
lunch, and I would eat the food at my desk, enjoying the strange flavors. She
would talk about her Grandfather, who had come from a town in Bihar, India, to
work in the sugar plantations. Her mother had brought her up and her siblings,
as a school teacher and a husband, who was also a farmer.
Wendy now lived in Queens,
and so did most of her girls. They would ride the Subway into Manhattan, and it
was an easy commute with a short walk on both ends. She kind of looked down on
me, because I had to travel into her city, from NJ. She admired our owner
however, with her Apartment in Manhattan, and the week-end home in the
Hamptons. Wendy and her husband, who worked in a Bodega near their home, had
scraped up enough money, to put a down payment, on a 3 bedroom apartment. With
their two kids, and a dog, and color TV, they were living the American Dream.
Her two girls went to the Public School, and were becoming more American every
year, in the way they dressed, and talked, and what they watched.
David was the one who
would arrive next and would head into the room to gather his orders and papers,
and then head of to his belt makers. Eddie would saunter in when he felt like
it and you could hear the giggles of the girls, as he joked with them, even
from my desk. My two junior accountants were very punctual and would become
busy in their work upon their Arrival. Ralphi was from Cebu in the Philippines,
and extremely intelligent and diligent, and carried a lot of the routine load,
of following up on the accounts receivables. Sam the other one was married to a
nurse, and he was quieter, and kept mostly to himself. Ralphi had recommended
him, when we were extremely stressed, and the owner had finally agreed to add
another person, on Lou’s recommendation. We were an efficient team, as we
managed to keep the business back office going.
Towards mid-morning I
would take a break and walk around to stretch my legs. If Eddie was around he
too would see me walking and he too would take a break. We would go into his
and David’s office and take a coffee break. Eddie would have collected the
latest Fashion Trade Rags that the mailman dropped off, and would skim through
them, while we drank. He would read aloud anything interesting, or share an
article or picture for me to look at. His knowledge of people and events was incredible
and he would tell me outlandish stories of his capers from the past night,
after a particularly interesting show. He did not linger long as he was a
workaholic, when it came to his ladies hair accessory creations.
Eddie had extended his
range to other accessories, like fabric belts, and some I called jewelry, and
he referred to as his dear baubles, for his darlings. He would painstakingly
make the samples, using newer materials, and exotic imports. The girls would
cry at him, when he made them too complex, and he learnt to bring simplicity,
and elegance into his pieces, over time. He realized that not everyone was as
he gifted with their fingers, as he was, or had the eye, he had for detail.
Plus the rush of orders demanded speedy execution, and he was always rushing
from work table, to work table, correcting and improving his creations. Then in
the late afternoon he would rush off to the showroom, or his suppliers
depending on our needs. The owner loved him and David was upset, that Eddie was
now making even more money, than even him.
The fall from being the
head Designer of the company, to second fiddle, did not really go down well
with David, but even he was overawed by Eddie’s creativity, and
resourcefulness. The man just had a natural tendency, to pick up on the latest
trends, which would sell in the next season. His color selections were seldom
off, for the Spring, or Holiday Season. His prints were vibrant, or very
delicate, depending on the style, or age group, he was going after. The Junior Store
buyers loved him, and he would flirt with them, and entertain them, at the
latest happening places, in the city. He was loads of fun, and the young women
would find him exotic, and ‘just marvelous dear,’ as he called it. The big
black muscled man, with often a couple of young things, hanging from either arm,
was a common sight at events. The women felt safer in numbers with him, and he
was quite capable, of having fun with all of them.
Sometimes when I got off from work, and he
would drag me off, when it wasn’t Fashion Night, or he had some other
appointment. His current boyfriend would often join up with us, at the latest
haunt and he would transform himself into his night creature mode. He would
transform from being the Giant ladies hair accessory designer, into a lover
with no restraints. Then the true talk would start of the Jazz bars, and comedy
shows, or the next major music band, which was playing in Madison Square
Gardens. He would hang out with famous actors from Broadway, and once even a
Ballet Dancer from the Met. Each one seemed more creative and talented than the
last, and it was a merry go round, that I could not keep count of. Yet each
creature was even more exotic, and no wonder Eddie loved them so much.
Then one day Eddie
retched all over the bushes, on the side of Bryant Park, in the back of the NY
Public Library, after an event. I was there with him, and looked around at the
old Baroque, and Gothic buildings, and then stared at the sleekly flowing glass
tower, that surrounded the park. I had never seen Eddie throw up, no matter how
much he drank, or inhaled substances. His friend gathered him up in his arms,
as Eddie felt he was suddenly dizzy, and he guided him, to a nearby bench. He
sat him down carefully and put his arms around his broad shoulders, and sat
there, waiting for him, to catch his breath. He then went and got a water
bottle for Eddie. I sat there holding Eddie’s hand not knowing what to do, as I
stared down, at his long artistic fingers against mine. When his friend returned
he drank some water slowly. He then gargled and spat some out, as if his mouth
tasted foul and then dry heaved, but nothing came out.
