Entitlement vs Empathetic


According to today’s N Y Times “President Obama welcomed the Dalai Lama to the White House on Friday morning, provoking a sharp rebuke from the Chinese government, which warned that the meeting would severely damage relations between Washington and Beijing.”
I will never understand the Chinese hatred for a man who has always shown compassion and empathy to those around him. They may hate organized religion in a communist state, but the Dalai Lama has not aspired to head a religious state in China or anywhere else.He was born into his cosmic role and since a young age has been trained to spread the word of the Buddha and his eight fold path.
There is a far greater cause for misunderstanding between the self-made man who heads the vast entitlements and forces of a great nation, and the childhood priest who has his robe and little else. There is a far greater inequality here between the ruler and the learned man, both peace prize winners, but of different pursuits. The inequalities that Obama spoke about have grown not reduced and despite the best efforts; there is less compassion and empathy, for the pain and suffering of others. The path that the Dalai Lama speaks about is one of detachment, renunciation and  nirvana.
According to a study carried out at Berkley in a rigged game of monopoly, the winners exhibited signs of posture changing to becoming excited and showing signs of victory, eating more and later claiming their wisdom had helped them win a clearly rigged game. They were trying to answer the question “Does money make you mean?” and answered affirmatively. It raises one’s self interest and sense of entitlement.
In other studies they have shown time and again that when inequality goes down; we have greater social mobility, better economic growth, a more engaged community life leading to increases in social harmony allowing innovation to flourish, and even reduced cases of obesity and drug abuse.
From the meeting of these two great leaders we do not expect world changing announcements, but how I wish we did. If they can resolve their extreme positions and come to a harmonious meeting of the minds, then I guess we all have a lot of hope for the future of mankind. How do we make the self-interested and the entitled to change and part with their wealth for a more equal society? Obama who is the most powerful man in the world is a prisoner to his own state has great external power. Dalai Lama on the other hand is free from the karma of lifetimes and shows the old new way and has great internal power. How does a stateless man state, that compassion and empathy for all living creatures is our prime dharma, while the most powerful man agrees with him that it is also the right thing to do. I guess we are all Pharsiees now and the death of grace is upon us!

Adoptive Optics

The man I would consider the father of lasers was explaining the other day the uses of his discoveries and inventions. The gentleman holds many of the key patents in the field and is world renown for his knowledge in the field of light and lasers. His explanation of adoptive optics was fascinating as without it we would not be able to explore into the deepest reaches of space using the largest telescope or at the smallest of particles using magnifying equipment.
Wikipedia says “When lasers were invented in 1960, they were called “a solution looking for a problem”.[32] Since then, they have become ubiquitous, finding utility in thousands of highly varied applications in every section of modern society, including consumer electronics, information technology, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and the military.
The first use of lasers in the daily lives of the general population was the supermarket barcode scanner, introduced in 1974. The laserdisc player, introduced in 1978, was the first successful consumer product to include a laser but the compact disc player was the first laser-equipped device to become common, beginning in 1982 followed shortly by laser printers.
Some other uses are:
• Medicine: Bloodless surgery, laser healing, surgical treatment, kidney stone treatment, eye treatment, dentistry
• Industry: Cutting, welding, material heat treatment, marking parts, non-contact measurement of parts
• Military: Marking targets, guiding munitions, missile defence, electro-optical countermeasures (EOCM), alternative to radar, blinding troops.
• Law enforcement: used for latent fingerprint detection in the forensic identification field[33][34]
• Research: Spectroscopy, laser ablation, laser annealing, laser scattering, laser interferometry, LIDAR, laser capture microdissection, fluorescence microscopy
• Product development/commercial: laser printers, optical discs (e.g. CDs and the like), barcode scanners, thermometers, laser pointers, holograms, bubblegrams.
• Laser lighting displays: Laser light shows
• Cosmetic skin treatments: acne treatment, cellulite and striae reduction, and hair removal.
In 2004, excluding diode lasers, approximately 131,000 lasers were sold with a value of US$2.19 billion.[35] In the same year, approximately 733 million diode lasers, valued at $3.20 billion, were sold.[36]”

