Not another resolution?

A new year has dawned and hopefully all the resolutions of us needy folks, are holding strong. For once my resolution like many others I am sure, was to lose something; rather than gain something. It is my perennial smoking ban on tobacco in all forms, and my personal dragon rears his head, and blows fire and devastation all around, and drives everyone away. Grumpy and anxious I checked out what may be causing these symptoms. What was taking me riding anxiously through an emotional and psychological roller coaster, is this withdrawal pain, from a life time of habits; which should never have been started, in the first place.
Then I looked around and I recognized the symptoms in a few more people around me. What surprised me was that they were not even smokers or ex-smokers, so the cause I felt must be different. There were clear cases of anxiety and depression and so many stressed friends were all around me that my own withdrawal seemed minor to theirs. I realized that they too were suffering from unfulfilled desires just like I had been when I was trying to fulfill them through smoking. My desires remained unquenched but my smoking grew to monstrous proportions. Some of theirs seems to be tied around money and keeping up.
Money does not necessarily make us happy but the lack (or even the perceived lack of it) can lead to a different trauma, which can cause severe anxiety and depression; in some cases. The outcome of which may result in behavioral actions of avarice and greed which in turn leads to hoarding. We are unable to enjoy what we have, and continue to seek more. It is the ego telling us that we will magically reach a tipping point, where all our possessions will turn us overnight; into a state of bliss, delight and happiness.
This also results in extreme cases into kleptomania, where one steals even when one has enough means to pay for the object in question, many times over. If the lack of money can do this to us, imagine what a lack of love or affection can do to a growing child or a loved one. We squander our most precious resource of time and compassion in fruitless obsessions, overcoming perceived shortcomings in ourselves. To step into the clear light of reality, we have to also step out of these dark places; within ourselves. These unfulfilled desires have not uplifted us, or brought us closer to the bliss that is our birthright. Instead they have warped our world and kept us from our true path.
So my resolution is to unchain myself, from this clinging desire. I walk alone, and yet am filled with the universe, as we are one. My search for greatness outside will never be fulfilled. I need to only light the tiny temple lamp within and burn it, for the greater good. Make my light stronger day by day, and soon it will throw light on that hidden desire; which takes me away from reality. I find this needless feeling of inadequacy, fear and anxiety is not for me; but instead filling me with love, warmth and compassion is a better path. So in the end just be, and let all these clinging desires; fall away by the wayside. Smile as it is a new me, with a whole new life ahead of me, to be peaceful and blissful. Resolutions work not when you look back on them, but when you move forward with them.

A little bliss is life

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”  His holiness the Dalai Lama

I guess I got lost even before I found myself, or learned society’s way to happiness. While my contemporaries were striding into IITs and Ivy Leagues, I was crawling through the complexities of my daily existence; in a fog of chemicals and smoke. Others set stringent targets for themselves and lofty goals for measuring their success. I just had a fuzzy and hazy approach to life in general. Most of my dreams went up to my excitedly pounding brain, or beating heart, only to collapse inward soon after, when the distance between desire and reality became apparent. As my friends started to reach for the pinnacle of their career paths, I was still unable to find my North Star, amidst this quagmire of life’s varied choices.

My early contemporaries in Delhi had bright eyes and spoke of future conquests of new frontiers and scientific breakthroughs, while I struggled late into the black night, red eyed; still trying to decipher Joe Cocker’s rendering of ‘A little help from my friends’ at Woodstock, or Jimmy Hendrix or Bob Dylan’s twanging on his guitar. The Boston professor’s son, who visited; listened to Beethoven, Tchaikovski with his blonde girl friend, and he was very American in his upbringing and conservative in outlook, despite his clear Indian roots. My idea was of a different life style; more in the Haight Ashbury or Soho vein, and a lot loser in concept than his determined life. My offer to introduce them to Pink Floyd and some lazy smoke was harshly declined, and we spent the day studying at the Art Museum instead. Men made it to the moon and more, and I barely made it to Dalhousie; in time for my second Buddhist meditation course, with Goenka.