Eventually he got his
bearings again and looked around, and his lover smiled at him hopefully. Eddie
gave a twisted smile back, and passed his hand over his head, as if he was
still dizzy, and not really sure of what was going on. I looked at my watch and
noticed I was running late, and would have to rush off for my bus down 41st
Street soon. Luckily Bryant Park was not far from Port Authority, and I stayed
for another ten minutes, as Eddies friend softly spoke to him. They looked so
much in love. The light from the Street lights and the shadows of the Park,
made their silhouette look like two lovers, out for the evening, enjoying
companionship, on a Park Bench. It was the quintessential city scene, which
must be enacted out everywhere, that people were free. Seeing everything returning
to normal, I took my leave of Eddie, and he blew me his usual kiss, and I heard
him joke, as I walked away “Beware those peep shows darling, and those
beautiful whores, on the corner of Eighth.”
He thought he was
suffering from the flu when he had thrown up, as he had a fever and headache
for a few days and did not come into work and the work tables seemed empty
without him. Months passed without incident, but Eddie seemed to be losing his
bulk and getting gaunt. Summer came and
the owner went off to the Hamptons, and Eddie was not as busy and I saw less of
him. He would come in occasionally to ensure the girls, did not need his help,
and work on the pieces, for the next season. David told me that he thought
Eddie was not his usual self, some months later. He said that they were not
hanging out as much later into night, when the cooler fall nights came along. The
fashion season started and this used to be Eddie’s favorite time, to hang out,
and he would be the life of the party wherever he went. Now he would often
leave early on some nights, claiming he had things to do, but David knew he just
appeared very tired and exhausted.
Months later in January
only David was in his office, and Eddie’s desk was empty. I presumed he was
also away on a much needed break. I got into my routine and was swamped with
the work that was waiting for me to catch up on. It was a week later and I
heard Eddie’s voice and the girls giggling at work one afternoon. I was busy in
something for our Bank, and silently smiled to myself, and decided to go and
meet him once I finished. In an hour I finished my report and headed off and
found that Eddie was not with the girls anymore, and they were busy on their
routine. I went to David’s office and thought I saw the back of a stranger
sitting at Eddie’s desk, and thought it may be one of his friends waiting for
him to return.
He was smaller than
Eddie, although he seemed to have a similar build and hairstyle. Then he turned
around, and I realized that it was no one other than Eddie himself. He had lost
a lot of weight, and was looking very gaunt. He smiled when he saw me and the
same old booming voice spoke up “Darling, where have you been? I have been
missing you terribly, and am so happy to see you. David is no fun anymore and
it is good to see you and is that a new tan that you have got? You are looking
great so the time off was good for you.”
I walked in and took his
proffered hand, and felt the familiar artistic fingers, but the handshake, was
not as firm as before. His bulk seemed to have shrunk much more than the last
time I had seen him. He had on a long sleeve shirt and it looked strange on him
as he normally wore tight fitting fashion Ts, to show off his great body and
arms. I looked into the eyes of my friend and they were the same, all full of
life and mischief. Then he turned away and pointed to the article he was
reading, “Look at my darling wearing my latest creation, in Aspen, at the ski
slopes.” He said pointing to a famous model, photographed on the snow white
slopes looking very glamorous in the latest colors, of Eddie’s design.
Even to my untrained eye
the piece looked beautiful and intricately made. Eddie spoke up again, “My new
line is doing fabulously, and the beautiful people just love it. Wendy says the
girls can’t keep up with the demand, and she has started farming work out for
her girls, to work at home, with additional help.” We had started the piece
work last year, as we were losing too much business, with our constrained
capacity. Eddie had ranted and raved that the quality of work will go down,
without his direct input, and supervision. Our owner had agreed with me, that
we had to do this to increase volumes. I also found it easier to control costs,
as I could reduce the per piece cost, for the new contractors. Plus we had run
out of space and the owner was not ready to sign another long time lease which
could prove to be expensive fixed cost, if trends changed and our business went
We chatted for some time
catching up on the recent shows, which Eddie had attended while I was away. I
tried not to stare as he looked so strange, as I was used to his overpowering
presence and now he seemed to have lost, some of his mojo. Besides the
gauntness he seemed to have slumped as he did not appear as big as he used to
be. As I left to get back to my desk, I saw Eddie out of the side of my eye,
pull his sleeve up and rub a purple bruise on his left arm. Even his
extraordinarily muscular arms, seemed to have lost bulk. I quickly looked away
and walked off to my desk, deeply troubled about the changes, I saw in my
The next day I caught
David before he went off on his rounds. Eddie was still not in as was usual and
I wanted to talk to David about what was happening to Eddie. David hung out
with Eddie much more than me, and I thought he could explain the changes I was
seeing. David explained that Eddie was seeing doctors for the past few months,
as he continued to lose weight, and nobody could really explain what was wrong
with him. He had been admitted to a Hospital for further checks and
investigation and the specialists were stumped. All they would say was that
something seemed to be wrong with his auto immune system as his body seemed to
be suffering symptoms that normally would go away with anti-biotics, or other
medicine. In Eddie’s case nothing seemed to work, and his condition continued
to worsen.