He went on to explain that at the birth of the twenty first century at the begining of its first new millinieum, the U S military funded a major project on lasers. In the year 2000 Sep, the US finally demonstrated the power of the new laser system that could destroy a newly fired rocket in a matter of seconds. If you are not traveling at Mack 3,000 or higher this death ray will catch you. To hear it being described we can now deliver death itself, at the speed of light, with unerring accuracy against a remote flying object.
So now with the one and a half billion dollar weapon under our belts; we can go into another arms race where the new USAFL 747 adaption will be the new ruler in the skies. It has been built with the latest technology and engineering, featuring a heavy duty titanium nose to house the laser generator. Ladies and gentlemen please do not hold your nreath as I make this statement that, we will be able to deliver death sixty miles away at the speed of light.
We can forget about the glorious dog fights of the spit fires against the Nazi jets or US squadrons against the Jap zeros. Now war is anonymous and long distant and instantaneously destructive and any romantic notions that we humans have about war; should be forthwith discarded. as outdated and even humorous.
Not to be left behind the navy will equip ships all across the world; with the technology and the army is not far behind, and tanks will roll out with the latest weapons. We are on a roll and nothing will stop us now; from keeping our position as the shining light on the hill. From the darkness we will deliver light, whether you want it or not.
May the rest of the millinieum allow saner heads to prevail; and we can start to use the power of these inventions, for the greater good of mankind. We should not despair; and have faith in our basic human spirit, which will always strive to rise to a higher level.The next one and a half billion should be spent, to make the world a healthier and safer place using lazers!

Universal health care

Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayana Health is trying to grow healthcare services in India to service the world, and he says ”There are many positives in India’s favor. Indians are born healers. The younger generation is very studious. We have 381 medical colleges. We produce the largest number of doctors, nurses, and medical technicians…….Globally, healthcare is a 4.5 trillion USD industry. It is the second largest industry after food and agro-processing. Despite its size, it is only addressing about 30 percent of the world population. Nearly 70 percent of the world population is nowhere close to receiving decent healthcare services. We need a revolution in order to service the entire market.”
There is a change coming to world healthcare and the US, UK and the rest of the world are struggling with different models to provide the best care. In the UK the NHS distributes GBP 5.58 billion in salaries every month to 1.4 million employees and is a big driver of their GDP. In the US baby boomer aging is going to drive even more GDP to be assigned to Healthcare. The next fifty years will bring a spreading of healthcare to those who need it the most. Technological change will drive better monitoring. Diagnostic, pharmaceutical, robotic aided procedures, radiology that will reduce the costs of delivering care to the masses. Eradication of most mass killing diseases will be finally achieved through genetic knowledge and prevention. .
Human ingenuity and research can often surmount some of the toughest problems of our species and more research and development can only lead to better results. The question for the future is how will the giant conglomerates that are required; for development of modern facilities be funded, – how much will the private sector invest and how much will the government invest. Obama care is just touching the tip of the problem of funding and costs and development and improvements in delivery. Creating healthy populations is a tremendous responsibility as oftentimes the individuals who are the most prone to diseases like smokers, diabetics, obese and even people with bad lifestyles continue on in their ways and it is tough to change. Private corporations, NGOs and the world governments will have to work hand in hand and the population will have to learn to pay for healthcare for all. The super-rich can always buy the best care in any case and it is the invincible young and the working classes who will have to pay for these innovations, to support the graying population.
Somebody has suggested that we need an additional one trillion dollars a year to be spent to continue the rapid pace of development in Health Care Services. We do not need to go very far to get this trillion dollar savings; as it is available by reducing wars and working on peaceful development. Education, employment, development and innovation are all at stake here for the future of humanity. If we all take the long view where we are all dead, we can start today to pave the path for us to let our parents, us and our children go in peace to that endless shore. We can at least make the journey for those who are following after us productive, easier, healthier and more livable.