While others struggled against mighty and at times heroic odds, I dawdled and dithered. Their path seemed so illuminated, bright and straight; while mine was lost in the woods and I often had to backtrack and start again. Like the brilliant plan to do two years of college work in 15 days, for the final graduation in a burst of glory and imagination. Others would look at me earnestly, and define their plans for the next ten years; and then soon move on to even weightier subjects, and I would nod solemnly in agreement. My own struggles were still centered on how to find meaning in my everyday life, and every minute seemed uncertain, and the wind blew me here and there,. on the surface of this ocean of life. My mother, wife and daughter complained I lacked purpose and made great efforts to regulate, support and help to extend my life’s goals, as if I had lost it in the woods by mistake.

Now my contemporaries are happy in all that they have accomplished, while I scrutinize my financial statements hoping to find the clues; to a hidden treasure. My companion’s vacations are well planned and at prestigious locations. I believe a week end searching for that perfectly worthless afternoon; after a morning haze, is well spent. Their companions are social butterflies and gregarious beings, while I am often grumpy at best, and delirious at worst. They love their latest electronic gizmos and are globally connected, while I am still struggling to understand the opening verse of the Isa Upanishad.

They are full of passions, desires and so much more culturally aware, and have stuffed their homes with priceless collections; of their favorite toys. I only seek that emptiness within, wherein bliss blooms like a lotus. It is a different path I know, from the others around me; and moreover I know not where it leads. I seek out my cravings one by one, and examine each one at my leisure, and then cast it away. I become a naked stranger to myself, and find that happiness and fulfillment are my companions on this path. It is not that I have found a unique scientific method, gizmo or drug that is the elixir of desires for eternity. This path of renunciation and compassion is for the poor, depressed, hopeless, faithless fellow creatures of my modern universe. I look in the mirror and find that the more things change, the less lost I become. Happiness and fulfillment have always been here with me, and only when I am lost in this empty bliss, are they found. Wisdom rides my compassion, and my companion complains that I have drunk overmuch, from her fountain of eternity, and our contentment glows.

PS: the symbols on the top mean “I want to go to the cinema” in Blissymbols

Wealth concentration

As the slow pace of growth continues in most global economies, banks have nowhere to invest their money; as they do not want to risk giving loans. Forecasts that deposit rates would rise from near zero have been proved wrong for six years running, as the global financial system remained fragile and growth fails to reach pre-crisis momentum. In fact the European Central Bank and now the Swiss Central Bank are charging major banks money, to hold large deposits. The rush of money coming out of Russia and other troubled economies is leading to these negative interest rates, as the Euro and Swiss Franc are being driven higher. This may also lead to deflation which will be the central bank’s nightmare, given the anemic growth rates.

At a time of falling commodity prices like oil at below $ 60 a drop of 50% from recent prices and iron ore at new lows, there is a time for economies like India and China to rejoice; but they are suffering their own growth pains. The Chinese are struggling for a soft landing and the Indians are looking for a hard take off and neither can carry the world economy forward. The beacon on the hill remains the US which despite its dysfunctional government, continues to plow ahead in economic growth. Its old rust belt is suddenly starting to gain in manufacturing activities, and new productivity gains continue to rise; due to innovation and technology breakthroughs. Fracking has finally driven oil prices to levels where we will all have a little extra spending money, in our pockets.

This is all happening while the rich continue to get richer; and the poor are increasing in number and have decreasing opportunities available for education and employment. The digital divide and the disparity in wealth continue to grow. Average wealth of the upper middle class doubled from $ 300,000 to approx. $ 600,000 from 1983 to now. The lower middle class and the poor have increased their desperation in the meantime; and are barely able to make a living wage, much less accumulate wealth. Their world has turned upside down as upward mobility has stalled and the American dream is turning into a daily nightmare. Broken families are struggling just to survive and remain human.