David further informed me
that at first Eddie had withdrawn to himself, and just stayed in bed and
relaxed, hoping that all his troubles, would go away with time. He ate healthy,
gave up smoking and his other vices and tried to get back in shape. Then one
day another friend had visited with David and shared a motivational book and
music tapes with Eddie. It appeared to make a difference, as a gaunt Eddie had shown
up at work the following week. The girls were shocked to see him looking so
gaunt, but had soon realized that he was still the same person, who joked with
them, and showed them amazing things. They learnt to ignore his physical
appearance, and just treat him like before.
David and I, visited
Eddie in the hospital. He lay there on the white sheets, with flowers from his
friends, spread around him. In his military gown, he lay on the bed with an IV
sticking out of his arm to the medicine’s being dispensed into him. David had
told me that they had diagnosed Eddie with an Auto Immune disease and there was
no cure for it. The decrease had come from Sub-Saharan Africa and was spreading
fast all over the world, especially in urban areas or transit points. India and
USA were reporting sporadic incidents of the disease also, and the numbers were
spreading. Nobody knew what was causing it and it may be viral, but it was
becoming associated with Gay, or Bi-Sexual men. Poor Eddie could have caught
the disease from any one of his beautiful partners. The exotic life also led to
a great exposure to many different partners and Eddie had no idea as to who
gave it to him. The tragic part that Eddie told us from his bead as lively in
his head as ever. It was strange to hear the same voice and mannerisms come
from his bed. It looked like life had taken everything from him that he had
physically built of himself.
This great towering large
muscled man who had been my friend, looked so frail and shrunken. The nurses
had a hard time inserting an IV to find a vein, from what had been beautifully
muscled arms and legs. He beckoned to me and joked, “What darling you did not bring
any flowers? Look what Freddy sent me – what a fabulous bouquet.” Referring to Freddy
Mercury and I looked carefully, and there was a short poem, on a personal note,
on his side table. It was from Freddy, lying on his side table, along with many
other letters, and cards. He sadly informed us, that a lot of his fabulous
friends, had died, or also had the same disease. It was the scourge of his
artistic friends, he told me.
David was more regular
than me, in visiting Eddie, as he was far stronger, than me and was a true
Eddie friend. Their friendship was as deep, as it came; even though they had
nothing in common, in their backgrounds. Life and human tragedy, had made them,
soul mates, in NYC. I had nothing more to say to Eddie, as his life source, had
been my main source of life also, it seemed. The talk of my family, and my
economic concerns, on how well my peers with similar backgrounds from elite
Indian Universities, were doing, meant nothing to Eddie. He would listen to me
talk, about my children, and cousins, but beyond that, I had nothing to say. All
my thoughts had also shrunk with Eddie and all my educations, could not share
another joke, with Eddie. How could this fantastic man, in the prime of his
life, the ultimate ladies’ hair accessory designer become this man, lying in a
hospital gown? How do you talk about the future, to your friend who has none?
Farrokh Bulsara was born in Sep 1946, in Stone Town, Zanzibar; to Indian Parsee, parents. For some time he studied in Indian boarding schools, modelled after the British system, led to an interest, in the writing and performance of music. . The revolution in Zanzibar, which later became part of Tanzania, drove the family out, to England. There he transformed himself into the lead singer of Queen, due to his love of music. Freddy Mercury became one of the best performers in modern music and their concerts were legendary. His creations and his songs topped the charts for many years, and he spent the last part of his life collaborating with some of the other greats of the age. He died in Nov 1991 aged just 45, at the height of his career. He admitted to a friend on the day before he died, that he had AIDS. That was the first time I learnt, about this dreaded new disease to which we went on to lose, some of the brightest people, in our generation.
Depiction of the Andromeda galaxy colliding with our milky way
The impending collision of our Milky Way with the LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud) will bring celestial scale events into our neighborhoods. This may not happen for another two billion years from now, but in universal scale that time is not very far away. Initially merger with the Andromeda Galaxy was expected first, but now the race may go to LMC. These events of intergalactic mergers, is quite common in our crowded, and expanding universe. The biggest danger is that this infusion of new gasses and stars, into the near dormant black hole at the center of our galaxy, may provide fuel to it. This will feed it into activity, and it is expected to grow exponentially larger, with the new energy.
Our Black hole will become a
Quasar, and start its own celestial event. The energy expelled at near light
speed, by the resulting Quasar, will change our Milky Way. “Should this happen,
the stars that currently call the Milky Way’s galactic center home will, sadly,
have to yield the neighborhood they know and love, to a new population of
cosmic emigrants from the LCM. According to the researchers, many stars will be
sucked into the growing black hole at the galactic center; other stars,
reacting to all the extra mass pouring into their neighborhood, could be flung headlong into
interstellar space, quadrillions of miles away.” Written by Brandon
Specktor in Live Science.