Healing wounds

Earth - Winter Wallpaper

Casper and me were glad to get out of the freezing cold after last night’s storm, which had garnled the traffic and a state of emergency was called by Christie. Today morning was the same frigid weather, but at least we got things done and now are back home and warm. The evergreen still has white branches from the dry snow which is swirling around with some wind gushes and a bright sun has appeared. The snow drifts and the side of the walkways have enough of the snow to dissuade Casper from venturing into them despite his coat. Cleaned the snow and moved the car to a designated spot for parking in an unending game of musical spots whenever the snow comes down, to allow the association to shovel the driveways. We slink in from the cold and play throwing the toy polar bear down the passageway and back. Life is good again as he crawls into his bed with his face peering over the side; as if reaffirming that life has been very unsettled, and rough lately. Ugly cardboard boxes of all shapes rearing their horrible heads; and strangers consistently step on him, even when he hid behind them. Equilibrium restored he contemplates life as it should be and sleeps, with only the occasional eyebrow quivering from the horrors of the recent past.
As Harry Crew states we should allow certain traumatic incidents to just heal and move on with our lives. As we live in constant change there are bound to be times of stress and times of restoration. We need to make sure that we don not carry our old baggage constantly with us everywhere we go and allow the time for restoration to be focused on the present through exercise and meditation if required. We have to build a routine where we take time to heal the wounds and let the scars of time remove them from our minds. Only when we are internally done with our Karma through the appropriate actions; can we proceed on the path of Dharma, where we renounce and anjoy. The actions themselves become pure; as there is not attachment to them, and it is just done with compassion to the creatures around us. Think not of the precieved or actual hurt but realize that you are done with it and have moved on to your present and future life towards bliss. Healing has to first start from within; where we look at our own faults, and work on improving ourselves – Om shanti!

There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. -Harry Crews, novelist and playwright (1935-2012)

Missed call

She called me while I was in a meeting with my boss and surprised me as I turned off the ringer. Later on when I came down for a smoke with my buddies I called her back. She said it was a bad timing as usual as the kids had just returned and now she had no time to talk to me. Oh I could not recall the last time that she had called me, just to spin a yarn or pass the time. I am now less than nothing, as I feel the time to talk and remiss about our love and our desires and our hopes is gone. Why do we fight incessantly, when we are together and the kids have to tell us to calm down. I know no other whose love is so important, yet I am the one who instigates and presses those buttons that she hates.
Tomorrow will be another day and I will call her and we will discuss as she watches her serials and answers in those hun hun hun monotones as I spill my life history to her. The time is not now and the timing is off as usual. I do not talk about her hair being long or short or the beauty of the sunset or the sunrise, on the Pacific. There is no time to discuss the passage meditation course that I want to take up with Easwarn Ekanath’s group in CA as she has no interest in it, even though she forwards me daily snipets from Brahmakumaris. I read the email and am lost as to who is this person and why does she continue to improve me after all the decades that we have spent together. I am who I am and will never live up to her expectations. As Bob Dylan sang “its not me babe that you are looking for,” but she never knew him or his music and I wonder if the Sufis ever experienced my pain.
It is a celebration of life and I ring her back and she acknowledged my existence and also warns me that if she ever sees my behavior deteriorate beyond her acceptable limits that I might as well pack and leave. I know no other love and am devastated as this is my reality and talk to my son and he says Dad why can’t you just move on and make Mom happy. Happiness I want to tell him is so ephemeral, but do not have the words to express myself. I dare not talk to my daughter as she is rearing my beloved granddaughter and she will surely rake me over the coals, even though I love her more than life itself.
So I am here alone in my hotel room and enjoying the view of the Pacific and the waters are no longer peaceful and the lights of the city of angels is a vortex that draw me to the depths of my soul. I reach out and touch none and only Brahma is here with me, in this endless space. I repeat the gayatri mantra and then the void takes over. I am who I am and this hopeless crud of humanity is my very soul. Who will recognize this time or this space for I am lost and she is so far away. I crawl into bed awaiting tomorrow, as I know today will never end and the lotus of the heart will not blossom and the Buddha is there on my horizon, and just a hair width out of my grasp. Life is full of despair; but hope is never lost, till I talk to her again and can express that I am sorry for whom I am. She will respond with her hun hun hun and I will be ecstatic in the Sufis dance, for I am the one who will finally find life’s ecstasy at just her one hun.

