There within the darkness, of the fading light,
Under the dark green shade, of the overhanging trees,
Lay the lake and its quiet waters, dark beyond the light,
Two sentinels stood, one on either side in white, in the breeze.
Yet the joy for this day is not yet complete from the skies,
In a burst of color, Blushing cloud will save us, from mediocrity,
In this drab life of limited choice, spring new wishes like fireflies,
In the reflection below the blush is mine, in my mendacity.
The sky has been painted by an impressionist in purple color,
The waves below have erased the memory of the sky’s imperfection,
In this moment who is this observed and who is this observer,
This is the now and here I stand, reflecting on my own reflection.
Rajiv Kapoor Jun 2020.
Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door. -Saul Bellow, writer, Nobel laureate (10 Jun 1915-2005)