Unfortunately we will not be
around to see these interstellar events but hopefully our descendants (if human
survive), will experience it. According to another model built by the
astrophysicists at Durham UK, who predicted the 2 billion time frame, our solar
system may not be effected, due to its location. We will not be in direct
harm’s way, and may actually enjoy seeing new events, in the skies. New stars
and gasses, will crowd into our galaxy, changing our skyline.
Please don’t fasten your
seatbelts just yet, to travel and see one of the brightest objects in space,
the Quasar. No psychedelic could ever match, the actual merger of two galaxies,
into a celestial soup; of energy, and light. This soup unlike LSD (psychedelic drug),
will be so thick and strong, that it will produce sights, not possible till
today. The scale of this event, will be truly spectacular, and grander than any
human imagination. Our solar system is far too insignificant and young, to be
included, in this new universal show. We will be left on the sidelines, with
great spectator seats.
There are other galaxies
colliding at random, in our universe today. We have billions of galaxies and
pulsars and quasars out there, and billions of black holes. Their birth and death,
are the celestial events, which no one can predict for certain, and they are
not part of any great master plan. They rise and fall, in their own time and
space. We do not even know if we live in a multiverse existence, as we can only
see and know the existence of our own universe. From a flat earth we are
evolving in our knowledge, and maybe dark matter and dark energy; which are over
90% of our known universe, have other secrets, that we have yet to unravel.
There are many amongst us that
consider themselves, the master of this universe. Others believe in a Supreme
God, shaped in their own beliefs, who controls the destiny of all living and
organic matter. These gods reap vengeance, on those who do not believe in them.
Their blind followers unleash wars, on other non-believers. The scale of their
narrow mindedness, belies the actual reality, of what is all around us. Venus is
not the goddess of love and Mars is no longer the God of war, as our
understanding and times have changed. We look up into the heavens and see our
future, but cannot even understand our own past.
Look inwards and we find
another universe of millions of creatures, who dwell in us and what is their
God? The only answer is energy, of our life forms. Long as the energy is kept
alive, we live, and when it fades; we die, and become fodder, for millions of
other cells. Our greatness lies not in conquering the world, but in conquering ourselves.
The danger of superstition and false beliefs, creates rifts between us and
nature. We end by destroying, that which provides us life, in our ignorance.
True reality is when we realize the meaning of how to live, with compassion and
love. Hate is natural and fear is elemental, to our nature. We have many
leaders who have risen, who fan this hate and bigotry, in the name of clan,
nation but mostly religion.
They are the unrealized and to follow them, is to plunge ourselves into a darkness of spirit and action. Seek the light and you will renounce these shallow beliefs. There is much to learn and we have lived only a spec, of cosmic time. The cosmos is the reality, and we are the pilgrims in search of it. This earth is our witness, and we have proven ourselves wanting, on many counts. Enjoy this randomness of colliding universes, as in this insignificance, is our greatest glory. We are the masters only of our fate, and destiny is only a thought, that should be abandoned. Conquest and pillage is our history, for survival. We must find a better way, if we want to enjoy cosmic time.
Knowledge is limitless and so why limit ourselves to a faith, which limits others, as less than equal? Which colliding Galaxy is stronger or larger, only time will tell; and we, or our man-made God, does not control their destiny. I am, so the universe exists. I learn, and our humanity improves, is the only truth. Our universe blesses us with a celestial dance, to be enjoyed for the ages. Our moral responsibility is to teach our children well, so that we and our gods can survive, to witness this truly cosmic event!
Pashupati Star pulled on his natural shawl, made of handmade hemp fiber, and swung one end up, and around his left shoulder, keeping his right arm, free. He had a bag hanging from his left shoulder, of the same, but more beat-up, and layered, hemp fiber, lined with cotton. In this bag were his day’s tools. Star was a bricklayer by profession, just like his father and grandfather had been, before him. His staff was also his measuring rod, as it was the length of a standard measure, for building human spaces. The town was planned with straight and perpendicularly divided streets, by the brick lined roads, which formed the thoroughfares. Star turned from the large roadway, into the narrower one, to get back home.
They had lived in this town for many generations, and he enjoyed his profession. It was rumored that his Great Grandfather’s, father had come from a much bigger town, across the great river. Their home was standard brick design, with high walls facing the street. The house lived inwards, in its open courtyard. There was a large entrance, with two large rooms on either side. The side walls were lined with rooms for his family, and a granary and a kitchen. The fourth side was for the household animals, and their feed. There was even a well for water, which was sweet and abundant, and that is why his Grandfather, had chosen to build here.
“Hey Star,… have you lost … your hearing,” came a panting voice, from behind him. He knew that voice, but decided to keep going, as if he didn’t hear, speeding up slightly. “Star, I will kill you this time, if you don’t stop.” He heard the approaching voice, and her bangles, but Star kept going. He had managed to avoid her, for a whole month.