Free access to information

File:New York Public Library May 2011.JPG
There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration. -Andrew Carnegie, industrialist (1835-1919)
Andrew made a fortune during his life time from Steel making but he left behind one of the largest library development in the history of modern man till then. He was instrumental in spreading knowledge across the cities of America at a scale never done before for the masses as till then libraries were for the elite of society only. Thus the great philanthropists spoke when they donated a great deal of their personal wealth; for funding libraries, museums, and research and development, so that the mind of man could be free to grow, and imagine great things for our future. From time immemorial the spoken word has been the key to communication, and as languages developed so did the nuances of cultural affiliations; that are the inherent property of a language. The libraries house the literature and also the architecture, art, music, attire, sculpture are housed in the museums; for all of us to see and share equally. These bring about a transformation 0f the history of the civilizations long forgotten by the common man; that have gone before but their achievements are brought alive for us today.
So to bring equality educate girls, boys, youth, old men, old women and anyone else that you can find hiding behind the veil of ignorance. The internet will be the next big enabler; as the poorest of the poor, and the weakest of the weak, will get access to information from around the world. As local languages catch up; with the world of technical information available, in say English or German, knowledge will spread. Human ingenuity is a strange phenomenon, and surprise game changing discoveries and innovations can come from anywhere. As the World Wide Web expands, the information will reach more and more people; who in turn will add their own native knowledge, to it. We are on the cusp of a revolution; and there is no force on earth, that can stop this progress.
The whole world is our own and we need the equality and knowledge sharing for our own survival. In an interconnected world pandemics will spread faster; and so will desired and undesired outcomes, of the use of this knowledge. There are twisted minds everywhere; who will try to subvert security and privacy, of their fellow humans for personal gain. There will of course be the wise few who will continue to use the power of charity for good, to spread compassion and hope. I know for a certainty that if we just keep faith; and pursue the path to knowledge sharing and opportunity, the future will look a lot brighter for all of us! We are all indebted to those who have opened the pandora box of knowledge; to the world’s masses, and now have to overcome the evil and let the good prosper, for the benefit of all our suceeding generations..