There are no easy fixes, as we are facing a world of uncertainty. While the American consumer continues to be fearless and is ready to start the race to spend even more, the rest of the world is still oiling its economic engine. The race may have been lost even before it began, as the animal spirits that are supposed to encourage economic growth; is strangely missing, in most of the world. The conservatives husband their wealth and the liberals are largely discredited and have been cast into the political wilderness. Obama stands alone while the congress dithers. Senator Warren warns that nobody is looking after the needy and senators across the aisle tell her, welcome to Washington. Jeb Bush will be the next President and then we will have the makings of a truly great nation, as he declares war on Russia, Pakistan and any other nation that the military industrial complex, chose next. Oh and my only wish is that my guardian angel will give me so much wealth, that my grandchildren will happily pay their bankers; to just keep it safe, for their trust fund babies!

Hidden messages

Do we even notice the messages that the companies are trying to communicate?

Click through to reveal.

The arrow looks like a smiling face, because Amazon makes customers happy. It also shows that Amazon has everything you could want “from A to Z.”

Well if you are like me? then you would be blissfully unaware of these messages, that our brain consumes on a daily basis. From the rays of the interstellar stars long dead that pass through us; to the varied spectrum of rays that our eyes cannot see; to the dark matter that makes up 96% of our known universe, what else is going on that we are not aware of? Even our inner voice is confused, as what it says is conveniently forgotten; cloaked by our desires, we get better at ignoring any hidden messages, due to the sensory overload we face in today’s modern world. It is time to turn off the world, and take some time off; and still this madness, that thrives around us. Chaos is no longer an abstract theory, but fast becoming a way of life; as we strive to succeed, against ever most complex odds.

So step off this conveyor urban belt; and step onto a meadow, or walk along a ridge, and look at the vistas of nature. There is so much more to our existence, than the next consumable item; that we purchase. As our desires increase, we are driven ever deeper into the world of Maya, and our ego blooms. The more we have, the more we desire and yet remain unsatisfied. Even after attaining the object of desire, we need more and more objects; as desire, will never be fulfilled. There is a deep and permanent gap between these desires, and reality. We go on in an endless circle just loving ourselves, and our dear ones, and trying to fulfill our desires. Desire itself is not bad and we need it to better civilization, and our existence. It is when we become slaves of the fruits of our desires, that we lose the simple pleasures of existence.

When we just enjoy that cup of tea, or that sight of a beautiful flower or tree; then we know that nature has its own celebrations with its bounty. The joys of the seasons, the changes in our weather, the wondrous landscape, the running brooks, the soaring eagles, the deep oceans; all show the uniqueness, of our existence. We are born for happiness and delight, but we forget that our nature is in essence a beacon of hope; and all we need to do is light it, with our compassion. Empathy to those around us; is more important; than the next palace, or personal fortune. Being oneself is the simple way to recognize the good in everyone around us. When we conquer our desires; it is not that we become weak, instead we become the hidden force of our universe, and can help spread hope, faith, light and love around us.



The object of happiness


One often wonders if being frugal and thrifty; may be the ultimate weapons to use, in the pursuit of happiness. The words of Franklin that, “A penny saved is a penny earned”, maybe the last words in this philosophy, and no wonder we feel great; when we get a bargain. On the other hand if nobody spends, there will be no economy; so spend, we must. The challenge remains on how to remember the important stuff, while leading our everyday life. We need to experience this world; as life is more memorable, only when we make an effort to enjoy our journey here. Above all we need to remember the fact, that happiness is not an object, but just a condition of one’s mind. It is not from obtaining objects that one attains happiness. Objects are transitory and one often loses interest soon after acquiring one.We deserve a good life and life well lived begets happiness.

We need to chill and take more vacations and just enjoy the moments. It is from our existential experiences that our states of happiness arise. We do not need wealth and expensive objects, to make oneself happy. A great time spent traveling and being with people one loves; is a greater boost to the state of everyone’s happiness, than say buying a diamond ring. We do need enough to live comfortably; but beyond that the pursuit of objects, which is becoming a part of modern life, is not sustainable. Hence we see the widespread unhappiness, even as we continue to consume more.