“My Star!… Why do you not wait for me,… why must you always torture me, so?” she
said, panting, as she caught up with him, running on her long legs. “Mother
Goddess, please give me the strength, to put some sense, into this fool.”
“Full Moon, you can’t stop me like this. Not in
the middle of the street, and bar my way?” Star said, looking up at the tall young
woman, who stood barring his way, with her arms out and her patterned brass bangles,
reflecting the fading sun.
“Just call me Moon dear,” Full Moon smiled at
him, and gave him a slight push, in his chest, and tilted her head, looking him
up and down. “Just like you did the other night, my dearest Star.”
Star was staring at her breasts rising and falling, under her shawl, as she took deep breaths. He noticed the beautiful brass necklace with carved and shaped beads rising and falling, and then turned his head away.
“Yes Moon,” Star looked up into her brown eyes, finally, as she continued to rub and poke his chest, and then pointed 2 fingers up to her eyes.
“I just
finished work, and I am tired, and want to just, go home.” Star said softly.
“OK so you are not doing anything, but just going home,” Moon said, stepping aside, and giving him way. “Good, as I am also not doing anything also, and will happily accompany you.”
Star pushed her aside with his shoulder, and at
the open opportunity, started walking off towards his locality. She walked
besides him stride for stride, and even skipped a few steps ahead, or followed
behind, if he scowled. She hummed a tune, as she accompanied him. He was used
to her antics, and he even smiled, when she even tried to do a cartwheel.
Instead she ended up on the bricks, with all her long graceful limbs spread
out, and flat on the ground. He giggled, and walked away faster.
“Dear Star,” she said catching up with him, near
his home’s entrance, as he was still giggling, from seeing her spread out like
that, at his feet.
.”Dear Moon,” he responded, and she flung her
arms around him, and hugged him tightly.
“Oh so sweet,” Moon said gazing down into his
eyes, and he tried to break away giggling harder, as she rolled her eyes at
him, and wouldn’t let him go. He was rubbing against her, as he tried to
escape, and she was exaggerating it, by her rolling sensuous movements. Then
suddenly, even she could not hold in the pleasure, of seeing him, in her arms
again. She also looked at his stupid expression, and broke into giggles, as he
tickled her. He released himself, and burst into laughter, “You looked so silly
Moon, sprawled out in the street like that.”
Embarrassed, she started laughing nervously,
with him. He dropped his bag and reached out and tickled her. They both cracked
up then, and soon were down on the bricks, pounding them, and roaring aloud.
“Sweet Star…Sweet Star.” Moon said between laughs, and Star said “Dear Moon.
Dear Moon.” They raised their heads, and looked at each other, sitting in the
street and laughing at each other. Moon made a face, and then, they broke into
spasms of laughter again.
“Oh Mother Goddess! Will I see you by the
silent grove of Pashupati, tonight after sunset,” Moon asked, when she could
compose himself.
“Tonight? Well let me try, and get there, as I
have some things to do.” Star replied.
“Oh Star it will be so good, if you can make
it,” Moon almost begged. Star nodded and agreed to meet her later.
Moon smiled back at him, and wrapped her wrap
around her, now that she had heard, what she wanted to hear. She straightened
out the handwoven cotton shift, that she had wrapped around her waist. The joy of seeing Star again, was just like
her Mother Goddess, had promised her, when she prayed to her last night. The
Mother had calmed her, and assured her, that everything will be alright, in the
evening. Her brass necklace and her bracelets and bangles, shone in the setting
sun, as she turned, and headed off to her home. She had a lot to do, to[KR(1] get ready for the night.
Star ate an early meal, and finished off the
chores he had to complete. He then decided to go to the bath. He was feeling
dirty and decided, to clean himself, from all the dust of the day, from working,
in construction. The public baths were a short walk away, past his local
market. He headed out and soon another friend joined him, and they talked as
they walked, as he was headed for the baths also. His friend worked in the
sanitation department, and they kept the drains cleaned and covered, and the
streets clean. He really needed a bath he said, after this day’s work. They
enjoyed the hot baths, and then relaxed in the cool pool, and let the day’s
tiredness; seep out, of their pores. Then they dried themselves, and applied
oils, to smoothen, their chapped hands and feet. With glistening hair now,
cleaned and tamed by the oil, they were ready to return, to civilization.
Star fade farewell to his friend and headed for
the Pashupati Grove, on the outskirts of the town. As he approached he saw the
full moon start to rise, above the clouds on the horizon. He felt a sudden jump
in his anticipation, at the sight of the big white moon rising. There were two
more couples, ahead of him, also strolling along, in the same direction. He
realized that they may be headed for the Pashupati Temple, for the special
prayers, offered on every full moon night. Star believed deeply in Pashupati as
the lord of all living creatures. His friend Full Moon believed more in the
power of our Mother Goddess, and tonight the two would meet in the silent
Star entered the Grove and headed for the
Temple, and saw that a lot more couples, had gathered, for the celebration. On
one side, a stage had been built, in a clearing in the grove. A lot of people,
had already spread themselves, on the grassy slope, all around the stage. There
was light from oil lamps, hung on the brick and wooden stage. The surrounding
areas, were in semi darkness, and only lit by the stars and the moon. There
were four people, sitting on the stage, playing music, and the sound of their
drums, and voices, spread the music all around. The rising moon above the
trees, brought light into the clearing, and you could see people and shapes
more clearly now.