Vegan Bill

The other day hearing an energetic and surprisingly healthy looking ex-president Bill Clinton; talking in an interview on TV, I was surprised to hear that he had turned vegan, or a vegetarian who does not eat any meats or dairy products. Then I saw another interview of ex-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson explain how his love for his new wife; took him from a 360 pound overweight coke addicted low life, to rebuild his life and go vegan and drop 150 pounds and become surprisingly healthy again and drug free. These two were the poster children of the meat producing industry in their heyday; sneaking off to enjoy juicy steaks and live a life of meat eating high protein diet, and become superb specimens of manhood in their prime. Later the same life styles seemed to have led to obesity and health problems; that they had to battle, with a new paradigm. With the bloat gone now they were looking surprisingly trim and healthy; and seemed to be living a charmed life for their age, that we should all aspire to.
This caused me to do some research and I came across the following: “According to the editors of World Watch, July/August 2004: “The human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future — deforestation, topsoil erosion, fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice, the destabilization of communities and the spread of disease.” Another research pointed out “Thirty-three percent of our nation’s raw materials and fossil fuels go into livestock destined for slaughter. In a vegan economy, only two percent of our resources will go to the production of food.” It also looks like tax payer’s subsidies are coming out of our pockets for McDonald and other burger chains to provide their low cost meals to us, “Half the water consumed in the U.S. irrigates land growing feed and fodder for livestock. It takes 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat, but 2,500 gallons to produce a pound of meat. If these costs weren’t subsidized by the American taxpayers, the cheapest hamburger meat would be $35 per pound!”
Having always admired Bill for his intelligence; and not necessarily his lifestyle, I now feel that he is on to a good thing. As the increasing pressure of populations strain our earth for more resources; we will have to rethink our consumption patterns of food and calories, to sustain life. With the diversion of water hungry crops like sugar cane in Brazil; and corn in the US, to making ethanol and providing for energy, there will be even more pressure on food production. We can already see the rising prices of grains and scarcities for the poorest of the poor; as they struggle unaided in a situation, that can be easily avoided. Millions already go hungry in the under developed and developing nations, due to political\economic considerations today. Large corporations own huge tracts of land and divert the resources for maximum economic gain, and not for the largest good. While giant hoards of food grains remain undistributed; there is a great price we pay, in malnourished women and children across the globe. Reduction of the costs of war for just one week for example, can feed the whole planet’s poor for a year as per one UN study.
We finally have the means of production; where we can provide a healthy and nutritious diet, to every single person on this planet. The savings in health care costs and increased productivity alone, would more than offset anything we spend on these efforts. The political\economy needs to change; and each of us has our own moral responsibility, to ensure we support these efforts. Making our own lifestyle changes can go a long way in making this possible. I am not suggesting that the meats and potatoes crowd give up their diet but just saying that even a slight change could lead to far healthier outcomes. Carrying extra weight and having high cholesterol and clogged arteries is a choice we can make to live with or move away from. A sensible diet and a slightly more active life style can do wonders for our health. So next time you enjoy that juicy steak or bite into that yummy hamburger be aware of what the true costs to our environments are from this diet. We do not have to give up something we love, but as always anything in moderation is good.
Sustainability should be our prime objective if we want to leave a green and healthy eco system for our next generations. Organic farming and better use of water and other resources; could eliminate a lot of the cancer causing and sickening chemicals, our children consume every day. Also we need to conserve the bio diversity of our planet and return the earth back to its natural state, for nature to do its course. Evolution and natural selection have been perfected over eons; and man must get out of the way, else we risk being eliminated by nature’s wrath with our waste and excessive consumption. We are only a blip in the time space continuum; and some of us have an overly grandiose sense, of our own importance. If we want to leave a mark on history and the progress of man; it is extremely important that we relook at our choices, and take corrective action. After all we are what we eat; and our bodies should be treated with respect. I advise us to treat it as a temple; and offer up to it the best and cleanest choices, that we can find. A little care will make us healthier and happier and more content; and able to be more compassionate, to all our fellow creatures on this journey with us. A return to a more natural lifestyle will only be to our own benefit; and provide us energy and resources to do greater good, for all who are on this journey with us.