Our happiest moments come from our experiences; and the more pleasant can often revive our spirits, even in the future. It is well known that happier people also earn more, and are often more successful. If we take care of our state of mind and change our thinking, to look at world more optimistically, then the universe will conspire with us. We only have to live here and experience the universe around us; and soon we will have all we need, and our good vibrations will spread outwards. Others around us will become happier, and then we can say in empathy, that yes, this is a life well worth living. So just relax and learn to enjoy this moment, as it is all we have.

The object of happiness lies within me; and let me spread it out around me. Only then can I say, that yes I have lived a good life.

Value education

Professor K Mohammed writing in the in Dec has written very favorably for Value Education across the world. He quotes that the very purpose of : “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. It develops man’s faculty, especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists”. – Aristotle.

The Prof goes on to say and I quote:

“It is very important to keep in mind that a balanced development of harmonious and integrated personality is impossible if the educational system does not inculcate proper values and morals. Not only in India but also world – wide arouse a cry for back to basic values and for nourishing human values and morality among the youth. Each and every one who is in the field of education should bear in the mind that human being is not a mere matter or material, but they are the only creature in this world having discriminative power to select their own life style. Thus they can be superior with upright morals and characters by doing great and merciful deeds. Otherwise they will be inferior to the cattle and more harmful than the wild animals by doing mischievous deeds. The Holy Quran says “They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle, – nay more misguided (than the cattle) : for they are heedless (7:179).  If we are looking into the Holy books of various religions we can see that all the religions are arguing for development of values. India is the country where 99% of people are believers and having a heritage of high values. All the education commissions and educationists in India and all over the world are arguing for value education. Thus the system of higher education must be changed into value based education. We can work together for that and buildup a more strong nation.”

There is no question that the teaching of moral and good social and historical cultural values, which show our diversity, while building our common bonds into a human destiny; is sadly lacking, in our modern education system. There is more emphasis on basic math and science and not enough on moral education, or history and the arts. We need to teach our succeeding generations; on how to become better social animals, who take care of our environment and ourselves with a higher purpose. A common core of meditation and study of holy passages should be introduced; as designed by Prof Eknath Easwaran at the University of CA, would be one of the many options. A mandatory course on cultural study of the common values of humanity; and what makes us more loving, compassionate and ready to work with each other as equals, is essential for the development of our young ones.

The Value Education curriculum could be cloned into all divisional locations, in all States of India. The High Schools and Colleges and Universities already exist, and it is only a matter of introducing the Subject, on the Core curriculum of the student skills. This can easily be done through digital and electronic means, minimizing the costs of instruction and need for instructors to travel extensively. After doing introductory sessions for a week; they can work remotely with the students, through smart phones or computers. It will be possible to educate millions in this way as digitization and mass reproduction of high quality sound and video are now easily available; and can be as easily distributed via the internet, or even physically as recorded course materials.

Passages will be chosen from across all religions, and from some of the most saintly and compassionate personalities; who have come before us. They have experienced what it is to have a higher calling, and have said it best. A secular education that praises all higher human endeavors, is needed.

Any secular modern education system that is not based on creating the right values; is a waste, as it will take us further away from nature, and our basic good instincts. As evolving creatures we need to strive for the highest goals, and study is the first step to practice. As we spread awareness and show the next generations the advantages of meditation and high moral values; we can hope finally for a better tomorrow, with less human strife and more human compassion.

Our journey is just a blip on the evolutionary scale of this universe; and we have to teach our children not to destroy the earth and each other, but instead find the way to live in harmony with Mother Nature and to prosper together. We have the whole universe out there to welcome us; if we can only get our minds to rise to the occasion, through the adoption of a better Value Education. Our evolutionary legacy must be to teach our children to lead a life of purpose, in support of humanity’s highest vales.

Opportunities in Renewable energy

According to the IEA as per “Renewable use in electricity generation is on the rise and will account for almost half the global increase in generation by 2040, according to the report. It said about 7,200 gigawatts of generating capacity needs to be built in that period to keep pace with rising demand and replace aging power stations.

The share of renewables in power generation will rise to 37 percent in countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to the IEA.

It said that globally, wind power will take more than a third of the growth in clean power; hydropower accounts for about 30 percent, and solar 18 percent. Wind may produce 20 percent of European electricity by 2040, and solar power could take 37 percent of summer peak demand in Japan, it said.”