He felt her presence, even before he saw her.
She was sitting under a tree, in the shade; erect, and looking at the
musicians. Star felt a strange vibration arising from her, a serenity as if she
was the Mother Goddess herself, as Moon had described her to him. She was glad
in a thin cotton wrap and on her arms were bangles of brass with tiny beads
hanging from them. Her hair was washed, oiled and neatly parted. In the middle
parting she wore vermillion, and it seemed to add to his desire, as she was in service,
to the Mother Goddess.
This strange tall beauty, and raw feminine power,
in full display, had attracted him before, when he met her last. Suddenly all
his efforts at self-discipline was gone, causing him, to break his promised
fast of the senses, to his lord Pashupati. He approached her from behind, and
saw her shoulders relax, and she swayed slowly with the music, as he approached
her. He knew she could feel his presence too, as the power of Pashupati flowed
to the mother goddess, and their disciples, are surely swayed, by the same
vibrations. As he reached down to touch her shoulder, she looked up and smiled,
as if she already knew he was here.
She patted the ground besides her and her
bangles made music of their own. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, “I
came early, and found a good spot for us,” Moon said, “We can hear the
musicians, and see the stage clearly from here.” Star grunted, as he lowered
himself to the ground, and sat down beside her, on the reed mat. She had come
well prepared for the evening with snacks and drinks. . There was a coarse
cotton sheet covering the reed and the soft grass below, for comfort. The moon
rose higher, and another larger group of musicians, came on the stage. They
were louder, and the tempo picked up, as the moon shone brighter on the people.
Star felt the music take him also, and he closed his eyes and swayed.
reached down and offered him a drink
from the baked clay amphora, which she carried for that purpose. It was a special drink, from the Mother, and
she had prepared it carefully. Star took a deep swig, as he was thirsty and
felt the greenish golden liquid, flow down his parched throat. He coughed, as
some of it went down the wrong way, and Moon pounded his back, to help him
recover. “Don’t be in a rush Star, I made more than enough for us, for the
evening, just like last time.” Moon joked, as she took another sip, of her
favorite drink. It had come out just right she felt, just like her mother, had
taught her. She smiled as the herbs and intoxicants carefully prepared, in the
ancient recipe, would soon have the desired effect. She wanted tonight to be
spent devoted, to the worship, of the Mother.
Then Moon started to dance and she motioned to
Star to rise also. She and he danced in the moonlight, as the musicians, sent
them into a strange trance. Star felt his whole universe become free as he
swayed and danced in the moonlight. Moon had a natural grace and a good ear and
flowed with music. She would hum along, and let her tall body follow, the waves
of the melody
When the moon reached its peak, the high priest
of the temple, came out from the Temple. He was clothed all in white and his
junior priests followed, also dressed in white, carrying torches that lit, his
way. On their shoulders, they carried the shining brass image, of Pashupati in
all his glory, surrounded by his living creatures all around him on a large
brass seal. The people bowed as the image passed, and Star prostrated himself
to the ground, as he knew that without Lord Pashupati’ s help, he would never
find joy in this life.
Moon was the only one who remained erect and
stared curiously at all the creatures surrounding the lord. She smiled as she
knew, that without the Mother, none of them would have existed, for Pashupati
to rule. The power to give birth remained, only in her and the Mother
Star had spent the past few years in devotion
to Pashupati. He had worked hard on his body, to make it stronger and virile
like his lord. He had shunned all base pleasures of the other bricklayers, and
concentrated on making himself better. He was attracted to the power of the
lord, over all creatures, and wanted to emulate him. Unfortunately a month ago,
he had met Full Moon, on the same moonlit night. She had bewitched him and he
had lost himself, and all his training and restraint, had become lost. He
remembered having the same drink, and all his senses coming alive.
He felt
his mind had become very fluid and his rigidity of discipline was gone. All his
efforts at self-control, and all his meditation, had become lost. He had gone
so far out of himself that, had it had not been for Moon, he would have been
lost. He wandered into a strange world, of disbelief and wonder and imagination
and profundity, as if everything was growing in a mother’s love. It was the
sound of her bangles, as she danced in abandon, which brought him back to
reality. The sight of her flushed face and body sent him into a new realm of
joy which was missing in his hard life..