Challenge of the future in south Asia

The daily word from the web: pogrom Meaning: noun: An organized massacre, officially tolerated or encouraged, against a particular group. ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish pogrom, from Russian pogrom (destruction). Earliest documented use: 1891. NOTES: The word is usually applied to the massacre of Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My earliest memories do not go back so far, but I do remember another such chapter in human history and my parents anguish at becoming refugees in their own land. The mass movement in 1946-48 of the Partition of South Asia into new nations hopefully will remain unprecedented; as millions left their homes on bullock carts, trucks, trains or just walking along the roadways to safety. The slaughter that happened between the communities; as the division was along Muslim and Hindu divide demanded by Jinnah and the visionaries of Pakistan, as the first new Muslim nation. A cancer of communal violence; that eats away at its soul even today, where poor communities are destroyed and war is threatened over Kashmir every few decades. The neighbors cannot live or trade in and harmony and peace with open borders. The divisions run deep now; and petty hostility prevails. that stops commerce and prosperity from spreading across these regions. They are soft states that struggle from political crisis to political crisis in an unending circle.
There is of course a better way and that is by breaking down these religious and cultural differences, and to rather embrace the modern reality that we live in a common world; and all of us are in this together. We rise and fall with each other; so it is much better to trade and expand commerce, across the area. If India is to go from 1.5 Trillion to the $ 15 Trillion by 2020, predicted by an economic research team’s recent projections; we will need a radical change is cooperation and openness across the nations. We should build the highways of the future through gas and oil pipelines from the best sources as that is what the third largest economy in the world will need. We need to ensure that Energy from solar, wind, biogas and all renewal forces like hydro, nuclear are utilized to their max, while cleaner coal continues to pay a great role in the mix. We need to build modern transportation hubs of railroads, highway, container ports and international airports that can facilitate the movement of goods and services so badly needed in this region.
There is a lot of thought leadership and entrepreneurial skill in the region; that is mainly held back, due to political considerations. Artificial constraints remain on the stock markets; and there is no mobility of resources, across the region. The World Bank and Asian Development Bank and other NGOs do commendable work in the region; and they can be leveraged to become the future ambassadors, of cross state endeavors. The ancient Grand Trunk Road at its imagined best; would become a true corridor of communication and logistics from Asia Minor, to the Indus and the Gangetic plains. From Tehran, Samarkand to Calcutta and Chittagong could be the land links. Then with their safe harbors in the Sundarban Delta of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra into the Bay of Bengal great waterways and river transports could bloom connecting the land to the oceans. Just like the mighty Mississippi is the artery of moving bulk goods through the heart of the US we could build waterways that link the south and the north. The energy and resources from land trapped nations could flow down giant pipelines; providing the needs of industry, that would serve the needs of billions across the region. For such a large bay and larger Persian sea and the expanse of the Indian Ocean; we should have a flourishing trade with container ports, railroad lines and highways servicing the interiors. We have the access to the fastest growing continent of nearby Africa; and are allowing China and other nations to overtake us in influence and trade, when we should be leading it.
The infrastructure build out required; would keep the region busy for the next century, if someone had the guts to envision the cross state proposals, that will truly transform the region. There are trillions of dollars just being wasted on a daily; basis because of crony capitalism and feudal living, which befuddles the villages and countryside (pheasants) which are the ones who need to transform themselves into the future. Let the people trade and just provide the means to do it efficiently, and the people will pay for it with their own effort. There is enough capability and knowledge as shown by the launch of the recent Mars mission and starting of the Russian plant in Tamil Nadu. There are enough natural resources in the region to provide for the next century if we only take the steps to harness them and share them with each other at an economical price. Greater education of the masses and the liberation of women can have a transformational impact on breaking barriers of ignorance and poverty.
The question remains that in a region where the huge Bamiyan Statues from ancient Buddhism could be callously blown away, and mosques and temples reduced to pages of history and destroyed since time immemorial; can a region of peace and civility be restored. It is said that the establishment of safe passage and open trade with towns and markets along a broad and smooth highway with no restraints; could truly transform the region into an urbanized miracle. This from the region that brought us the Indus Valley civilization, one of the earliest development of urban living. One could travel safely across the GT Road from Kabul to, Karachi, Tehran, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Dacca and Colombo in a matter of days and hours. Civil society and the rule of law is essential for this; with free trade treaties enforced, so no hiccups come in the way. Safety and speed should be the main points of effort; and the ability to scale massively, for the new urbanized population. Economies can only grow when savings can reach safely and quickly into investments, that better the investors. . The infrastructure for communication through use of satellites and towers and new wireless technologies; should connect the people, as information is a great equalizer.
The ideological dream would be to move away from decades of destruction into a world of reconciliation and progress. The passing away of Nelson Mandela could light the way to show how we can rise above our basic hatreds and build a new nation; where race, color, ethnic background do not divide, abut are used to build a better world. After CHOGM we could try for a new era of development between the Commonwealth nations; hindered by the narrow views of the sub-continent. UK, Canada and Australia would all gladly increase their trade with their traditional partners, if we can stop our petty squabbling. As nations of equals; there is far more to be achieved, than as nations of dividers, and regional destruction can at last become regional creation. Let us be creative and magnanimous; for our very own development is at stake, and that of the greater humanity. An economic miracle can unfold, or we can continue to plod along at our Hindu rate of growth. We could finally work on realizing Nehru’s Tryst with destiny speech “A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance…..Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future?”