The leaders in the energy field have to be thinking about generating 1,000s of gigawatts of renewable energy from wind, hydro, solar, biogas, in the coming decades as per the report. We have to wean ourselves away from fossil fuels and reduce the greenhouse gasses effect on climate change. If temperatures continue to rise along with smog (as evident in China today) from the increased use of fossil fuels, we could be looking at a dangerous future for our coming generations. The quicker we change to renewal energy the better for our planet and our environment. A 3.5 degree rise in temperature may not sound like much, but it could cause havoc in storms; and cause instability in nature as a warming trend takes place. This will have unintended consequences of widespread floods or droughts, as weather patterns will be effected around the world.

These dire consequences need to be avoided, and it will help to create millions of jobs for people. Firstly will be the labor required to install efficient renewal forms of energy at an unprecedented scale. Secondly will be all the services, industry and entertainment that will spring up; to meet the needs of the billions of consumers. In an internet of everything world, energy is the bloodline; that unites it all. Have we finally found, the one ring to bind us all; in a world wide web of astral identities, and characters, on this stage of our digital world?

Not only will modern cities be more conscious of renewals; and their environment footprints, but will recycle and become more self-sufficient in their energy and water needs. Urban designs need to change to denser models; where basic amenities can be provided, on a grand scale, to the poorest of the poor. Energy efficiency, its production and storage will become the hallmark of any great city, and the ones naturally proficient will benefit more.

While building the infrastructure for renewals, we will in parallel have to build the distribution system; that will become the arteries of light, in a planned human development. There industries and social services will be delivered to the masses in a new digital world powered by this new source of energy. The elite of course will enjoy the benefits of this energy boost, by grabbing more power, as they have the capital to invest in this new world and technology.

All this must be done while preserving the current state of nature and the environment. Development for humans must not come at the cost of a single other species, as we cannot become the arbitrators; of evolution. We have to coexist with our environment, or will pay the heavy price; of our survival itself. Natural environments and laws can be measured, and we can use this renewal energy; to right the numerous wrongs, we have done to our environments already.

By 2040 a lot of us may be dead, if our environment continues to be neglected, and what kind of earth will we leave behind for our inheritors? I leave you with the somber fact that the:” Earth is also on target for its hottest year ever recorded, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as reaching the highest level of atmospheric carbon dioxide in at least 800,000 years.” We need to fight this on a war footing, and not wait; to become victims of our own evolution.

Will the 21st century belong to Indian women?

When I think of the future of India within the cloud of gloom and doom from the local papers, I am encouraged by the 100,000 women employees at Tata Consulting Services; as my firm belief is that a well educated women work force, will be the hallmark of modern India. The day is not far off when a 100 million of such women will join the workforce; if India develops its education and training resources, to meet its own needs. It will be one of the greatest game changers in the global economy for the next few centuries.

It is not that India has not led the world in GDP before, but we got lost in the medieval and colonial eras; and are only now allowed to pursue our quotient of happiness, in our own way.

The same Bureaucrats and Ministers who previously lorded over their domains are now actually expected to produce a 7 minute video on the first 100 days of the new BJP government in New Delhi. Better governance with minimum government is not something just heard off; as a digital India is emerging, with ID cards and bank accounts for more people than ever in our history. The number of people entering the economy is a staggering number; and they will change the global world, with their aspirations and dreams.

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is an agency of the Government of India is responsible for implementing the Aadhaar scheme, a unique identification project. It targets to issue 1 Billion IDs this year. A separate new scheme will help provide bank accounts and life insurance, to selected card holders. This digitalization of society, will help social schemes to grow rapidly in the next decade, and help increase India’s GDP; as increased social investments and subsidies will go directly; into the neediest’ s bank accounts, and not be diluted by the prevalent deep rooted crony corruptions. With 100’s of millions in new employment opportunities in the decades ahead, it will be a bumpy ride; if things are not managed efficiently.