She had called him with her power, as this was
her first time, and the Mother had told her she was ready and the time was
right. She sent her feminine force and calmed his male force, with her love,
and brought him back, from the dark recesses of his mind. She had stroked him and slowly guided him,
into the ways of the Mother. The power of his years of training vanished, in
her soft embraces. He was suddenly more awake, than he had ever been. Each
moment was a delight, and each touch, was a pleasure. “Sweet Star” Moon had
whispered, as she showed him the ways, of the Goddess. ”Sweet Star” again at
him, as the music played, and they swayed. Star had clung to her, as only she
would save him now, from himself, in this strange new world. He realized that
all his power was only built, for her pleasure. She completed him, and there
was no other way; that he could live, from now on.
Moon,” He whispered back, as the drink took hold, of their imaginations, and
their spirits soared. They became so co-mingled, that nobody could tell, where
Pashupati ended and the Mother started. A joy arose within them, at the
realization that, this was just meant to be.
Star looked up after an eternity it seemed, and
he noticed that the moon had slid down, behind the trees. The night was passing
fast and he felt, as if he had just arrived.
He smiled in a strangely contented way, and Moon looked at him and
smiled, and poked his chest. Star giggled as the waves of happiness rose, from
her caressing touch. Moon giggled at his reaction, and Star reached out, and
tickled her, some more, on the curvy spots she loved. She laughed, and
squealed. Soon they were rolling on the grass, laughing and mingling, in the
joy, of the Mother’s blessing. Their spirits mingled and they were one.
Their laughter became a primordial sound, and
they reveled in their creation. Moon with her bangles, and the soft music in
the background, spread love across the clearing. More and more couples had
joined them, in the glow, of the Full Moon ceremony. Now their laughter became
infectious, and spread out, across the clearing in compassion and joy. Star was
so entangled in Moon, that their laughter, turned into a deep satisfying
feeling, inside. From there, the force spread outwards, and spread to everyone.
In that magical night, they were all connected, in this great ceremony. He felt
his mind, become one; with hers, even as they laughed softly. The Mother Goddess,
and Pashupati, existed that night, in a co-mingled joy celebrating life and
Grand Priest of Pashupati, declared this month’s Full Moon ceremony closed. He
turned to face east and prostrated himself towards the rising sun and the
Temple. He then spread his arms high and thanked Pashupati for making this
ceremony, a roaring success. He blessed all the couples, to go forth, and be
Yogi was walking on the side of the lake, in the haze of existence, along with his new companion. He was slowly talking about the galaxies, and the universe in the heavens, beyond the dark and overhanging clouds and smog. They had not seen the Fading Moon, in many months. The earth was covered with a brown and grey cover, which hid the moon, and barely allowed a soupy dawn. Yogi had heard about the nuclear war, on another continent, which brought this haze. His companion was prone to violent shakings sometimes, as she walked besides him. He understood it was just her nature, as she was actually a sweet little thing, once she cleaned up. It must have been some trauma in her young life, maybe after the loss of her husband. She would shudder and shake. Her slender arms and legs would tremble uncontrollably. Sometimes when the fits took her, she would crumble on the floor, and just weep for hours.
Yogi did not ask about her past, as he had enough trauma’s of his own to take care of. He had learned to live with himself; to avoid confrontations with others, and to seek peace, in his own life. They were simply happy, that they had found each other. Yogi reached out and took her shaking shoulders, under his right arm. He hugged her shaking body to his side, as they walked on. They had their food and water supplies, and were now determined, to reach their shelter. Yogi’s home, was on the other side of the lake. He took a swig from his precious water bottle, and shared some with Eva. Then they set off in the fading light, to follow the ancient path to their shelter. Yogi looked up at the grey clouds and haze, hoping to make it home, before the approaching storm broke.
Yogi did not need much in any case, these days. He had got
used to fasting, and skipping food altogether, for days. Even though he had his
own well of sweet water, he did not trust the water. He had constructed some
elaborate filtration and cleaning system, for his water supply. He only drank
his own homemade bottled water, any more. The pristine lake, in which, he had
swum in every summer, since he was a child, had become poisoned, months ago. He
and Eva avoided any outside water, and were getting stronger, with their
hydrated bodies. Slowly Eva’s shaking subsided and they were able, to make
better progress.
When they got home Eva immediately started working on the
grains and flour, to make breads. Other wild grains she boiled, to make a base
gruel. She could then add vitamins, and nutrient supplemental, they had
gathered from the Supply store, near the train station. The store keeper said
that it was a miracle, the old electric trains, still ran at all. Also the
power supply, was unreliable, these days. The storms could cause havoc, and
destroy anything in their paths. Yogi
and Eva spent most of their time indoors, going out only for necessities, for
their survival. They were not city dwellers, where conditions were probably
even more dire. Yogi had heard it rumored, that large mobs raged, across the
broad avenues, seeking food, at the soup kitchens.
Yogi was straightening out his clothes in his room, when he
heard Eva from the kitchen, “Dinner will be served in five minutes, and will
you join me Yogi?”