Women’s Equality

Google India plans to get 50 million women in India using the Internet within one year through a new initiative that aims to bridge the gender digital divide by providing women with easier access to technology, the company said.
With more than 200 million Internet users in the country and growing, India is set to overtake the United States as the world’s second largest market after China. Yet only one-third of India’s online users are women.’
From personal experience I can safely say that Indian women are far more sensible than the Indian males; and will be able to use the world wide web, to its great potential. Women world wide remain our greatest resources for development; especially in countries that are entering development, and need to build institutions and enterpenuers, to service human needs. Women can become the creators of the family wealth; if they are given the opportunity, to run independent services. They are quite capable of running services for small fees; in small village or towns, especially services where no one else has the facilities. Adding 50 million to 500 million women users eventually; will transform how the people of India, will live. As more interconnectedness expands, we will see more of ‘It takes a village’ attitude of the female species; where the children and family needs, will come to the forefront. Consumerism and incomes of the females will rise faster than those of the males (partially a catch up effect), as woman become economically independent. With micro finance, crowd sourcing and NGO and venture and public funding should help Female owned businesses to get off the ground and even become success stories for others to follow. Property ownership shifting to women will be the first awakening; that this is startiing, to happen at large. Given opportunities women will rise to the occasion and better support each other; and theri groups and organizations, to succeed.

With the bridging of Solar\Wind\Bio gas\fuel cells\energy sources and the greening of the environment as females are much better husbanders of our natural environment, we will see steady improvement in our relationship with the Earth. Natural produce and distribution systems catering to the family’s need will spring up; as women go more online to find life’s necessities, in an organized market, which will be more open. Banks, markets owned by women will become the new reality as modern logistic systems will be built out using the latest electronic markings and readers will move through automated delivery systems that ensure quality and speed of delivery. A person’s digital foot print will become the story of their lives as food, water, household goods and any output of spending will be tracked; and suggestions provided for what else people bought, who also bought what you bought.
With wearable.devices like glasses, or watch or phone or a bendable tablet; the internet will become ubiquitous in our lives and in cities, cars, trains and airplanes will provide instant access to information. It is how this information is used to form a community and a market place and a business that uses traditional skills and provides employment to the masses will be largely determined by such women entrepreneurs. We have to accept the fact that even in Gandhi’s land, urbanization will happen and women’s equality will no longer be at a lower level than all the other ‘reserved classes’. There is no grand plan that anyone has for this future in India; the closest we can look to is in China; where their cities exploded in the last few decades after Deng. It was of course Mao who established gender equality under communism, at a greater scale than anyone before him. In India the supreme builder is still hidden in the history books of the Taj Mahal or has not revealed himself as the next avtar of the God of cities. We have far smaller land holdings and they are fragmented and do not confirm to modern large spaces; with soaring skyscrapers for many miles, and underground and overhead public transport, to move millions around, required on a scale, unimagined before. Our planning commission and Lok and Rajya Sabha should learn from the scale of the projects carried out by the politburo of the Great Hall of the People. If you want to do something grand then you need to do it, on a grand scale.
Despite the bueauracratic bungling and political posturing in the great houses of Indian parliament; eventually saner heads will prevail, and enough land will be acquired for modern development at an unheralded pace. Modern cities within giant urban areas will stretch out around Mumbai\Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh etc. Steel, Concrete and Glass will finally rise to challenge the Nilgiri, Aravali and Himalayan peaks; in their own rights, as we have to go vertical. What will this urban jungle unleash; on an already lawless mentality, is a big moral question for our society to consider. Where women are routinely assaulted; and a girl is afraid to walk around alone in her own home town, is not a great society. Gender Equality is not something that can be given lip service to; but will need a complete social upheaval in the attitudes, towards women in society. A land where women are free to worship, learn and work in dignity is essential for a modern society to develop. As Tagore so eloquently ended his famous prayer/poem, I too state to all Indians ‘let my country awake’.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

To all the publishers of editorials and writers of intellectual writings currently prevlant on the subject of Women’s Equality; I would just like to remind people of the importance of thinking in a great society and learn that the future can be better; if we all think of what we can do, for our country and our women:
Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. -John F. Kennedy, 35th US president (1917-1963)

