There comes a time when we look at ourselves and wonder how we ever came to this sorry phase in our lives; and why did we desert all the values we held so dear, for a little bit of economic gratuity. Family responsibility or personal ambition can only be excuses, for what we have allowed ourselves to evolve into. Our volition is our only choice; and we need to stand up for what we hold dear, as no other person can do that for us, no matter how close. Reach inside yourself; and you will find those same aspirations that you held solemnly, and the same seeker of truth and you can slowly start to untangle this world of suspicion and broken dreams, that surround you now. Life is like the clay we mold on our pottery wheel; and if we just let it spin meaninglessly, nothing will come of it. We have to actively mold each moment, and then burnish it in the fire of values, to stand up and say proudly – yes this is my life. Start now and the world will change around us, and the only thing we have to do is to change one person – me. Belief in oneself is the first step, to rediscover all that which we think we have lost. Live true and all else will fade; and freedom to act rightly will be regained, as life without values is valueless.
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