Yogi felt some pangs in his stomach, as he had not really
eaten anything, since the day before. He had become very suspicious of all
foods. He had seen his friends and companions, become sick with strange growths,
and ulcers break out on their necks, and bodies. He had seen them suffer, and
slowly wither away, and then soon die. He knew if it was not for Eva insisting,
he would probably have given up, altogether and joined them. She was hungrier
for life, than he was; and he had sensed that, when he had first seen her,
scrounging for food. He saw her outside the Store, some months back. The Store
keeper had told him she had arrived on the train, some days back. He was very
wary of strangers, yet her sweet smile and sunny disposition, had melted him.
He did not sleep that night and the next day came and made her the offer, to
join him in his home.
They were both lonely and she saw his emancipated body and
his hollowed eyes. She realized that he was letting his life force ebb, and
wane. She decided to nurture him back to health, as she was desperate for
companionship. She had been a nurse, once, in what seemed so long ago. She had
been happy, before her world turned, upside down. She thanked every day, on which
she woke up, to find herself, still alive. He seemed a good man, who had, had some bad
breaks, in the past. The Store keeper had told her, Yogi may appear eccentric,
and strange, but at heart he is a very good man. She had followed him, and
watched him for days. Finally she decided to move in with him, on an extremely
stormy night. Yogi had brought her home and made her welcome and showed her,
where everything was. She slept on the Sofa, as she was cautious, and afraid.
Eva passed the hot boiled gruel, she had prepared, in two
bowls. Eva had sprinkled some precious herbs, and added the boiled spicy vegetables.
Fresh vegetables and fish had arrived that day, from the climate controlled,
hydroponic, indoor, organic farms, far away. These were rarities these days,
and she was very happy, with her meal. Yogi as usual, just pushed the food
around on his bowl, with his fork. She had coaxed him a couple of time, but had
soon realized; it was best, to just let him be. He would play with the food and
sometimes take a small forkful into his mouth, and chew contemplatively. It was
as if he was discovering, how to eat, for the first time. Then he would walk
away and wait to see if the food was safe. Eva would continue to sit and eat,
slowly enjoying, every bite, of the nourishing food.
Yogi was more interested, in the brain pills, which he had gathered. It was a concoction, of whatever the store keeper, had been able to obtain through his contacts. He would even continue conversations across the home, as he admired his cache. There were blue pills, pink pills, white capsules, yellow tablets, but most importantly these organically grown and refined natural enzymes and powders, increased his brain health. Yogi was convinced that they were keeping him alive, as while his body had become deprived, these supplements kept his brain alive, and functioning.
Eva had joked, “It’s all in your head Yogi, I do not take
brain pills, and am happy the way I am. We have to be happy inside Yogi, and
nothing from outside can do that, no matter what concoctions, you ingest. My
Mommy always used to laugh at this world, and she taught me early on; that we
are created to bring joy, to all around us.” She
laughed at him, and coaxed a smile out of him, with her antics. She mimicked
him popping pills. She pantomimed him, by raising her hands above her head, pretending
that her brain, is expanding.
That night she joined him in his bed and they talked about the past. They made love, and then they talked on until dawn. They talked about their hopes, and their dreams. They made love again, and she nodded off. Then they ate a predawn meal, as she awoke early, feeling hungry again. This time she sat with him smiling, and talking about their upcoming day. He was not one, for sleeping much, these days anyway. As he listened to her talk on, he became strangely contented, with her company. Eva’s shaking fits slowly disappeared over time.
“What do you want to do tomorrow?” Eva asked innocently at breakfast one day,
Yogi just looked at her amazed, and just sat straight, slowly chewing his food again; and finally thinking about a future, he had given up on. As the night turned into a grey dawn, he slowly ate, spoon, after spoon. She smiled at him, passing her feminine strength, into his meagre frame, and a small hope rose, in his mind again. They decided to venture out into their universe more often. “Lets go and see what else is out there?” Yogi said, gathering himself and leading the way.
Months passed and they got used to venturing out, into the fog. It had rained in the night, and more appeared on the way, from the distant thunder and lightning. Yogi looked up into the grey skies, and then turned, as Eva caught up. She took his hand in hers, as they walked up the hill, away from the lake, towards the forest. Eva claimed that the night before, she had actually seen the Fading Moon’s shadow, in the sky, from the top of the hill. They reached the top, after another violent storm, when the heaven’s opened up. Eva had hugged Yogi as they got a glimpse, of our Milky Way, and the galaxies and larger universe. Yogi and Eva lay on the ground, and looked at the eternal universe enchanted. They spent a magical night, enjoying this beautiful spectacle for hours, lying in each other’ arms.
Since then a year has passed and this hellish semi darkness, eats away, at both of them. Yogi would have withered, but Eva saved him, and continues to nourish him, with what they can find. It is rumored that from that from that fateful night onwards, the Fading Moon became a reality, and was never seen again. Yogi does not talk about our beautiful moon, or our colorful Milky Way, or the size of our external universe, anymore. Even Eva’s shaking fits are becoming worse again, and they venture out less and less….
Schopenhauer. “Suffering is the substance of all life”
Wikipedia image of mushroom cloud at castle_romeo2