The steady hand of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India Mr Raghuram Rajan, along with Mr. Jaitely’ s ambitious financial agenda; are sure signs of a good long term view. Despite political backlash he has insisted on meeting the stringent deficit; and the fiscal responsibility shown by the new minister, are only signs of things to come. Inflation is being controlled, and the infrastructure for growth of the Service and Industrial sector; to get them ready to launch, is being laid out.

With victory in Maharashtra and Haryana the Modi wave continues unabated; and as promised foreign investment picks up, it will bring increased global focus to India. Money managers are hungry and will follow a good lead, if they see any future in it. At this moment the story Mr. Modi is laying out of Make in India, is a hopefully a magnet; in attracting hungry flows from tired pension funds, of Japan, Europe and the States, looking for better returns. India’s enormous projects will require massive investments; the Indian young will bear the burden of the old and build a new world, with this imported capital. As the developed world retires, it will be a resurgent India; that will provide the services that they need. For this India will have to overhaul its legal and financial systems; and ensure digital transparency, for its notoriously lax working to improve. Sensible reform is required to dump the old, that is not working; and come up with a simplified framework, that allows prosperity and entrepreneurship, to flourish.

Coming back to my original statements, I strongly believe that the women of India are its future, and they will lead the way. If you ask me why, I ask why for five hundred years they have been held back by history, customs, lack of opportunity, and avenues of empowerment. Now their time has come again, and they will transform our world in a way we cannot imagine today. This is what raises my spirit, when people around me point to the sorry state, which India is in now. The Indian women have carried the heavy burden of underdevelopment for too long; and will lead us to the new world of success, as we unchain the traditions, that have held them back.

Nov is Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month)



The Director of the Haworth library has invited me and other promising authors to attend Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) author event at his library.
My Author appearance is on, October 29, 2014 Wednsday.
Place: Haworth Municipal Library, Haworth, NJ, US
My personal blog to keep up with any updates is
The director sent an email, “We are interested in inviting you to speak at our library to talk about your book, specifically how your researched it and how you published the book.” (escuse the old photo as the library is much better now)
Look forward to meeting you there!

Mantra after 25 years remains the same

Pick a flower on earth and you move the farthest star. -Paul Dirac, theoretical physicist (1902-1984)

While my daughter was cleaning up for her move to the west coast; she pulled out a letter from Rutgers dated Aug 30, 1989, 25 years ago. In it they had responded to my enquiry for the location and translation of our beloved ‘Gayatri Mantra’ the university responded with the following and I quote.

”It occurs in the Rig Veda samitha, mandala (book) 3 hymn 62, stanza 10. As a written text it dates to 1,000 BC; as an oral tradition it must be two or three thousand years older.  The mantra reads

Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi

Diyo yo nah prachodayaat

It seems to have been the most popular hymn even in the ancient world. There are several referencxes to it in the Brahmanas and the Upanishads, as well as in the laws of Manu. The literal translation of ths text reads as:  tat = “this; savitur = sun god; varenyam = “to be desired, long for); bhargo = :radiance, glory); devasya = “of the heavens, god)  dhimahi = “We direct our mind”

Dhiyo = “thoughts, devotion, knowledge); yo= “who”; prachodayat = “May inspire”

“We direct our mind to the sun god, radiance of the heavens, who may inspires our thoughts””

The natural forces were often referred to as gods like the sun, wind, soma, but in all the writings there remained one supreme reality; and we were just the soul (ataman) on a journey through this life in this body and mind, which would eventually merge back into God (parmatman). Our journey is part of the natural order of things and as we seek our own path we must have individual passion and inspiration. For this we have to direct our mind, discipline it and be inspired by the great wonders of our universe.  We must seek to acquire the knowledge; that will allow us to shine with the brilliance of the sun, in our own life, for the others around us.

It is clear from this passage that it is only by inspiring our thoughts into higher realms of reality, that we can become an inspiration in our deeds as well. I will thank my daughter for this gift after 25 years; as everything is according to a grand plan, and we discover things, when we are ready to understand them. I will now fix my mind to this mantra and see where it leads me, and those around me on this path of knowledge. So I will take my time to pick my flowers and move the farthest stars and won’t you join me on this journey?