Masters all

‘Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.’ -Claude Monet, painter (1840-1926)
I am telling you Claude, that if this is just another one of your “Lily pond” paintings; then I am just so walking away from here. What is this obsession with the outdoors and water and lakes and rivers and morning mists and evening dusks over tall trees and beautiful colors. Where is the personal touch of elegant maidens and young lovers on an open canvas? Now when I look again at his works; the church and the village and the countryside, all spread-out in his own interpretation of reality (captured forever) on his canvas, with some strokes of oil paints. The paintings are the earliest impressionists that sprang up around this period and spread out across Europe. When one looks at his Impression, Sunrise as shown above; one can feel the rapid brush strokes, and feel of light that he imparted to the canvas, and a new school of impressioism, was born in Paris.
Many artists flourished from the nineteenth century and today adorn some grey halls in storied buildings. The price of art is going through the roof as private collections are gobbled up by large Museums with millions in endorsements. Private capital sweeps in and out of auctions claiming dubious prizes at extremely high prices at the various venues. Still if we reduced it it to its basics these are just strokes, squiggles, designs, colors, texture and intent on a blank canvas stretched tight. The beauty of all art is in how it attracts its viewer into its own world of passion; and view of the given reality. It portrayes the artist’s view point at that particular moment in time; and it may have taken many previous attempts, to get to this one view. Suddenly the light and shade and darkness and the bright palette come together and a masterpiece is created.
We should revere these master pieces that history has left behind; from these magnificent artists, and they are prized as great pieces of art. In the digital world; we can have views of all the masterpieces that are available, on the individual Museum’s web sites. We need to go beyond these fiefdoms of state and country borders like St Petersburg, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, London, Amsterdam etc to a unified whole representing world art. Wikipedia is probably the closest we will get to one I guess, for now. To understand a Monet\Van Gough\Gaugin we have to look beyond the presentation; to the man who painted them, and his times. Since this is now beyond anyone’s ability; so instead we gawk at the spectacl, and are hustled, around by guards in white gloves, down halls with statues, and gardens outside the windows with more exquisite displays.
Technology has changed and the current video oriented communication channels; are clogging up our airways, and what happens when we eventually communicate at the speed of our brain. We will have instant access to the network around us; and everything will be connected, whenever we want it to be. When we barely think a thought or imagine an image; and we can create it using a 3D printer, with canvas, paint and a good program. We could reproduce millions of images into a cohesive whole; and then make it storable, searchable, and reusable in today’s world. Do we make the ceiling in our room like the Sistine Chapel; or do we do a dark Monet, full of love? We could transform living space with images like the Cesar’s in Las Vegas, and other Casinos; and they would not be dark and dingy in their interiors, but become alive with life, and vibrant with hope. Great art can help transform even the lowest places; if it is displayed properly, and then it will be appreciated everywhere.
On another note I think the world has forgotten what modern communication can do. President Lincoln used the Telegraph and railroads very efficiently for communication and restocking of the Union Army in the first modern civil war. With Obama care we have the unleashment of the power of the Internet. When 10 million people have signed on for Health Insurance through this portal; then people may finally sit up, and take notice that change is coming in how medical care will be provided in the US. The day we hit the mark of 100,000 people signing up on the same day on the currently beleaguered portal; we may stop following the index, and accept it as a law of the land. The war for people’s health and wellbeing is at stake here, and I believe after the initial glitches, the site will be tremendously successful; and reach ever higher milestones, through a collection of Health Care Exchanges, providing choice, and reasonable costs with preventive care thrown in. There are 36 states in the federal exchange and 14 other states have some form of medical exchanges on their own. Dec 15 and Mar 15 are big dates now, but will soon be a small blip in history, after the back loading.
On a last note we say goodbye to a legend in cricket as 23 years ago a teen age Sachin walked in at the hopeless position of the top order gone at 104 for 4 and only the great Kapil Dev to hold down the fort at the other end. A masterful 119 came off his willow that 1990 day in Manchester, he recorded his maiden debut century, to take the match to a historic draw. Tendulkar etched his name in deep letters into the annals of Wisden’s almanac and other record books at an astonishing pace. Now time has come to say goodbye to this test legend, who stepped out from the park in Mumbai; onto the greatest stage of his time, and did us all very proud!We bow down to all these masters who have come before us.